We Need Your Help...NOW!!!

by SpannerintheWorks 128 Replies latest members private

  • SpunkyChick

    I am quite thrilled to have discovered this website and chat board! It would thrill me beyond any euphoric state if we could figure out a way to slam this awful cult!!! I grew up and was baptized a stupid witness at age 12. Even at that age my gut told me I'd made a mistake. I have emotional scars of being made a freak for not ever saluting the flag, b-days, ect... and have gone through self-esteem issues and relationship issues. I thought about asking a therapist if I could sue them for emotional distress!! I have seen children beat at meetings....horrible things....an elder taking his two year old out to the car, pulling her diaper down and beating her because she wouldn't sit still at the meetings!!!! Even at a kingdom hall build an elder laughingly bragged, how they were sound-proofing the bathrooms when children need to be "taken care of"! Perhaps we could contact a lawyer and see if there is anyway we could nail the WTS for mind control or emotional damage....or whatever! I am here to help! Please count me in! [email protected]!

  • avishai

    Remember going in service?

    Well, Now it's time to go Evil Slaving!!! Get out your Silentlambs brochures! Or whatever else you got. Go to laundromats, Walk in service to doors w/ JW's, you have as much right to be there as they do. Be REALLY annoying. Make them nervous. Use reverse "theocratic warfare". Go to assemblies, dressed nicely, but under your jacket, have a dress shirt w/ UN documents Ironed of the back. All you have to do is buy transfers at the store, run them thru a printer. See if they try to "escort" you out. Yell, loudly about your abuse issues, the UN, etc. Then sue them for discrimination, violation of your human, civl, constitutional rights. Be as big of a pain in the ass as possible, but look good doing it. Not like some of the "evil slaves" I have seen, all scruffy. Don't swear. Don't let them discredit you. But, It's time to get off our collective ass & go git 'em. Put SL brochures in watchtowers in laundromats. Engage in loud, embarrassing conversations w/ them in public, but play dumb. When theyre in streetwork, go stand next to them w/ YOUR brochures. Get it on tape. Clown them at every opportunity, satire is our best weapon. YEEEEEE-HAWWWWW!!!!!

  • Dansk


    It’s great to have such an early input – and thank you everyone else for your comments.

    SIMON: I think it’s time to open the Campaign Box!

    What I’d also like to do is get our campaign listed and linked on all other anti-WTBS sites. Already we have a unity of voice; we need to harness that voice into one collective. This is bound to lead to extensive media coverage.

    Right, we’ve started the ball rolling - let’s give it some serious momentum


  • Englishman

    Let's hit 'em where it hurts!

    Most of todays dubs have no idea about what happened in 1975 and the failed prophecies that did / didn't occur.

    So, suppose we took some of the actual printed words foretelling 1975 from the Awake or Watchtower magazine, then blew them up to a massive size - say about 18 feet wide, saying something like:

    How fitting it would be for God, following this pattern, to end man's misery after six thousand years of human rule and follow it with His glorious Kingdom rule for a thousand years! .. only seven more years from the autumn of 1968 to complete 6,000 full years of human history. That seven-year period will evidently finish in the autumn of the year 1975...

    Then we hire one of these babies:

    Next we paste our extracts from the magazines on the side of the advertising vehicle...

    Then we drive it round and round where the district conventions are being held. All the dubs would see the societies own words in their own magazine.

    It could be very interesting!


  • SpannerintheWorks

    Hey, Dansk,

    Thanks for holding the fort while I've been away!

    These replies have been FANTASTIC!

    Keep them coming. They are ALL useful.

    I will be back soon!


  • SYN

    An excellent idea, Englishman...

  • mustang

    Since the WTS is more LEGALISTIC than RELIGIOUS, it would behoove everybody to think in a similar way.

    To that end, the use of a Disclaimer would be advisable.

    Please note that you all have INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS TO FREEDOM OF RELIGION.

    Need a Disclaimer??? Take one of mine: feel free. Sign it on all of your religiously oriented communications.

    Disclaimer #1: Nothing that I write or utter is to be considered legal advice. Consult proper counsel for such matters. Further, all that I write or utter, is protected by religious freedom under the 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as the "free exercise", as well as "freedom of speech" clauses.

    Disclaimer #5: All that I write or utter, is protected by religious freedom under the 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as the "free exercise", as well as "freedom of speech" clauses.


  • Realist

    guys i wish you the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kick the s*** out of these WTBTS bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Dansk

    Good point Mustang, and one we consider very seriously.

    Are there any British-based accountants on this board to help with part of our campaign? If so, send me an internal e-mail or alternatively: [email protected]

    Does anyone have a spare Greek Interlinear they don't need? This is also very important! Please contact me if you are prepared to send.



  • Dansk

    Hey Realist,

    Don't just wish us well. Come and JOIN us!

    And why do ya want the soap kicking out of them?


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