most embarrasing thing ever at a meeting ...

by alliwannadoislive 116 Replies latest jw friends

  • Free2Bme

    Hey all of you
    Thanks for giving me a laugh. Some great stories. I think I exhausted my own embarrasing moments in a previous thread but I do remember a couple of incidents that were the painful variety rather than amusing.
    The first one happened when I was new to the meetings, about 7 years old and it was a Watchtower study taken by a highly respected elder. Suddenly the doors at the rear of the hall burst open and a man ran down the aisle waving his arms and sobbing. He was heartbroken as he had just lost his child and had come to ask why God could let it happen. Our's was probably the nearest religious meeting of sorts he could find. The wailing and crying seemed to go on forever but the embarrasing aspect of it was the brother continued on with the study as if the man was invisible. Can you imagine how the poor guy felt? Eventually the hall servents woke up and ushered him out as quickly as poss and the WT study went on with no reaction from anybody. I was only a kid but I expected some sort of soothing remarks to be directed at the man or just some acknowledgement.
    The second incident was many years later and is another example of how thrown JW's can be when the norm is challenged. We had been using a seaside town for assemblies for years and they were great occasions loaded with atmosphere. It was great nipping out for candy floss in the break or taking a stroll on the beach. Anyway, I digress...well all good things must come to an end and the society decided we needed to build an Assembly Hall (financed and built by local brothers). The rumours had been circulating and a special talk was scheduled in a service meeting to start putting the pressure on for donations and to introduce yet another contribution box.
    Brother W giving the talk was well into it when a Brother B put his hand up and asked if he could make a point. Bro W looked flustered and agreed and we all watched bro B proceed to walk to the front of the hall, pull down the Blackboard, pick up and switch on the second mike then turn to the hall while chalking various figures on the board. He explained how much the project was expected to cost and compared it with the current costs of hiring the hall at seaside blah blah. Bro W had turned white and we were all in mouth-open shocked silence. Someone was daring to raise an argument against the society in full public view. The poor guy might as well have sprouted a forked tail and horns right there on that platform. After a few minutes Bro W found his voice and told him to go back to his seat. I will never forget the horrible embarrased and horrified atmosphere!!That incident was talked about for a long long time...but it was even longer before Bro B ever regained privileges in the congregation. Ouch!
    BTW the assembly hall was built and I was sooo relieved I was already baptised so I didn't have the humiliation of parading in a soaked cossie in front of the whole circuit ( oh what a great idea having a pool on the platform!)


  • alliwannadoislive

    hey iw ... i suspect i know why nobody told ya ... ;) ...

    mustbejoking ... like iw, i had a full-out-loud laugh at the fish'n'chips scene ... i would so loved to have been there ...

  • Richie

    Many years ago at the meeting I remember an instance where a young sister had a part on the platform - she was standing pretending to be a householder. She was so nervous that she started peeing through her panties down her legs on the carpet - most people were able to see it and I felt terribly sorry for the young sister (she was about 13 years or so) - I've never seen a fac that red in my life........

    Richie :*)

  • Richie

    I've heard this from a reliable brother:
    Two things happened at the Kingdom Hall many years ago:
    A adult brother who was giving a talk at the school meeting was so terribly nervous that he was visibly shaking his legs as he was talking; in fact he was shaking so much that he could not stand straight up behind the podium, and what happened next was next tto unbelievable: he started falling towards the members in the KH - immediately the brothers and sisters in the front seats got up and quickly moved the chairs so he wouldn't hurt himself by banging against the metal chairs - it was as if the made some kind of a path through the Hall and he was crawling toward the center trying to get up!! he caused such a commotion that the school was cancelled and they proceeded to start with the service meeting!!! I never asked what happened to that brother afterwards, but I guess he must have gotten over his nervousness I hope!! LOL

    Richie :*)

  • Richie

    The second thing that happened at the KH many years ago:
    An elderly brother fell asleep during one of the talks - at some point during that time the sleeping brother must have "heard" his name mention (perhaps the name he heard was someone else's name but sounded like his name) - Immediately that brother stood up from his seat and started to pray while still in a daze..... the audience must have found this hilariously funny!!! LOL

    Richie :*)

  • spike

    One time at the memorial talk, the brother giving the discourse was so nervous he kept burping with every word. We were sitting in the second school where the attendant kept turning the sound up. He wore hearing aides but must not been working. The burping sounds blasted our ears. Another brother would turn the sound down and the attendant would come in and turn it up. This went back and forth all through the talk. Finally the brother told the attendant in not so nice words to not touch the volume switch again. To add to the night, a young girl in front of us about 13, who was studying had brought her worldly friends along for support. She tells them not to take the emblems. One friend remarked that it was only grape juice and the girl studying said"Not here it is wine". And the friend said that"s all the better. But when the wine was past the girls had went to the bathroom. That was the last memorial we attended.

    Never give up, and never under any circumstances, face the facts-R.Gordon

  • Daisymay

    The funniest thing I ever saw was during a service mtg. - A kid was sitting diagonal across the aisle from me and my brother, so we had been watching him off and on the whole time - you know kids and their antics! Well, suddenly he had projectile puke all over the back of the seat and all over the floor around him ... I think this was the only time my dad didn't get p.o'ed at us kids for cracking up laughing - he was laughing too!


  • Angharad

    This is not so much embarrasing, more about carrying on regardless.

    An elderly brother was saying the closing prayer, and stops mid-sentance, long enough for everyone to look up, to see him starting to sway. Two brothers leaped upto the platform to catch him, but instead of helping him down and checking he's OK, they carried on the prayer (not just Amen, but going on about the meeting), while this poor semi-conscious brother was propped up between them.

  • Disengaged

    A brother giving a talk one Sunday suddenly got a case of the "Hershey Squirts" and in the middle of a sentence tells the audience to start singing song number ###. So they do and he hurrys to the mens room. They sing all the verses of the song which nears its end. Suddenly you hear from the mens room......"Sing the 3rd verse again brothers". Finally after that the brother returned to finish his talk.

  • closer2fine

    At the very end of the Service meeting, the brother asks if there are any other announcements that need to be made. (this was asked every week & often an elder reminded of a change in field service, or someone who was ill) Well my dorky brother raises his hand and announces to the entire congregation that his sister got her period today. I could have just died right there on the spot. (I was 12 at the time, he was 9)


    The less I seek my source for some definitive The closer I am to fine - Indigo Girls

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