I was *not* outed and compromised by JWN!!

by blindnomore 223 Replies latest members private

  • blindnomore

    "What matters is the AAWA group and THEY are 100% responsible for everything that happend with that group."

    Simom, you have posted the above word on page 4 on http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/members/private/250820/1/AAWA-J-M____-E______-and-me I've heard and read most of the thread regarding AWAA. So according to your reasoning and JWN(as a whole), who is responsible for me and my email account being hacked by the WT hacker(s)? How did that happen? Back in December of 2012, the poster Atlantis posted the following thread, http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/bible/243398/1/Confidential-Materials I responded along with some 60 JWN members. Atlantis posted that he has sent the info to some 300 people (I am assuming most which are the JWN members). Alas, within 24 hours, my email was hacked by the Watchtower hacker through Atlantis. See below for detail. http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/bible/243798/1/Confidential-Document-Email-Hijacked http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/bible/243826/1/So-hijackers-Eat-This Unfortunatly I already opened the bogus email sent by "Atlantis" before he posted the warning thread on it on JWN. Let me share with you the actual damage my family and I have suffered as of a result: 1. Our current litigation against the WT and the local elders were compromised including tens of hundreds of documents, the Law Firm info, the top secrect detailed info relating the litigation. list of defendants, email exchang between myself and the law firm, etc., etc.,... 2. All my contact info was compromised including my family's contact info, two of whom are faders and one who's been trying to be reinstated for over 2 years and some of local fading JWs. 3. My family business email was also hacked exposing not only personal info but confidential business corespondence and financial info 4. I will leave to your imagination the afterward damage and impact which I am still dealing to this very second. So, were you added on the FB without your knowlege by the AAWA members? Were you outed? What was the actual damage you suffered I want to hear? Was this malicious? Purposeful? I don't think so. Why not accept some responsibiliy for your own actions? By being on jwn in the first place and FB and doing all these posts that reflect your feelings. You cannot remain annoymous forever take some courage and take a stand. Or be a wuss forever. (oh yes, I have JW apologist family too just like many of you) Some of you went so far as outing 1300+ members list of Secret group of AAWA to the public site such as JWN , it is one thing to add someone to FB without consent it is another thing to outing the entire secret FB group to the public which is maybe a CRIME! Some of you also went so far as trying to undermining Barbra Anderson(http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/145224/1/Barbara-Andersons-Paedophilia-CD-The-Watchtowers-Chocolate-Cake-Defence), who's been working day and night for years in assiting hundreds of victims of the Wachtower in cost of being shunned by her only son and his family and her entire JW friends. Barbara has never met her only grandchild yet. You've also been railroading Cedars in a similar way Watchtower elders would have. Never once even as this very moment, have I entertain thought of blaming JWN nor its owner, Simon who allowed the thread of Atlantis nor "Atlantis" himself. I was very upset, and still am from being outed through JWN but blamed myself for being less careful. I took FULL RESPONSIBILITY of action that's been resulted in my own finger on the computer. There's more. My unique name has been outed on JWN recently by two JWN members. Obviously it's real me on the avatar but I would reveal my name on JWN if I wanted to. I wasn't happy with the posters but gave the benefit of the doubt and moved on. I don't believe for a minute any ill intend on their part. People get excited and things happen all the time. People get added on different FB groups all the time. Take a prompt action and leave the group. In general no one would aware the FB activities such as being added and no apparant harm done. I am really curious about the real story of harm done by being added on AAWA. Has this caused any real damage to some of you or has it been sensationalized by few on JWN with ill intend to thawart the effort of fighting against the WT? What's your story? It's your chance. Not hearsay. Challege me with your real harm done story and if your damage can trump mine. Oh, by the way I've saved all the threads that related to the AAWA so even though they get deleted from JWN, they are all in my file as an evidence. One poster, I believe it's JeffT suggested of legitimacy of adding others on FB groups without consent. It's NOT illegal to add people on FB groups without consent. What about outing the entire list of secret group to the public? I would have gotton legal advise before I did it if I were you. I was initially going to shake the dust off my feet and move on from JWN as it become unbearably intolerant. But I feel I owe to JWN. It has been a great resource and aid during my awakenning and afterward. I believe most of you meant well and good peope. But I do not believe everyone on this site is entire geniune.

  • Simon

    I'm sorry for what you've been through but JWN is not responsible for you:

    a) chosing to give out your email address to someone, especially if you don't know them
    b) downloading any files off the internet or via attachments especially sent by people you don't trust
    c) opening attachments without having adequate email security (whether from trusted people or not)

    So, I am sorry but your complaint is with the person you corresponded with and I don't believe JWN is responsible as you claim. Did JWN give out your email address to the person? No ...

    This is one reason we always tell people not to give our personal information and to be careful with who they trust and we often clamp down on these sorts of requests for information unless it's by someone we know like Barbara. Unfortunately, we don't always notice or catch all of them and also couldn't police every PM sent without there being outrage at PMs being filtered.

    Some of you went so far as outing 1300+ members list of Secret group of AAWA to the public site such as JWN

    That hasn't happend at all as far as I am aware - if you think it has can you show me where?

    What people on JWN have been objecting to and pointing out is exactly this danger TO people by someone who could document the people in that group. We're not exposing them, we've been pushing to have the door closed so that it doesn't happen.

    As I said, I'm sorry this happened to you but there is no way I can police peoples actions outside of JWN!

  • RayPublisher

    You go blindnomore! Lots of faders have been outed for being on JWnet over the years...it is a risk we all take coming online. How many has JWnet been responsible for outing? Dozens? Hundreds? No one could ever say for certain.

    All it takes is one JW elder mole to lurk on here and identify someone based on a thoughtlessly made comment. About a year ago when I was going through the hard parts of my story a certain JWnet user decided to mention my city and even some of my hobbies in a negative comment about me, with the express prupose of seeing if it would get me outed. This junk can and does happen. He knew who I was, but despote my efforts to reach out to him through PMs he never saw fit to indentify himself to me. Oh well his loss, we could have been friends. We all need fellow faders in the same area don't we?

    Regardless, where is the hew and cry over that? Why not call for a public flogging of the responsible party or parties??

    Good point sis thank you.


    See you in Tahoe in July???

  • GromitSK

    It looks to me like the OP didn't protect their identity - that's their own responsibility surely? I can't see how any of this is a failing of JWN. Please explain. What am I missing?

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    From what I have seen since being on JWN.....anyone that has been outed has given too much personal info out that has allowed others to figure out who they are.

  • Tylinbrando

    There are some incredible web slueths that lurk on these boards. Using any information in a profile and even written posts, they are adept and discovering exactly what your real identity is. Happened to me. But I have nothing to hide so be it.

    Be careful about everything you include on your profile and say in your posts.

    Many of those lurkers are WT agents.

  • Simon
    Where is the hew and cry over that? Why not call for a public flogging of the responsible party or parties??

    Probably because ultimately, people are responsible if they chose to share their own information directly with someone who asks for it.

    Yes, if someone came to me and said "hey, we're doing this awesome campaign and it's going to destroy the WTS but to do it we just need to send this mailing out to everyone on JWN to get some information" and I handed thoses emails over then I think you may have a complaint ... but I have never and would never do that. I would be crucified if I did !

  • RayPublisher

    Simon you are perhaps responding to some other matter unrelated to this thread?

    This topic is about how blindnomore feels she was outed on JWnet. in fact many over the years feel that JWnet is why they were outed and have said so. Many other doubting JWs have lurked here, only to have their worst fears "confirmed" by some of the nuttier ones that post here and have gone right back to the WT fold as a result...

    Despite the fact that many have been harmed by this site, I feel that it is immensely important and am so glad to be here! Thousands more have been helped.

  • jgnat

    At JWN you start with an alias. That is protection. Simon protects your location and your e-mail, sharing with no-one. I appreciate the efforts he goes to to protect us all.

    It's the sharing of too many personal details on a public board that will get someone outed. I know it feels cosy in here, but it is open to the world. Keep that in mind.

    Every once in a while I want to throw my anonymity to the wind. After all, the consequences for me are not as dire. If my hubby was ejected from the WTS, that's all good, right? So I drop hints once in a while. It is still shocking, however, when a new poster comes on here and addresses me by my first name (which I posted, maybe, once, seven years ago?). That person did an awful lot of reading to come up with that.

  • neverscreamagain

    Sorry for your confidentiality problems, it takes constant diligence to always be covering your steps, and watching over your shoulder.

    Some of you also went so far as trying to undermining Barbra Anderson(http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/145224/1/Barbara-Andersons-Paedophilia-CD-The-Watchtowers-Chocolate-Cake-Defence), who's been working day and night for years in assiting hundreds of victims of the Wachtower in cost of being shunned by her only son and his family and her entire JW friends. Barbara has never met her only grandchild yet.

    I have read the above topic a couple of times, can't find any slamming or even implied slamming of Barbara Anderson.

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