10 Reasons Why Gay Marriage Is Wrong

by chuckie77 99 Replies latest members adult

  • Rabbit


    Could you elaborate a little ? Yes, most of us "drank the WT Kool-Aid", did you ? Most of us have gotten past that now.

    For myself...the "other extreme" from being a Witness is a peaceful feeling I get from 'letting' adults make up their own minds on who they want to love, who they're attracted to and who they want to have sex with. And other things, too.

    How about you ?


  • dvw

    rabbit, no i didnt drink it. you say you have a peaceful feeling now. didnt you think you had peace when you were in the org?

    the reason i am not crazy about homosexuals is: it seems to me that "some" try to make things as awkward as they can. more times than not they exagerate their sexuality. whatch a gay pride parade to see it in its fullest. i think there is a pathology there that goes beyond just liking weiners.

  • funkyderek


    the reason i am not crazy about homosexuals is: it seems to me that "some" try to make things as awkward as they can. more times than not they exagerate their sexuality. whatch a gay pride parade to see it in its fullest. i think there is a pathology there that goes beyond just liking weiners.

    I'm not crazy about Christians for similar reasons: "Some" of them take part in big parades where they will brandish images of their god and his mother. They exaggerate their religion, many of them publicly displaying the cross, the symbol of being a Christian. They have huge pointy buildings where they go to worship, often with a cross that can be seen for miles. They have their own TV shows and stations. Many of them actively try to recruit new members too. That sort of pathology is way beyond just liking Jesus.

    (I've nothing against Christians who do whatever they do in the privacy of their own homes. It's just when they parade their lifestyle in public that I have a problem. I mean, children could be watching!)

  • Mistah MOJO
    Mistah MOJO

    Those with varying degrees of homophobia, which arises from varying degrees of homoeroticism residing in the homophobe, yak about "don't want them gays pushing that stuff on me as normal." "Normal"? What the hell is that? Gay is not a learned behavior. Can you "learn to enjoy" fellating another man if you're hetero? I don't think so. People are born gay, and we're all gay to some extent. No one is 100% hetero. No one. Hence the homophobia from those who are terrorized by their own secret desires to fellate. MM

    "As for me and my household, we will serve free condoms"

  • acadian
    "As for me and my household, we will serve free condoms"

    Does they go with red or white wine? Can you stick a round peg in a square hole? Yes with enough KY jelly. LOL you guys are having too much fun!

  • Dansk
    What showed me that it is normal for some people, is the fact that a certain percentage of animals do it, as well.

    I know what you mean! One of my dogs is always coming on to me!!


  • Abaddon

    Oh lordy... well, I take great comfort in the fact that those who consider homosexuality to be 'wrong' are in a diminishing minority, as are those who are opposed to gay marriage. Obviously this means that those who don't take a moral stance on homosexuality and are in favour of gay marriage are on the increase, and in the society we live more people like that reach adulthood every day whilst more of the older generation who are more likely to be opposed pass away. In addition to mortality we have 'normalisation'; gays have been marrying each other for years here in Holland. Society has not collapased... oh, no... wait a minute.... no that was just a heavy truck passing by... as I was saying, society has not collapsed, and many who were opposed years ago now don't really give a fig about sexuality any longer as the dire prophesies of the Cassandras have failed to come about.

    Bottom line is the anti-gays are dwindling in number and influence. Just like racists and misogynists have and are dwindling in number and influence. Welcome to the 21st Century; please mind the doors and keep your hands within the vehicle at all times.

    As their reasons for considering homosexuality or gay marriage wrong are not rational, but are preconceptions based on their acculturations and/or religious background, it is pointless trying to dissuade the anti's from their opinion as rational argument will have no effect on an opinion arrived at by irrational means.

    • Being homosexual is part of the normal spectrum of behaviour displayed by many species, so anyone saying being gay is not 'normal' is being irrational.
    • Homosexuality seemingly has a strong genetic component and/or component derived from hormonal levels during foetal development. God punishing people for being gay would therefore be like god punishing a person for not riding bicycles due to some 'difference' in the sense of balance of an individual caused by genetics or foetal development. This is irrational.
    • Homosexuality also involves choice, as does eating ice-cream, voting Republican, liking Bach, playing golf and other activities which do not harm a third party. Big fricking deal; opposition due to it being a choice is irrational.
    • Life-partners should be entitled to the same protections and benefits under law whatever their genders or reproductive ability as those engaged in such relationships are entitled as law-abiding tax paying citizens to the same benefits and protection as everyone else; marriage is not nor has it been a reproductive contract for decades. Opposition to homosexual marriage on the basis or gender mix or reproductive ability is therefore irrational.
    • I can now marry (well, as England never had miscegenation laws I always could but Americans will know what I mean) a black person, a person of a different religion, and can no longer beat my wife with a stick provided it is thinner than my thumb, or claim all her possessions as mine. I can also divorce whereas this was not always possible. Opposing gay marriage because it is a 'change' is illogical as marriage has changed before.
    • Marriage pre-dates the Judaeo-Christo-Islamic tradition and cannot rationally be coupled to their moral codes.
    • At least this time no one has tried to irrationally compare non-consensual acts with consensual acts.
    • Opposition to gay people on the grounds they are excessively gay during gay marches or in gay entertainment establishments is like being opposed to Italians because they are excessively Italian on Italian marches or in Italian entertainment establishments. It is irrational.
    • Opposition to gay people on grounds of 'danger' are irrational as no such danger can be reasonably proved.
    • Being gay does not reduce non-gay peoples rights on iota. Oppostion to gayness on grounds it infringes some percieved 'right' or the other is therefore irrational.

    Of course, many opposed-to-gay people will disagree with the above, but then they would, wouldn't they?

    Wouldn't it be nice if people opposed to gay marriage or homosexuality kept out of other people's private lives and stopped being the dirty-minded sex-obsessives they tend to be, instead celebrating LOVE, which is what gay marriage at least is about. They always get to talking about SEX, never about LOVE. Sad really...

    If they do this they will find that no gay person will ask them to marry them or force them to be gay.

    Here's to tolerance and showing a respect for another's rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (without harming others). People do not have a right to irrational and petty interference with other's lives; pity some try to do what they would stridently denounce if it were done to them. I suggest those who do want to live in such a medieval society go and find one where they get the added benefit of amputation-for-theft and reduction of desire in men by women wearing tents and live there instead.

  • Dansk

    As usual, a wonderful post, Abaddon!

    As heterosexual marriages are religiously based and research reveals that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are based on superstition there can be no real reason why same sex marriages shouldn't be allowed.


  • chuckie77

    Yeah, what he (abaddon) said.

  • hambeak

    Gays need to get rid of the term marriage and use the term civil union. The agenda you refer to is wanting equal rights. Nothing wrong with that! Sex in public places is wrong and so are overtly public expressions of affection. Say it loud I'm gay and I'm proud!

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