by You Know 536 Replies latest jw friends

  • You Know
    You Know

    The one thing I have learned in all my years of handling venomous reptiles is their predictablity upon provocation. LOL

    / You Know

  • Naeblis

    Well at least you've learned SOMETHING over the years...cause from where I stand it's about the only thing you have. Over and over you bluster and yella bout the end of this and that and everytime you are wrong. If you are wrong here Robert, do you promise to finally shut up? I mean, how many times can you be wrong without feeling a little down? If this all ends up being nothing, will you quit? Put your money where your mouth is.

  • AlanF

    Sometimes the fanatically religious can learn some things.

    Unfortunately they rarely unlearn fanaticism.


  • dubla
    Like any prophet, you made your statement purposely vague.

    excellent statement....couldn't have said it better myself.

    Such quantification is a very simple matter. Why won't you do it?
    because he is smart enough to know that this would open him up to being wrong. if he is vague enough, he can claim victory. hell, if the markets slide 10% next week, he'll no doubt be gloating. what he doesnt realize is that once we're at war, this will only help the economy and the markets. in fact, the cleanup alone of the ny disaster will bolster certain sectors of the markets, and we will no doubt get a huge rally, even if the markets do dip next week. i went back to three different periods where unforecastable events rocked the markets. below is the initial reaction to these events and subsequent behavior by the markets.

    1. pearl harbor

    -the DJI was at approx. 117 in december 1941. it fell to 93 by early may 1942, a 20% drop....it then rallied to 145 by july 1943.

    2. cuban missile crisis

    -in august 1962, the DJI was at 615. if fell to 550 in october and rose to 650 in december and 767 by december 1963. the drop phase was only 10.5%.

    3. jfk assassination

    -the market fell some 20 points in 20 minutes before they shut down the market. when the markets reopened under lbj, the DJI went from 712 to 825 by april 1964 and 891 by november 1964.

    ......oh YK, i know, this time will be different. history never repeats itself does it? i've only joined the forum recently, but from what i've heard, it appears that you repeat yourself once a year, and you will again have to slither back this november when the "almighty dollar" is indeed still worth something.


  • hillary_step

    Hi YK,

    I cannot for the life of me see what all the fuss is about on this thread.

    All you suggested was that we should 'make a little Wagner' and suddenly four pages of postings!

    I truly believe that you have been misunderstood YK. Music is important to our spiritual growth and I am prepared to stand eye to eye with you on this one.

    Yours, in lugubrious indignation - HS

    A wanton eye is the messenger of an unchaste heart. - Augustine

  • larc

    You Know,

    This is my second recent request, along with several previous ones. Would you please provide a quantitative definition to your words. As I pointed out before, this is very easy to do. Why do you not respond to such requests?

  • alliwannadoislive

    hey c'mon - doesn't anyone get the joke here - 'You Know' is the 'devils advocate' - he is no more an active JW than any of us ...

  • You Know
    You Know

    This thread shouldn't be allowed to scroll off so quickly. / You Know

  • You Know
    You Know
    This is my second recent request, along with several previous ones. Would you please provide a quantitative definition to your words. As I pointed out before, this is very easy to do. Why do you not respond to such requests?

    Your request is nothing but bluster. In fact I would have to assume that you are a total idiot to even challenge me to provide a definition of my words. I called for financial panic and a crash-down mode if not war. As it stands the central banks have turned on the money spigots full bore and no doubt will probably lower interest rates a full percentage point, or more very soon; and today the treasury department has called for the issuance of war bonds. The NY TIMES stated that is was every American's patriotic duty, come Monday, to go out and buy as much stock as you can afford. That's because the financial system is now in a crash-down mode and they are in a panic to hold it together. Let's face it: YK called it. I know that's a tough thing for apostates to swallow, but it is going to get worse---a lot worse. Your humiliation will be total. / You Know

  • Englishman

    Such great arrogance from such a moronic person! What mental derrangement must be set in the infantile heads of persons who's prophesies repeatedly fail, yet still hurl abuse at those who will not listen.

    And yet....YK with his obsessioning about money would surely not invest hard earned cash with someone who's track record in banking was other than immaculate, yet he expects us to listen to him and act upon his reasoning, this from a person who's track record is even worse than that of the WTBTS.

    Extraordinary. I can only assume that we have here a typical case of someone with a first class personality disorder. Classic Munchausens Disease symptoms.

    When we compare him with persons who speak in error on this board and then apologise, we can see the disfunction at work. When we mention his previous mistakes he says nothing, it's almost as though, to him, nothing was ever said. He really believes what he says. His personality is such that he actually creates his own reality.

    Heaven helpyou if he's in the Caring business.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

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