most embarrasing thing ever at a meeting ...

by alliwannadoislive 116 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ranchette

    My hubby started conducting a meeting for field service with his fly open and a sister let him know in front of everyone!

    My son feel asleep during the meeting and feel head first out of his chair into the floor.I couldn't stop laughing then later felt guilty for being such a heartless mother!

  • princecharmant

    A brother comments to the question: Why is regular personal study of the Bible important?

    Says he: because it whets our sexual appetite.

    The whole hall goes a-gog.

    Brother had been disciplined several times before then for sexual-related offenses. Yes, I sat on the committee each time, and he'd only recently won the "right" to start making comments again.


  • gladiamout

    Hi, I have a cute story that happened at the hall I went to. There was this eldery lady that used to tease my friends little boy and of course he liked to tease back. So before one meeting they came in the hall and it was cold out so they both had hats on. Well she grabed his hat off his head so he did the same to her the kicker was she had a wig on and it game off with her hat! He looked at that hair with fear in his eyes like he had snached her bald he dropped the hat with the hair and ran one way while she grabbed it from the floor and ran to the restroom! It was sooooooo funny lol.

  • alliwannadoislive

    more2c !! a brand newbie ? welcome and thanks for your first posting

    ranchette - baaaaaaad momma ...

    prince - great comment - woulda loved to have seen the conductors face ...

    gladia - thank you for the lasting image ... i like wig stories ...

  • ashitaka

    I thought this was a funny thread that some of us newbies might not have seen.....


  • WildHorses

    I can't believe I am going to tell you this............Once when I was at the meeting. I was wearing a long dress as JW women often do. I went to the restroom and when I finished, pulled my panty hose up and didn't realize that I had the back of my dress tucked in also. I did however realize it before getting all the way back to my seat.

    "I don't want someone in my life I can live with, I want someone in my life I can't live without."

  • Monica

    When I was about 10, our family was asked to do a little skit for a Sunday talk. My sister and I were sitting on the floor of the stage. While I was up there, my foot fell asleep. I tried to readjust, but it was really hard to do that wearing a dress. When our little skit was over, I stood up to walk off, but I couldn't feel my foot. So I lost my balance and almost fell off the stage. My mom's quick reaction saved me. That was my most embarassing moment.

    Another time, I did this part in the service mtg and for some reason I got tongue-twisted and couldn't say "people". All that would come out was "beeple". I said it three times before I busted up laughing!

  • target

    After the talk one Sunday, the brother said"And now we will sing Jehovah's Happy Peepee" instead of "people'. This was a very self-righteous brother and that made it all the more funny.

  • DazedAndConfused

    I remember when my girls were small....6, 2 1/2 and 1 year old. We would sit in the back of the Hall because of frequent trips to the restroom. The youngest was being weaned and she was sitiing on my lap and decided she wanted to nurse. Well you know how quick children are......she reached out and grabbed the front of my blouse, button down, and pulled the whole thing wide open. As I realised what she had done, I let go of her and grabbed my blouse. At this moment, she fell to the floor with a big thud. Almost everyone in the Hall turned around to see what had happened. Here I am clutching my blouse while my child is on the floor screaming!!!!!

  • WildHorses


    "I don't want someone in my life I can live with, I want someone in my life I can't live without."

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