by You Know 536 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc


    Thanks for the name calling.

    Let me set the parameters and see if you agree. The market will drop by 80% and the dollar will be worth 10 cents of its present value. Since you believe that matters are starting now, will get worse in October and continue to worsen over the comimg months, I will make a bet based on the conditions next May, where by your account conditions should be extreme. Will you take that bet or would you like to adjust the parameters I have specified?

  • WildHorses

    Please, do yourselves a favor. Don't answer to Know Nothings post. If you wish to rid yourself of stray animals, you must not feed them.
    Believe me, I know. I have three stray dogs that I can't get rid of because I feel sorry for them and end up feeding them.


  • You Know
    You Know

    I have said all along that it will take the flash of a nuclear holocaust to penetrate the sort of blindness that apostates have embraced. And of course that is a very real possiblity now. By the way, let the board be reminded that I also posted some time ago on H20, that Osama Bin Laden has 20 backpack nukes. As I recall I even posted a link to the CIA congressional report. Nuclear devices may well already be pre-positioned awaiting detonation. So yes, apostates may bluster on for awile like the hissing reptiles that you are, after all, there is simply no way that you could ever acknowledge your error. But, it should be obvious to any but the most perverse haters of truth that the world fundamentally changed September 11th 2001. No sane person can deny that. / You Know

  • Englishman

    Baron Munchausen,

    The world being wrong does not make you right.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • Naeblis

    You called for the market to collapse of its own weakness
    That has not happened.

    If it does (which is still unlikely) it will be from war not you rprediction.

    You never even came close to predicting what happened.

    YOu change your "prediction" as events unfold.

    YOu are an idiot.

  • You Know
    You Know

    Like I said Bluster Boy #42, you can talk all you want. Fact is: your world is coming down. / You Know

  • larc


    I appears that you are the one with all the bluster and no action. You again ignore my request for specifics so that we can proceed with a bet.

    Hiss, Hiss

  • You Know
    You Know

    Lark: I proposed the wager. You can accept it or not. But, it's really a mute point now don't you think? The US is officially in a state of war. That was part of my wager that the system would either be in a financial crash or in a state of war. The stock market is just a small part of the financial system. It's only a sideshow and I have no interest in that. If you want to write a check out to the Wt ---go ahead. / You Know

  • Naeblis

    The only good thing that will come from this tragedy is that once it all settles down, this yahoo will have no recourse but to slinka way with his tail between his legs. THe sickness in the mind that is needed to use a horrific event like this as another weapon to attack people that don't agree with you is staggering. Whereas before I merely regarded Yahoo as a harmless crackpot, I truly think that he is dangerous if not completely insane. Time will prove you wrong Yahoo. Again.

  • larc


    You are backing out of the bet. You never did define the word "crash". If the stock market is not the measure for you, then what is? Please define your terms. So stop the bluster and name calling and specify what you mean.

    Let us suppose, that I made a bet that the Detroit Tigers would be victorious the next time they played the Cleveland Indians. After Detroit lost, I told you that it was a "psychological victory" because they almost won. Would you say I won the bet? I hope this prosiac example helps illustrate to you the silliness of your verbiage thus far. You are a blustering wiesel.

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