Still pointing your Finger when having a Rafter in your eye?

by DocHouse 245 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Island Man
    Island Man
    DocHouse, did you say "Churchianity"? You don't sound like a JW. A JW would say "Christendom". You sound like a member of the Assemblies of Yahweh.
  • Splash
    truthseeker100 Sure looks like an act of desperation just being on this site. Its hard for me to tell whether your a snot nosed kid or a member of the governing body?

    Neither. Somewhere in between.

    And I don't understand the reference to 'desperation'. How is it desperate being on this site?


  • Splash

    One key area of JW dishonesty is in their translation of the Bible.

    Inserting words to support your dogma is no different to other churches inserting spurious references to the trinity.

    Once again, JW's are just no different to other churches. Different teachings, same dishonesty. Looks like it's the JW's who have the rafter in the eye since they are also the most keen to point their fingers.


  • cofty

    Truthseeker - Let me decide when, how and who to debate.

    Just for the record I never lose my composure on the internet. I only ever post in cold blood.

  • kairos

    Maybe someone's counting their time while posting to this thread.

    That would be very sly...

  • coalize
    You sound like a member of the Assemblies of Yahweh.

    I never heard about that!

  • truthseeker100

    Splash it is an act of desperation. You seem so full of yourself at least to me. You give talks at assemblies baptize people using the convoluted reasoning all organizations are imperfect and were wrong on some things and so are the other churches. That's why I can't tell if your high up in the borg or just some simpleton looking for recognition, I don't think your going to gain much recognition or esteem on this board, I would never argue scripture or philosophy or any thing with you. I don't feel like throwing pearls in front of swine and neither should you. 

    P.S. Don't go away mad just go away. 

  • Splash

    ts100, you use verbs in the present tense - you assume too much.

    You seem to work in digital, but there are other options beyond being high up or a simpleton, otherwise which are you?

    If you think I'm looking for esteem from a board of anonymous people then that's more an insight into your psyche than mine.

    Why would you want me to go away? If we all have the same point of view it wouldn't be the forum it is.


  • Island Man
    Island Man
    P.S. Don't go away mad just go away.

    Am I seeing right? Did I just see a JW apologist come onto an "apostate"/ex-JW website and tell an apostate/awake JW to go away? What is this world coming to?

  • Finkelstein
    Dochouse says ....

    Yes- everyone has faults and makes mistakes; an organization even MORE so. Yet, you ignore all the fingers pointing at YOU.

     A truly nonsensical statement .  

    The WTS is a corruptly devised false prophet operating as a religious publishing house and claiming that they alone are the true chosen organization by god, yet time and time again the WTS. propagated false doctrines which were actually condemned by Jesus himself concerning setting times on god's own sacred time.

    Commercial Fear Mongering by charlatans.    

    All religions have some formulated bullshit entwined within their dogma , that includes the JWS.  




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