A Customer really pissed me off yesterday at work: SHE WANTS TO PRAY for me

by Terry 116 Replies latest jw experiences

  • seven006


    Quit pissing off the Christians, they have enough to deal with trying to combat scientific advancements all the time.

    I use to get upset when a Christian said they were going to pray for me, now I just tell them thanks for caring but I rather they didn’t waste Allah’s time.

    I know its a little mean but for the really stubborn ones, it works. Not that I would ever do something like that myself. I like Christians. In fact, I use to own a couple of them myself.


  • mouthy

    Little Toe.....I wondered where you were. DONT let any one rile you.. They have an opinion also. I DO say I will pray for you. !!! If the person dont like it. They usually say" Dont Bother.".. "Oh the gift that God had give us to see out selves as others see us." Some think I am NUTS!!! Others come thinking I am the best thing since sliced bread!!!! They could both be wrong But the world goes on. No one cares if I am alive or dead tomorrow...

    Terry forgave me for my comment... I privatly e-mailed him... Skully knows I am nuts!

    Each his own(((( " Grace get the hell out of this site- your getting deeper & deeper in s...t)

    Night all I will pray for you all

  • Mulan

    I might have said that "I am not allowed to discuss religion in the work place, you understand, I'm sure".

    If she persisted, I would have added that "I was in a destructive cult, that used religion to control everyone, so I am not open to this discussion" and then I wouldn't have talked with her about it at all.

  • CountryGuy

    I think you handled it well. I'm sure you did a better job than most of us here could have.

    I have a lady that reports to me who sounds a lot like your customer. She is all the time telling me that she is praying for me and that God is working through me. She told me yesterday that I was not feeling well because my "soul is stricken" and that I need to listen when God whispers in my ear. I just calmly listen to her and generically nod my head and say things like "Hmmmm," "Really?," and "You know, you just might be right."

    I confided in another supervisor (and friend) how annoying it was and how hard it was for me to continue to be respectful when she is telling me these things. My friend asked me exactly what it was about this that bothered me. And I figured out that it boils down to two things: 1) I used to be just like her and it's a piece of my past that I have worked so hard to get over. 2) My resentment towards the dubs (not all, but most) and the WTS is so strong that it tends to boil over and encompass all Christians. I was unfairly equating her actions with those of the JWs.

    This is just my observation. I'm sure that we all have our own reasons for being put off by, or attracted to, Christianity.


  • hmike


    If you were going to engage in a conversation with her instead of just excusing yourself, why be vague? Why not tell her you came out of JW?

    She was just trying to help in the way she knew how.

    Obviously you let your guard down. People in customer service are not supposed to state opinions or express emotions that may offend the customer, obviously--it isn't usually good for business. If the customer complains to management, it could result in a reprimand.

    I wonder if this lady realizes that prayer doesn't always work in the way the praying person expects.

  • Pistoff
  • Pistoff

    I understand completely the comment about "christians" creeping people out; modern "christians" are often, NOT ALWAYS, don't bury me with indignance, self righteous, saved and arrogant.

    The idea I get now when I hear the modern use of the word "christian" is in a way that is impossible: christian nation, christian policy, christian government. Governments and nations cannot be christian; only people can be christian and no state, nation or government should call itself christian, it is ridiculous.

    Christian to me means christlike behavior and attitudes; Jesus was not self righteous or arrogant.

    AND: Jesus did not call for the death of any elected official.

  • Terry

    A lot of really fine comments from everybody. Thanks.

    I've reflected on this all day and weighed the various opinions given here. I've decided the following.

    I thought I was helping the lady by talking to her. I misjudged her motives. (Badly!)

    Bottom line?

    She heard nothing I said (and I spoke sincerely) and discounted my feelings, my values, my history and my choices. She waved them away. She didn't even grant me personhood. I was merely a shell on the beach to be picked up and tucked away in some collection marked "Things found".

    You see, I never abandoned my thoughts about god or bible. I plunged in and decided TO KNOW everything I could discover about the REALITY of both. I've read as much as any Seminary Student, I'm certain. But, I try to be middle of the road objective and let the facts speak. I've worked hard for years and years. Dealing with uncontaminated thoughts is not easy. I take no sides automatically. Where I've arrived is where the evidence has led. I'm now convinced of what I say (but, always willing to be wrong if so proved.) This lady disallowed facts and evidence and dealt, instead, with mysticism and emotion.

    She sought to undermine my mind. My mind is who I am. If I surrender my mind and my will I cease to be a person. I become a vessel instead. I DON'T WANT TO BE AN EMPTY VESSEL.

    My being was violated. That is why I was pissed.

    Today I put it aside, finally. I've learned not to grant so much leeway with people who have an agenda disguised as a rescue mission.

    From now on I let them talk to the hand. Mr. Tallfinger will be my secretary.


  • hmike
    She heard nothing I said (and I spoke sincerely) and discounted my feelings, my values, my history and my choices. She waved them away. She didn't even grant me personhood. I was merely a shell on the beach to be picked up and tucked away in some collection marked "Things found".


    You brought up a very good point that I think every Christian who conducts evangelism should consider. Some Christians can do "cold call" evangelism and some churches push it; your reason is the reason I cannot.

  • Eyebrow2


    I want to say two things:

    1. I think I am familiar with the book store chain you work for, and they are AWESOME!!! one of the reasons it was worth moving down here...well besides family reasons hahah;

    2. Yes, I think maybe you did over react a wee bit.

    However, at least you kept your temper. That is easier said than done. Kudos to you for that.

    And as for some of the posts bashing all Christians as freaky push people that are full of piety...yeah...that is definately a sweeping statement.

    I have known many christians that are not like that AT ALL...although, I think I find it a lot more down here in the bible belt of Texas.

    So, in Terry's defense, he may get that a lot more than some of you in other parts of the country. Up in New Hampshire where I am from, you get a little bit of it, but usually it is from a Witness...not the other christian groups. Even the Baptists are usually well behaved up there hahah (my mom's family is baptist and her brother a minister. They will talk to her, but never her kids about it)

    I do find it interesting when people get offended when someone offers to pray for them. I can only speak for myself, but I am not sure why someone offering goodwill is offensive.

    Regarding Andi... I would like to say that I have met her before, and Little Toe, and I found neither one of them as an "in your face" Christian. In fact, I think they both give Christianity a good name...not that I am going to join the club, but still, I just had to say that. If either one of them offered to pray for me, I would be touched, even though I am not a "believer".

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