Why all the venom?

by lynnmelo 175 Replies latest members adult

  • 2112

    I can see how you might view this as venom, but as others have said you should hear some of the life stories and it may shed some light.

    You said at one point –

    Think about some of the things that people get angry about: disfellowshipping, shunning, blood issue, going door to door, etc. All of these have a scriptural basis, no matter how much any of us wishes it didn't. The Witnesses aren't making this stuff up.

    I have to ask you when they “study with you” do you use the Bible only? Since we know that is not the case I ask you to really think about this next question. Do you not study their book and use the Bible to back up their points? That is the way it is done, otherwise you would be reading the Bible and using other books to back up the Bible.

    Also, please add up the total amount of Bible reading you would do as a witness and the amount of Watchtower material you would read as a witness in a typical week. Let us know which would be the greater. You have stated that you are open minded so please consider these points.

    I do know that they will soy to you that “we can not understand the Bible without a teacher” . That is just a weak argument they use to get you to turn to them as a teacher. Please let us know more of your thoughts.

  • Crumpet

    lynnmelo if you are still struggling to see why some might feel venomous read my post http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/103224/1.ashx edited to fix hyperlink ~ Scully

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Ozzie stated;

    Every instance of the word "require" in the Bible is OT and Mosaic Law based. Christ came to fulfill the Law, so that now we under the "law of love". Does God require anything from us? No works are necessary, eternal life is a "free gift" and just like any gift you can't earn it. Please read the Bible book of Romans, and do it without referring to WT publications, and preferably read it in a different translation to the NWT. It'll amaze you!

    I am reading a wonderful book by Max Lucado that deals with this very issue - In the Grip of Grace - it discusses how Paul made this point very clearly in the book of Romans. Insightful and well written book.

    Lynnmelo - Firstly welcome to the board. Secondly, glad you will not join the jdubs, no matter your reasons. Thirdly, some of what you have read here may seem 'venomous', some of it is to be sure. Not a few of these people have been witnesses for most of all of thier lives before leaving. To find out that the doctrines, morals, and integrity of the religion, at the top, is not what it should be, nor what it could be, is dissapointing. To find that we have been lied to and lead about in the 'carrot - stick' manner used by the GB of JW's, when they themselves know that they are lying to us - is in a word despicable! To then have all relationships - some cultivated for many decades - completely severed, not due to sin or evil, but due to simply wishing to be no part of the religion any longer, and to be considered dead, is unforgivable for some.

    If you care to read some of the threads here, you will discover that doctrinally they are not as correct as you might think. How could anyone gain salvation by the practice of selling books door to door. There is no scriptural support for that is there?

    Anyway - welcome. Stick around and get an education about how they have hurt many, lied to all of us, and covered over many sins that make them absolutely hypocrites in the eyes of God.


  • DannyHaszard
    Except that it isn't venom. It is justifiable anger.
  • luna2

    Welcome, lynnmelo.

    I'm sometimes venomous, I admit it. I haven't even had as much pain and grief from belonging to the JWs as many others have had, still the realization that I'd been so thoroughly conned by this organization was mindblowing on several levels. After the stunned disbelief phase, which lasted several weeks, I became very sad and depressed for a while...and then angry.

    A good portion of that anger is certainly directed at myself. When I am especially sarcastic, I am bitterly making fun of myself (as well as the WTS) for having believed in and dedicated my life to such crap. So many bad decisions were made over the years because I was trying to live up to some sort of spritual ideal based on misinterpretations, wishful thinking, and downright lies.

    When I make up silly variations on the name "Jehovah", it is a way of de-sanctifying the WTS and the god they purport to worship. I'm sure it looks nasty and disrespectful to some, but making fun like that has helped me break the bonds that twenty years being a part of this cultish religion have forged.

    Posting here is like therapy and I've found it very helpful. Hope you do too.

  • sf


    Pardon me and let me say respectfully to you:

    Studying for two years as an adult can not be compared to living the life as a jw as a child. You do not state your age, yet you say you are married, so I assume you are over 18. You simply are ignorant of what you speak. I do not mean to offend, yet I do know being ignorant is not always a bad thing.

    There are many dynamics involved re: this organization and how it operates and leads it's "flock"; quite often in destructive and deadly ways through its policies that are based on rank doctrine. I encourage you to read and read a lot to educate yourself and to also one day, be able to answer your own question posed here.

    Sincerely and welcome to the forum, sKally

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit


    when i was nineteen i went to to my first horse party. horse is heroin BTW. people were lying around moaning and groaning, and some had puked on themselves. Others were sleeping and mumbling nonsense. others were trying to have sex but were too messed up to get it up.

    I looked around and the behavior cued me in: something is wrong here!

    so i left.

    i think the universe is trying like hell to send you a message about watchtower involvement. but hey, i'm a darwinian. take yourself out of the gene pool if you haven't the sense to heed clear warnings.


  • diamondblue1974

    Yeah I hear what you would ask such a question...its one I asked myself and one I quickly got answered.

    You might be persuaded to take a different view as to what is scriptual and what isnt if you stick around; as an academic you will no doubt appreciate the value of critical thinking and evaluationl; consider your sources and commit to finding alternative sources as a comparison and then come back and see if your view isnt challenged on the issue of truth.

    Welcome to the board; I will look forward to seeing you round.


  • mouthy

    I SO don't want the Witnesses to be "the truth," but I think they are

    Well my dear go join them. But you have been duly warned. God gave you a brain to think -USE IT wisely-- unfortunatly when they knocked at my door - I did not.!!! I have never been a very bright gal they were such lovely girls, clean, well dressed polite.They read a couple of scriptures telling me I could work for Jehovah. & because I felt useless( I had three kids & a drunken hubby--- I was interested( I had not been bothered about God before this) The police came to arrest them.( I lived in Quebec where they were banned...)I have always been for the "underdog" So I was curious when they came back a few weeks later... I too believed all I was learning in their books. Except two things. 1 Jesus came invisably in 1914 >2. Jesus did not have a beard.!!!! But the elders told me to wait on Jehovah .. I did. And guess what Jehovah changed his mind & told them ( Brooklyn Bethel ) Jesus did have a beard.... Well I got baptised -left the 1914 to Jehovah who would put it right..
    I was a diligent JW My hubby would beat me to stop the study... But I was honered to be persecuted for Jehovah( the brothers told me I would be..) I was one for 25 years. They had told me Melanie my daughter would never go to kindergarten- she died at 42yrs old, my son would never get into Paradise ( he did not believe) he died at 46...I made 10 people Jehovahs Witness many dead now.... Then in 1986 in the WT April 1st they had an article ( read it for your self)"Questions from readers" That if you dont believe Jesus came in 1914 you were disfellowshipped. I wrote to the President of the Watchtower Fred Franz ( in those days) & you know what ??? The local elders came & kicked me out....I wanted to die... I loved Jehovah so much,,, So my dear go for it. If you want a life of fantasy... My daughter that lives shuns me -- because I cant believe Jesus already came...Sorry to be so long winded -you may not even be back to read this. But I am glad it is here for the spies at Brooklyn Bethel to read & digest. I have NEVER been happier away from this CULT>>>> If you e-mail me I will give you the marks of a cult.Oh & by the way they wanted to reinstate me because I have been on Sally Jessie Rhapeal, Shirley Show, Roughcuts, radio etc ....They wanted to silence MOUTHY!!!!

  • Jez

    Wow, mouthy, powerful post. Thanks for sharing that, so sorry.

    Hugs from Jez

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