I've often wondered what became of the "Get Down Brown" that we all knew (from taped talks) and loved...He used to be so forthright, so clear speaking!
I remember the tale of the JW son who, one week after his 18th birthday, brought his books and Bible downstairs and told his parents that he didn't want to be a Witness any more. His JW father told him he couldn't remain under his roof if that was the case so the now-unbelieving (didn't say anything about a JC or judicial action) son moved out. *One Week Later* the xJW son found himself in a bar, chatting with a "worldly" girl. What he didn't know was that she was the girlfriend of one of the men in the bar. The man told the 18-year-old now xJW to stay away from his girl, xJW told him he could do whatever he wants, xJW is killed in the fracas that followed. This is what happens when you walk away from Jehovah, Get Down Brown proclaimed! No hope of resurrection, grieving family left behind knowing that they would never get to see their son again!
The talk we REALLY loved was the one with the example of the school bus driver who caught a 3- or 4-year old bringing porn onto the school bus and sharing it with the other little passengers. The message: Teach Your Children! "If they're old enough to do wrong they're old enough to do right!" My whole family, down through the youngest child, cheered at that one! We were on the right track, Brother Brown just said so! We worked hard to make him proud, even though he was hundreds (sometimes thousands) of miles away and didn't even know we existed! He spoke for Jehovah and Jehovah's organization. He outlined the standards. We listened and did our best to obey.
Same talk: Brother Brown asks how it is that kids can learn all the words to every rap song and can't learn a 30- to 60-second presentation? Names of the apostles, can you rap that out?
JR Brown kept us on the straight and narrow back then. We scavenged for taped talks, for experiences, anything that would help us to progress in Jehovah's service, anything that would support the children's efforts to serve Jehovah in the days of their youth.
What happened??? We thought he was like us! Now he sounds like a snake oil salesman! With the way he's talking now no one can get clear direction!
Out but still wondering,