I wonder if he really knows just how many people he has helped thru his books. Reading "Crisis" was a major turning point for me. What impressed me, similar to what others have said, is how there is no bitterness or resentment coming thru his books. That's one of the things that made the book easy to read. I've just started reading Christian Freedom. Should be a good read!
JoinedPosts by Amha·aret
My email from Ray Franz !
by still_in74 inabout a month ago i sent a thank you letter to ray for all he has done to help me.
i did not expect to get a response but to my surprise he did write me back.
certainly much of it is a copied form letter he uses considering all the email he gets, but there were references to my email and he has even encouraged further correspondance.
What were you "done" for?
by Amha·aret injust wondering what the most unusual or flippant reasons are for people being booted from the cong.
i know the org makes out that almost everyone who is ousted is guilty of fornication but they're hardly going to say that people are leaving coz of all the lies, deceit and propoganda they spin!
if your "crime" was apostacy, what exactly happened?
Hi Greensleeves,
I've never been done for anything. Never had a a JC meeting or a reproof much less of DF or DA. I'm trying to keep my nose clean and fade slowly so I don't get shunned by family. Had a "worldly" boyfriend once but no one said much about it.
I Live For Today - No Longer Fear the Future- After Exiting the Witnesses
by flipper inas some know here - i was born in the witnesses .
raised in it and stayed in for 44 long years !
i don't believe in armageddon.
I feel brighter about life now also. And I feel that by knowing what I now know and by living my life like this rather than jw-style, I'll have less regrets over all. I won't feel like I (or my kid(s)) missed out on a pile of things. But...
I feel like I don't know much about the world around me. Its only in the last little while that I'm learning the truth about history (cave man vs Adam and Eve), geography (ice ages vs flood), science (evolution vs creation) and on and on. I've bought a number of books - including a science school text book - and joined the library. Its nice to enjoy reading and it not just be WT, Awakes, and the like. But it amazes and saddens me how much I ignored and suppressed when I was in school.
Did Being A Witness Make You Feel Better About Yourself?
by minimus insome persons need to feel they are validated because they don't have much going for them otherwise.
being a part of jehovah's organization makes them feel special.
being different from other religions makes them feel recognized,.
No but I only realised the extent of the "never good enough" feelings after coming out. And how that feeling has crept in to other areas of life.
It's a struggle at times but I'm feeling better every day.
WTF makes you annointed?
by gloobster inok, so i have a serious question.
probably my first on here, but this has always bugged me, and i've never received a satisfactory answer.. how does someone become annointed?
when i was a child, my grandpa, who was an elder, told me that if you are of the annointed, you just know.
I remember reading one ex-jw's story. He was a PO and anointed and gave the memorial talk on his way out. During the talk, he said that in an old JW book it says that if the NT feels like a letter from a loving father to a child then you're annointed. The following year, lots more in his cong partook!
The rise in numbers of the remnant apparently ties in with the "new light" regarding the generation. Clever the way they explain the little flock getting bigger and put Armageddon off a few more years in one foul swoop....
What would a JW say if they saw your library?!
by Sirona ini've just had some shelving put up by my mother's husband...and she is coming round to look at my library.. she is jw..... what will she think of the books i have on there?.
would you let a jw relative see your library?.
some books:.
LOL I'm laughing at this thread coz before elders/family come to ours we've got to do a last minute run around the house hiding Ray's books, Hassan's book and several evolution and science books so as not to offend/get DF'd, depending on who's calling. One time CoC was missed and was on the floor beside the chair of one of the elders. Had a right good giggle at that after the fact! Maybe if he'd put his NWT down on it, both books would have disappeared in a puff of smoke!
At this stage, I almost want to get caught so others can read these mind-freeing books.
2008 DC: Fear Tactics
by outofthebox inso, as you already know, i was in the 2008 dc.
three very boring days.
but, i paid attention to every speech, so, you guys don't have to go.
Thanks for those numbers. Very interesting.
I've not gone this year. First time ever missing it.
A question for the Irish
by Amha·aret inhiya,.
i hope i'm not overstepping the rules here by asking this.
does anyone know where "john may" is these days?
Hi Tweetie,
My hubby found an MP3 version of the tape on here: http://freeminds.org/mp3.htm
All is can say is "WOW!" I've just finished listening to it and feel like someone's punched me in the gut! Very interesting stuff and what's amazing to me is some of the names he mentions. All the Irish "higher ups" know exactly what happened with Ray and value conformity over truth, which in turn seemed to spark off the Irish "apostacy". And yet those ones are still up there, preparing and delivering talks at the assembly this very weekend. Sick on so many levels....
I hope I can use some of this info to help my family who are stil caught up in the cult.
What should I do with the old magazines?
by sacolton ini've got two boxes full of watchtower and awake magazines dating back to 2000 maybe abit further.
should i just trash them?
Recycling and caring about the environment aside, those mags really don't burn well at all. Been there, done that. It actually put out my fire and I was left cold with a fireplace full of half-cooked magazines!
Not old Kingdom Ministries on the other hand - well they burn just fine!
"don't worry everyone will get theirs at armagedon"
by milligal inthis was written in a letter to me from one of my active jw brothers (biological brother).
he was referencing the ex-husbands of myself and my other df'd sister, both of whom have been guilty of 'slipping under the radar' (an elder's words) by doing such silly things as getting arrested for spousal abuse and stealing a vehicle....they're both still in good standing.
i digress, let me say that i was shocked to hear from my brother.
This is just something that they tell themselves to keep sane (saner? you know what I mean!) when their internal "justice system" doesn't work and worldings seem to be having a relatively happy life. If they truly believed that, then why would wrong doing need to be reported to the elders???