Explain your avatar and username

by greendawn 174 Replies latest members private

  • Hecklerboy

    My username refers to my love of mountain biking. I ride a Santa Cruz Heckler so thus the name Hecklerboy. I also use this name of mountain bike discussion boards. I like to keep the same username to keep it simple.

    My avatar is the Santa Cruz S-Man logo.

  • slimboyfat

    Can anyone make out my avatar???

    My username comes from the fact that my weight jumps around dramatically depending on whether I have a period of active colitis or remission - in the range 12 - 17 stones. At the moment I am feeling slightly better and am gaining weight.

  • AlmostAtheist

    SBF: Is it the [something] text? A scripture fragment?

    My username is the same one I used when I logged onto my first (and only) atheist board. I logged on here shortly thereafter and used the same name. I have since lost the "almost". ;-)

    I've always used Fry as an avatar everywhere I've gone. It makes me smile to see his face.


  • slimboyfat

    Yea - it is part of the minor prophets scroll from Nahal Haver, if memory serves me. Either that or the Job fragment...

  • Effervescent

    Effervescent- Because that's my outlook on life. I'm the luckiest girl in the world for so many reasons... I love my life and am very happy.

    My avatar- Because my two year old daughter has taken to chasing the cats around the house going "OOOOOH, KITTY!" and then taking them for walks by their tails. Just my little tribute to how she rules our house with an iron fist... from Daddy on down to the pets.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I am the black sheep of a multi-generational JW family.

    Current avitar is Cecil the ram from Footrot Flats.

    Cecil has balls

  • Thegoodgirl

    When I was finding a username, I thought, well, who am I to the JW world? When I was in, I was the good girl in the congregation. Course all that's changed now...

    Also, have you seen the movie "The Good Girl" with Jennifer Anniston. It's absolutely great, and I could really identify with how she felt living in a small town, so desperately wanting to leave. Kind of like how we feel as JWs. We want to leave, and no one else "gets it."

  • Lapuce

    I had the username before I joined this board, I just kept it as it was convinient, The avatar well is how I felt as a JW, a sad angel which is prisoner of WBTS, and yes I have the exact same tattoo on my left leg with the angel chained to a block with the tetagram written on it. You should see the looks on dubs faces when they see it....

  • beautifulisfree

    Well, I was trying to think of a name so I could join the forum. One day I was listening to a Creed song and the words- beautiful is free -was in one of the songs. Those words touched my heart and it explained how I was feeling at the time about getting out of the org. And thats how I came up with my name. My avatar is a clover because I like clovers and I picked the one w/ Lucky under it because I feel I am lucky to the know the truth now.

  • AuldSoul

    The main part of the picture is from a work of art by Gilbert Williams entitled "Path of the Wise Man"

    I took it into PhotoShop and added a ghostly Walt Whitman to one of the trees, the visage of an early 18th Century scientist to another, and a Native American Wisdom mask in the lower left corner. Later I added the text of my username in Ogham lettering, which all but obscured the Wisdom mask. I still know it is there.

    "Auld" is Gaelic for Old. I have been called an old soul, and it may be true. I am told I am full of the Celtic Virtues, again it may be true. But the very notion is a divergence from the beliefs of JWs and an embracing of possibilities they reject out of hand. So I spread my arms wide open to the idea and try to keep from believing it.

    In my opinion, beliefs are the death of ideation and wonder, they are the birth of certainty and error.


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