by mkr32208 112 Replies latest members private

  • freedomlover

    LMAO!! this is so funny. I love it...

    your mom must be so pissed off! I'd love to do this to my overly-anal mom and stepdad. I may just steal this little trick in the future.

    you know what will happen though if this becomes popular, they will require a photo of you being dunked for your "file." ha ha ha

  • Clam

    The WTS needs to tighten up its procedures. Why don't they put a tattoo on people's foreheads or right hand after they've been dipped in the pool? Not sure what it would say <eg>

    I bet John the Baptist never had this problem.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Oh man! That was priceless!

    I wondered the same thing as stillA though - didn't your mom see you baptized?

    I could not get away with this though, I was baptized the same time as my brother and we had lots of family there to witness the event . Also, one of the brothers that went over the questions with me would be only to happy to step forward as a witness if it meant a sure fire way to DF me - our families go way way back with an intense dislike of each other.


  • blondie

    This would work for me, no one I knew was there to see me baptized, no one I knew or that knew me anyway.


  • LittleToe

    This is priceless.

    A Judicial Committee finally catches up with Blonde to put her on trial for apostacy and she turns to them with an embarrassed smile, and says sweetly:

    "I'm sorry, brothers, but I have a confession to make that is far worse than the charges you are allegedly bringing against me. You see, I never actually got baptised because I was too shy on the day that I should have gone. I've kept up the pretence all these years because I was too embarrassed to admit it. So I'm afraid this is a dreadful waste of your time and you have no basis upon which to DF me or announce anything to the congregation. So sorry..."


  • blondie

    It is funny, isn't it, LT. I kid you not, no one, no humans who knew me, anyway were there to see me dunked. Just one brother could say he saw me show up at the baptism spot but he did not see me baptized.

    Wouldn't that cork them to think that I had been made a regular pioneer, gone to pioneer school, etc., all without being baptized.


  • oldflame

    I'm sorry but I don't understand something.

    Would would anyone feel the need to lie and decieve those from the watchtower when you knowingly understand that they are a cult who lie and decieve themselves ? If someone states that they are angry or they da themselves or are de'fd then why would you really care if someone knows something about you. Do people thinnk that two wrongs make something right ? In a situation like this would you not do what they had done to you ?

    Please excuse me if this hit's some people wrong but I don't feel it is right to commit acts as these when you don't like it when someone does it to you.

    Personally myself I could not careless who knows of my JW past because I talk about it to everyone a JW member or no JW member. I openly tell them how I know so much about there crap and lies. Really I guess you could say I have a I don't give a &%#! attitude. That comes from being decieved by the watchtower. I am damn mad they lied to me but I sure as hell am not going to lie back to someone else either.


  • Billygoat


    Not everyone's situation is the same as yours. Some have more to lose. Some just want to get a little dig back. Who are we to say how someone should handle their situation? Isn't that the same as the pharasaical elders saying whether or not a married couple is allowed to make love outside of the missionary position?

    Must my two cents...


  • wombat

    OldFlame....Don't you see how much fun it is to throw all of their silly rules back onto them?

    They know that the person is lying.....and that person is laughing at them saying "show me"....

    They therefore aren't allowed to enforce their disgusting laws. How frustrated must they feel?

    Your point is well taken but this isn't an apologist approach. It's making fun of them.

    The best way to combat this evil org is to laugh at them.

  • LittleToe

    Theocratic warfare at it's finest - boy that's gonna bunch some panties...

    If it was good enough for King David (a man after God's heart) to act insane, then why not?

    Noone is getting hurt here, in fact it's avoiding the hurt of a lot of family members as well as the individual in question

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