Why do people hate Americans?

by dorayakii 121 Replies latest social current

  • Simon
    I love Americans period because they are friendly, their gas is less expensive..lol, they speak english, and I love their way of life and freedom that comes with it.

    Well, it's often close to English That sounds quite xenophobic you know?! The ones that don't threaten to shoot at you are often quite friendly too.

  • Simon
    Do they really have a better way of life than you Canadians? Do they have more freedom than us UK or EU citizens?

    I prefer the Canadian lifestyle and society and I think we have many more freedoms in the EU. We do things over here that would probably get people shot or locked up in America.

    A lot of the lack of freedom is IMO from peer-pressure where religion and government tries to make people very uncomfortable if they do not conform to what they want. Yes, you can choose to object ... but if they try and make sure you suffer for it then you do not have real genuine freedom.

  • dorayakii
    Many people were against the war in Iraq and dilike President Bush, has this had a baring on how people view Americans? When America flexes its military muscles how do you feel?

    The only reflection this has on Americans is that they voted in the administration doing it or perhaps don't bother to learn enough about the history of a conflict or put enough thought into the long-term consequences before supporting it.

    Many people criticised voters in the UK for re-electing Tony Blair into office. They reasoned that his policy of supporting Iraq in the war was inexcusable. There were many other policies of his that they also had grievances with... Polls showed that the vast majority of people in Britain were against the war and against Blair... but sure enough Blair was voted back in. Why?... Do we really have a choice of who to elect into office? What did the opposition (Conservatives) have to offer us?... Is it worth voting for the Liberal Democrats? Are we, as voters, to be blamed for Blair's support of America?

    Does voting in an election put you in a position of responsibility for the actions that that government takes? Are the American people responsable for voting in the Admisistration that has done so much damage? Did their lack of knowledge on the history of the conflict lead them to support Bush, or would they have done that anyway?

    Again, does voting in an election put you in a position of responsibility for the actions that that government takes?

  • under74
    Do they have more freedom than us UK or EU citizens?

    More freedom only to decide what doctor is going to take all their savings and report them to a collection agency when they realize they can't pay the doctor's bill.

    under74 (sick to death of it all)

  • Elsewhere

    *** Starts marching around with a big-ass gaudy American flag while blasting God Bless America on a stereo ***

  • Simon
    Do we really have a choice of who to elect into office? What did the opposition (Conservatives) have to offer us?... Is it worth voting for the Liberal Democrats? Are we, as voters, to be blamed for Blair's support of America?

    There was little viable opposition which was a pity. I think it's the only reason Blair is still in office.

    I don't think we voters are to blame because we obviously oppose his policy.

    Again, does voting in an election put you in a position of responsibility for the actions that that government takes?

    I think it does if you voted for them.

    Even so, we only have pseudo democracy where they are elected on a very general and hazy manifesto and then take that as meaning they have the mandate for every subsequent decision.

    I think we should have "press the red button" voting on decisions but people need to pass a test before they are given a control.

  • Simon
    *** Starts marching around with a big-ass gaudy American flag while blasting God Bless America on a stereo ***

    What is it with Americans and parades?! They always seem so lame. We just don't get it.

  • dorayakii
    *** Starts marching around with a big-ass gaudy American flag while blasting God Bless America on a stereo ***

    Why do we not have the same reverence for our flag and anthem in the UK?... Is this kind of patriotism positive, or is it dangerous?... Is it really necessary in a modern democratic society?... Does this not seem like cult-like behavior to you?...

  • trevor

    The American government and it’s policies are a political matter as is the government of every country.

    When I was in California and Arizona I found the Americans polite, talkative and friendly. When there were crowds in San Francisco harbour they showed great respect for personal space. There was an absence of the pushing and shoving that I experience in the UK. The people were relaxed and would approach me to ask what I thought of their country. They were proud of their nation. The British just don’t have the same level of esteem for their tiny island, err - sorry country!

    Of course I was a tourist visiting the nice areas so my experience was selective. I doubt if I would have been treated with such respect in the ghettos of America.

    The people in New York were polite but much less open and used as few words as possible. ‘Hook a left’ Take a right’ Don’t walk.’ They seem to each have a private wall around them. I guess that is the way in big cities.

    In any case I came away favourably impressed and believe I could live in the USA very happily.

    My choice would be ‘Carmel’ I might just ‘Go ahead and make my day, if I am feeling lucky.’


  • under74
    Are the American people responsable for voting in the Admisistration that has done so much damage?

    I knew what the administration was capable of. I didn't vote for Bush either time because I knew the US would suffer for it. This may seem harsh but the chickens are coming home to roost. I'm sick of my government...for me it was enough with Iraq....but now that this hurricane has happened and too many have died I can't believe anyone would defend it or any Americans that think the government has done all it can.

    I can't believe the state of my county.

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