What do you think about bringing your date to Hooters?

by averyniceguy 87 Replies latest social relationships

  • sandy

    Personally, I think it is totally disrespectful to your date. Unless she's into women and wants to go with you.

    I wouldn't care if my honey wanted to go with his friends but if he tried to take me there I would feel insulted.

    Why would you want to take your date there? There are plenty of other places to go? Why do you ask such a question?

    Again if she's into women then great but if not don't take her there.

  • Leolaia

    Only time I've ever been in one was when I was taking my grandfather in a wheelchair out for a stroll and with the mother of his lady friend (she must've been in her '80s) and he really, really, really wanted to go in to a Hooters...so I took him there...

  • daniel-p

    Remember in Taxi Driver, when Travis Bickle takes Betsy (Cybill Sheaphard) out on a date and takes her to the porno theatre?
    Yeah, not a pretty site. He didn't get a another date after that. In fact, he went bat-shitty insane. Hooters is not near as bad of course, but youre basically saying to your date "I have absolutely no class and couldn't even begin to think about what I should do to show you respect."

  • Oroborus21

    Dustin Hoffman also took his date to a strip club I think in The Graduate (great movie).

  • mrsjones5

    I've never been to Hooters but I hear they have screamin chicken wings. From what I have seen though the ladies how work there are covered, not working topless. I don't think it's as bad as taking a date to a strip club though I've heard of that happening too. Best to ask the date first...if you get another date after you ask.


  • katiekitten

    When I came to Florida I had no idea what Hooters was. Its sort of like a Macdonalds where the waitresses have to wear shorts. I took my 8 year old daughter, because it looked nice and the menu looked OK. The waitresses wore little hotpant shorts and t-shirts, neutral tights bobby socks and trainers, to make their legs look nice. The only really racy thing was the name 'hooters'. Maybe I was missing something, but I honestly felt like I was in a Burger King where the waitresses were pretty, nothing more.

    Just my impression without the preconceptions, as I had no idea where I was.

    Id take a date, an 8 yr old girl, my granny!

  • Frog

    sorry Avery but this is the daftest thing I've heard all day...

    The majority of women will agree with me in saying that this sort of establishment objectifies women, and any man that disagress is speaking out of his ars*. If it's a date she probably doesn't know you very well, therefore won't know your ideason equality and respect of women, if you take here there she will probably think you're shallow, and an idiot for not putting more thought into where you'd take here so relatively early in the peace. If you're hoping not to get a second date of it, then this is a sure way of doing that!

    Many women who are very attractive find these sorts of places very uncomfortable, some women are insecure and that's a reality and fact, so suggesting that women should just "get over it" is insensitive and daft since it's a reality for many women. A better person would look more deeply at how it is those issues evolved in the first place.

    Here's to a very daft idea ...no offence Avery!

  • blondie

    I prefer this type of waitstaff, and I do mean the guy (see below)

  • averyniceguy

    Blondie, Is that you with that guy in the picture?

  • luna2

    LOL @ blondie! Yes, averyniceguy, why don't you take her to Chippendales

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