by mkr32208 112 Replies latest members private

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    I can't believe you got away with that.

    Hm, that'll be the new underground way "out" of da/df. Before you know it some 6,000,000 JW's will suddenly become unbaptized.

    Heh, they'll have to add a new column to that January 1 W stat article. "Unbaptized"


  • mkr32208

    I was thinking that! I wonder if the "brothers" in this hall will start making people sign something! LOL

  • observador

    That's really good. What a great approach!
    If this becomes commonplace, they'll start requiring you to sign a paper, and out the window goes that warm brotherly love. :)


  • AlmostAtheist

    Starting with the 2007 service year, they'll start asking THREE questions of new baptizees:

    1) Have you repented of your sins?

    2) Do you promise to do whatever the Governing Body says?

    3) Have you filled out your "yes, I really got baptized" forms in triplicate, with the white copy sent to Brooklyn, the canary copy filed with service committee, and the blue copy tattooed on your back?

    In lieu of answering the 3rd question, candidates will have to show the tattoo. In addition, a solvent will be applied to the flesh to verify it's not one of those temporary tattoos.

    They'll work "simplification" into the announcement somewhere and brag about how they make their own tattooing ink.


  • willyloman

    I'm not surprised this worked for you (altho it won't work in every case). Despite the paranoia surrounding KH "records" the fact is that JWs are notoriously lousy record-keepers. This is because the record-keeping at the KH is relegated to the Secretary, and in most congos the Secretary position is the most despised of all ... no elder wants the job because it is so damn much work. As a result, the appointment usually goes to the newest elder, who shortly thereafter starts looking for a way to get out of it. It is amazing how often the Secretary in a congo is the guy who can't spell, can't construct a letter, can't balance his own checkbook, and whose filing system is a series of piles of paper on top of his desk (if he has a desk).

    The date of baptism goes on a space on your personal publisher record card. This is supposed to be filled in shortly after your baptism -- although as a former Secretary (not for long) I received cards in the mail for move-ins that did not have the baptism date on them and had to ask the publisher for the information so I could update the card.

    If someone has moved a few times, the only record the congo has of your baptism is this date on the card (and sometimes those dates are wrong or estimates). If you insist this was entered without your knowledge and is in error, who can dispute it?

    My only question is whether names of baptized persons are sent in by the CO when he visits every six months. I can't recall, but I don't think so... I believe just the number of newly baptized ones is recorded. Does anyone remember if the WTS gets these names?

  • Es

    thats fantastic.....wish i could use that excuse but my dad filmed me oh well


  • stillAwitness

    Maybe I'm a bit late on this story but how did your mom not even know about ur baptism?

  • tryagain

    isn't your baptism on file in Brooklyn?

  • Margie

    BWHAHAHAHA!! This seems to be roughly equivalent to "not guilty," which could also be stated as, "Oh yeah? Well then prove it." What a brillliant approach.

  • greendawn

    Good story and your mother should be pleased that you got away from trouble, not displeased. Time works wonders on memory and you are lucky they weren't good at keeping records.

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