A Customer really pissed me off yesterday at work: SHE WANTS TO PRAY for me

by Terry 116 Replies latest jw experiences

  • GetBusyLiving

    Nicely handled Terry. That would make my pissed too. Remember the time Hib first started posting here? We dissected then absolutely BLASTED every one of her arguments clear out of the water, leaving her as an embarrassing pile of fundie ruin. Yet, STILL she posts here with her pro-Bible crap. It's become strangely endearing for me.. I find it facinating. For me I think its sometimes good to just stand back and smile.


  • Honesty
    "With all this in depth knowledge and information at your disposal have you reached any conclusions about all this personally?" She appeared to be simply seeking neutral comments and I relaxed my guard.

    I should have asked myself the same question before I got dipped into the name of the spirit directed organisation.

    You handled it pretty good for an ex religious extremist and doomsday fanatic.

  • Terry
    Terry, I'll pray for you tonight. ;-)


    Thanks, Pole and I'll dance the Hokey Pokey for you ;)


  • Terry
    BTW..... did you pray that night and read John 1:1? (Ok, don't hit me over that one!)

    Yep, and I gave myself to Jesus just before bedtime. Hallelujah, brothers and Amen!


  • upside/down
    I gave myself to Jesus just before bedtime

    I could say....but I won't


  • AlmostAtheist

    OMFG! I haven't laughed so hard in ages! I fully expected this to be Terry going off over some kind soul offering a prayer-oriented condolence, maybe over the loss of a pet or something. I never in my wildest dreams expected this story!

    Reciting John 1:1 in Greek, nice touch!

    Terry, for the good of your obviously-damned soul, I will very fervently dance the hokey-pokey for you tonight. Twice. Please watch the last twenty minutes of The Life of Brian and try to let Monty Python into your heart, won't you?

    "Christian Martyrs, I mean." -- priceless!


  • Preston
    "You could have been a MARTYR for Christ! That would be wonderful!!"

    *SNIFF* I actually like Terry better alive..I'd miss those posts.....

    - Preston

  • Odrade

    LOL @ Dave. I also expected it to be some humorous account of some little whitehaird lady saying "you're so sweet sonny, I'll pray for you. God bless your mama."
    Instead we get she-bitch with a bible. Whoohoo.
    Here's my answer to the holier-than-thou "I'll pray for your damned soul" fruitbars:
    Me: "Are you going to pray to this guy?" *points at bible*
    She-bitch: "Yes, of course, who else?"
    Me: "Well, seeing as this guy is capricious, vengeful and vindictive, and not someone I'd ever want to meet or let into my home, I'd rather you didn't call his attention to me. Don't pray for me, I like it out here in reality land, thank you very much."
    She-bitch: "gggaaarrrrhghgghglllgafghghg" *head spins around*
    end discussion. :)

  • Terry
    I gave myself to Jesus just before bedtime

    I could say....but I won't


    Ulp! But, he SAID he was Jesus!


  • Billygoat
    Has a situation like this ever blind-sided you as it did me? Am I over-reacting? I don't think so. My reaction follows my values. I value self-sufficiency and cherish my rational mind. To have a stranger impugn both in a five minute conversation naturally generates an emotional reaction on my part.

    Considering our background, I don't think you're overreacting. Any person with a backbone reacts similarly to an arrogant person demeaning us in a conversation. Funny thing...I don't ever remember Jesus acting like that, even to the dregs of society.

    A similar incident has happened to me. Several years ago when I joined this board, a fellow-member invited me to a local exJW meeting (not affiliated with this board). It was at a person's home and I felt completely safe as there was a crowd of maybe 10 or 12 people. But one fellow in the corner (with his silent wife) had decided it was his mission to convert ex-cult members into Christianity. He didn't realize 1) most of us there were already Christians, and 2) that him "spouting" scripture in a loud tone of arrogance was doing NOTHING for his cause. Unfortunately, it's "Christians" like this that give a bad name to Christ. I was angered that day to the point of arguing with him in the same tone, but of course, to no avail. It was not what I expected out of the meeting and I've not been back since. My fellow-board member and I now joke about "The Screamer" the first time we met at that meeting.

    I am a Christian, but I work very hard to not shove my beliefs down anyone's throat, even if I think they're flawed beliefs. It's not MY journey...it's their's. And like all the people that allow me my journey, I will always attempt to allow others as well.

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