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by Severus 185 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Princess
    Well I guess what ticks me off the most is that usually the very same people against picketing or emailing wouldnt think nothing of picketing the president or the governor or some other cause, yet the WT indoctrination has had much more personal effects on me than any president or politician.

    I'll never picket anything. That's just me. I don't care at all if you do though.

    I agree. Anyone who posts here while claiming to be "over it" is either delusional or a liar. In any event, they have no business shitting on others efforts to express themselves. Perhaps they are the ones who should go back to the cult, since they approve of the stifling of expression. They'd fit right in.

    Wow, nice words. I post here very rarely. Obviously I used to post here a lot. I still read the board occasionally because I have met many of the people on here and choose to read and see what they are all up to. I never would have clicked on this thread if my mom hadn't told me about it.

    You, my friend, are full of shit. I am amazed you would even express such a thing here. I don't know why I'm amazed, perhaps the bit about going back to the cult is what made me throw up a little.

    If I met you at a club or a party, I guarantee you'd never know I had spent the first 27 years of my life as a dub. I am not delusional, not a liar, simply curious how the friends I made before I was "over it" are doing. Now crawl back into your cave.

  • Finally-Free
    You, my friend, are full of shit. I am amazed you would even express such a thing here. I don't know why I'm amazed, perhaps the bit about going back to the cult is what made me throw up a little.

    That doesn't sound like the reaction of someone who is over it. I suspect you're the one who is full of shit.


  • undercover
    In any event, they have no business shitting on others efforts to express themselves. Perhaps they are the ones who should go back to the cult, since they approve of the stifling of expression. They'd fit right in.

    And that's a two way street. Opinions are just that, opinions. There's no right or wrong necessarily, but the freedom to express the opinion is as important as the freedom to act on a certain belief.

  • Princess

    deleted because it's not worth arguing about and I truly don't give a shit Have a lovely day everyone. Good luck fighting mother. ( I mean that )

  • LDH
    Yes, it sure was. That was 3 1/2 years ago, and I happen to know she wouldn't do that kind of thing now. As I said, we've been out almost 10 years and I guess we've just moved on. Time and experience have shown that these kinds of things do very little.

    Yep, and it was so funny I remembered it immediately. Even if it did NOTHING to the JWs--she did it to make herself feel better, and in the process a lot of us got a good laugh, if nothing else. In another 3 1/2 years, this thread too will be history.

    Others should be allowed to have their own experiences and create their own way as long as it's not illegal or unethical.

    Now, if it were me, I would give the money to TEENS most of whom certainly have email and internet access.

  • Finally-Free
    Why does it threaten you that I don't give a rat's ass about the WTS anymore?

    Sorry to disappoint you, but nothing about you, or anyone else here, makes me feel threatened. Try not to flatter yourself too much.


  • LDH
    Of course she thought it was funny, it was meant to be funny and childish.

    So let me get this straight. If it's meant to be childish, it's ok. If it only comes across as childish unintentionally to certain people, it's not okay.


    Comprende Ud.? Class

  • Princess

    Did anyone say it wasn't OK? She just asked if anyone else saw it as childish. You said what I had done was childish and I wholeheartedly agreed.

    To recap:

    My mom thinks this may be childish.

    LDH thinks my Halloween prank was childish but funny. I agree and I'm sure my mom would as well.

    It's OK to be funny and childish.

    It's OK NOT to be funny and childish.

    Neither my mom nor I care if anyone leaves WT money anywhere, anytime.

    Now, if it were me, I would give the money to TEENS most of whom certainly have email and internet access

    I think that's brilliant. Tell Richie.

  • sf
    I don't need to waste any more time on them

    Who is THEM you are referring to here? How many of THEM are innocent children,, trapped by their parents belief system? A system of beliefs that are lethal to THEM?

    I can understand the feelings you felt when, after all the money you spent, the travel it took to places such as the March in New York a few years ago, and court cases such as Vicki's, nothing apparently was working to stop the travesty that continues.

    What I can also understand where we must not allow this all to consume our every waking moment, thus our entire lives.

    What I cannot understand though is thinking that any kind of passionate activism is deemed childish, when in fact, what we are striving to do is SAVE INNOCENT CHILDREN from potentially entering into such a lethal organization and help those already trapped inside.

    It is fine that you have taken a different course in YOUR life and that of your families lives. But as long as there are children still at risk, ANYTHING we do that can possibly help, we will do. We will not give up because we are exhausted and have tapped out all of our sources. We will continue to find a way to help THEM. No matter how long that takes.

    My work and the exhaustive measures I've taken to do just that...I compare to the Erin Brochovich story. That woman was painstaking in her footwork. It took years to finally get what she set out to obtain...HELPING INNOCENT VICTIMS OF A LETHAL ORGANIZATION THAT WAS KILLING PEOPLE.

    She went door to door to get signatures. She traveled. And yes, at times, she felt defeated. Yet look at those results. Think of what would have happened if she just gave up and "moved on" while children were still at risk.

    For me, what I do IS my passion to help children in relation to this lethal "religion". I will try anything, as long as it's legal, to be their advocate and voice. And my hopes are that one day, it will payoff, like it did for Erin.

    Right now, there is a child reading literature that is damaging to their spirit and their mind. How can I allow such devastation to go while I go on with my life and parent my own child that doesn't live by such insanity. I can't. I won't.

    THEM kids need our voices and our advocasy and activism. They need our passion for truth to help bust the chains that bind them.

    I'm confident that indeed my work will not be for naught in the end. As long as I don't get complacent and give up because nothing seems to be working at the moment.


  • Severus
    I can't speak for how the JWs are outside of the the US, but I can tell you what reaction your funny money is going to garner here. 99% of the people who see it will yawn, because they have no fing clue who's picture is on the bill. Secondly, your poor attempt at a subtle jibe with the serial numbers will also fly over the heads of at least half of the remaining 1%. Let me ask you something, you ever see the posts from those JW whackos who get on this (and other) boards and post a 200 line conglomeration of pure shite? Y'know, the ones crammed full of disjointed cliches and cool sounding scriptures that don't mean dick, finally ending with some sort of barfed out plea for us to save ourselves, to repent and return to God's organization while there is still time? Well, this is equivalent to that.

    As a steady example of tolerance and community acceptance, I'll take that one in the face and keep smiling. Spicy comments indeed.

    For dissenters, whose comments are wholely welcome, please consider another angle:

    At this time, this is the 100th post to this topic with almost 2000 views. Of those those thousands are many associated JWs who browse this site as they attempt to clarify and validate their doubts.

    Every week new posters are moved to shrug off their fears and join this community, if only to thank us for our being here.

    If you are one of those still associated with JWs (as I am), express your frustration in a safe and anonymous way. WT Money is designed to be used without incrimination.

    See WT Money Here (Link:$.htm )

    Share the Wealth on April 12th!

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