What is your current status with the Watchtower Society and Congregation?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 73 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Make that 'social events'

    I never get invited to Memorials etc.

  • monophonic

    after successfully fading nine years ago..going from irregular to completely inactive, i went to one meeting a year for the first four years, no meetings in the last five years, and i still attend the memorial (on pills), b/c 45 minutes of that is less pain than the freak outs i'd get from some relatives.

    i've written some great poetry at the memorial since i always bring paper....wow, brother mono is taking notes, how encouraging

    but i still have respect for christian philosophy, so i'll read along with the scriptures and let their misinterpretation fade out, then try to tune out the whole propaganda part 2 of the memorial talks....now that you've attended tonite, join us permanently or god will murder you at any moment, and can't you just feel the love here.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Considered : evil, blaphemous apostate liar who drinks blood and howls at the moon while worshipping Satan.

    Actually : DA'd due to the evil within the organization of 'God's happy people'.


  • nomoreguilt

    Moved out of my last cong territory 2 years ago, no one seems to care where I am now. Haven't been to a meeting in 3 and half years. I had been inactive from 1999 till 2001 whan I got df'd. Went back 2 years later to get re-instated to have a relationship with my grown sons.

  • blondie

    Inactive for 6 years. No meetings, no funerals, no conventions, no weddings.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan


  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Currently, in limbo: an intermediate or transitional place or state; a state of uncertainty

  • dawg

    I'm proud to say that I'm one of the most apostates of all apostates... I do not allow JWs to shun me, if they do I'll with a certainity say things that will embarass the shit out of them. Last funeral, an Elder didn't talk to me, I made a scene. YOu can see the fear in their eyes when I walk in a room... I'm evil you see? But not really, I just refuse to let any man think he's better then me, I'm not better than him so why sould I allow him to treat me badly?

    Elder at funeral shuns Chuck

    Chuck says "WTF is wrong with you brother dumb ass?

    Bro Dumb ass says "your an apostate"

    Chuck says "at least I can read my bible and no where in it does it say that I don't have the right to question men, and that my so doing makes me an apostate, that a teaching that clearly not scriptual, and that makes your beoved GB apostate and you an apostate follower"...

    Brother dumbass runs for cover. Too late, my "witness" was made.

    I've also written several letters exposing WT lies and mailed them to all family members.. they have now quit inviting me to funerals and the like... but don't worry, I have moles and will soon be scaring them again with my presence.

  • BurnTheShips

    I'm a baptized member considered ''inactive.'' I don't hand in ''service reports'',attend maybe 3 meetings a month,ain't signed up for the Ministry School and will never attend any Convention or the ''Book Study.'' Always make the ''Memorial.'' I've been doing the fade for years. The C.O.....P.O...and... D.O. pretty much leave me alone.I only stay for family reasons.

    What is your current status?

    MIA. Fade. Moved away. Haven't set foot in a Kingdumb Hell in a year.

  • snowbird

    Inactive for 3 years. 2 shepherding calls. Appreciating the Bible more than ever.


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