Mr and Mrs Kwintestal are no longer Jehovah's Witnesses

by kwintestal 100 Replies latest members private

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Cutting off the dead limb to let the tree grow? Just hard to do when that dead limb is your mom and dad

    I know. I went through the same thing with my parents. In fact, I was your age when my parents cut me off. That's why I said it.

    However, perhaps this is not the time to have spoken so bluntly. I apologize for my poor choice of words.

    Be well


  • damselfly
    You're welcome here anytime! You know, I could head your way too!

    Come on down anytime. The whole family is welcome, even the cats


  • the_classicist
    I bet they'll all say the demonz brought me there!!!

    Oh, you mean the elders?


    I don't know if there's anything you can do with a lawyer: they have full rights to do this kind of thing under the law by claiming a "spiritual relationship". I heard a lawyer talk about it on the radio. B/c of the "spiritual relationship" kind of thing, organizations like the Salvation Army can treat their people like slaves.

  • PopeOfEruke
  • Valis

    That was a rather abrupt pontification..

  • PopeOfEruke

    Mums and Dads can be more resilient than you think! Just give them some time....
    I'm sure it will all work out...

    All the best mate!


  • kwintestal
    have worked with attorneys for the past 15 years. ; The ones I have dealt with only will take a case on contingency if they feel they have a good chance at winning.

    Please stick to your guns though and really try to find an attorney who will help you out with this. ; Maybe you could set a precedent for others. ; ; I am burning up with anger just thinking of the elders who are playing god with people's lives. ;

    Purza, I think I'll have to talk to a few who know what to do with this. Obviously, there aren't too many lawyers who deal with this type of thing. Fortuneately, a good friend of mine is a lawyer, and will give me good advice. He actually went with me when I handed the cease and desist letter a few weeks ago.

    Ozzie, I won't ever forget that. However, I do feel bad in a way for giving the the "all or nothing" decision. I don't like it one bit, but it has to be done. This whole situation sucks, but it's their failure to respect the freedom of my choice, nothing else.

    Chris, I knew where you were comming from. No offence taken, and no apoligy needed. It is very true, however the truth hurts, as we all know so well.

    Sweet Dams, I don't know where you live silly! "The Valley" on a dirt road is ... like 90% of the area!!! We were at "3 Pools" in Wolfville a few weeks ago, anywhere near there?

    Classist, They do have the right, I'm sure to remove people from their organisation, however when there are procedures that must be followed to remove someone from their group, they must be followed. No different then by laws of a corporation. When the group doesn't follow these by-laws, then you have recourse.


  • confusedjw

    Kwin - I haven't read all the posts, just your first one. I hope you do sue and I hope you win painfully big. What they did is WRONG WRONG WRONG.

    Does this group having anything to do with Christianity or just control control control?

  • PopeOfEruke

    It was Pontificus Interruptus . ..... (now, where's a tissue....?)


  • damselfly
    Sweet Dams, I don't know where you live silly! "The Valley" on a dirt road is ... like 90% of the area!!! We were at "3 Pools" in Wolfville a few weeks ago, anywhere near there?

    I don't live on a dirt road

    And yes that is "just up the road" I went swimming there once with *gasp* cute JW boys.


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