Are You For or Against The Death Penalty?

by minimus 264 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    When "innocent people" are not being killed, I'm all for the death penalty.

  • LouBelle

    Min I think that is the safest answer

  • tetrapod.sapien

    it's funny how things don't change much from the musty old days of paleolithic - cave dwelling, carcass scavenging, fire hording moral ambiguity.

    so, it's wired into us by evolution, to tally life for life. to teach lessons that take life. to see the color of blood, and want even more blood. justice meted out by the goons, and organized by the pack leader. about 200 feet from the cave entrance, the earliest form of capital punishment is dealt out:

    "you killed Baaak's sister. now you die too.", as the goons bludgeon him to death. of course they just left his body there to rot, since they were "uncivilized".

    and why not? it worked. it was simple, and made a real point to the rest.

    ahhh, the days when we didn't have the intellectual ability to come up with more complex solutions to complex problems. ahhh, the days when we didn't think twice about torture and killing. we didn't have to think twice, because we couldn't think twice. t'was the way of life!

    ...and still is, apparently, for some.

  • tetrapod.sapien
    Tetrapod said: um, the death penalty is torture. they'll either fry, or choke, or bleed to death. torture, whether you think it so or not. one in the States hangs people any more-----usually they're given an injection where it just shuts their body down. That's NOT torture.

    also, self deffense is different from formal state sponsored terrorism. if i have to kill someone to save my own life, or my wife's, then i will. and the law has accomodation for that.

    OK, so you would kill someone to prevent them from killing your life or a family members. In other words, you think that killing in certain situations is fair. So you'd kill someone even though they haven't actually murdered you or your family yet. Fair enough. But what if you don't get there in time? Say they kill your wife or children......Seeing as they have now actually killed, are you trying to tell me that you don't think that the person deserves to die?

    How do you rationalize that? You'd kill someone even though they haven't yet committed murder, but you don't think it's right to kill someone who already has committed murder..........

    you miss the point. perhaps re read my post, mary.

    calling it bullshit, doesn't change the fact that even lethal injection is neat and tidy torture. all death is torture. why do you think torture works in the first place?

    and survival instinct for self defense, is DIFFERENT from pre meditated, state sponsored, jury stamped, murder. and calling that bullshit, won't change it either. but of course, it's conveeeeenient for you to to compare survival instinct to capital punishment.

    i have already said that i think murderers and rapists deserve to die. but what i say in the sentence that follows, is that we don't have the right to kill. even if daddy in the bible says it's okay. he's a murdering bastard psychopath, NOT ME.

  • minimus

    Tetra, you seem to think that if we disagree with you, we are just cave people. I do think that you could change your view if you were actually affected. I hope no one you love is ever murdered so that you too become a caveman.

  • Mary

    Amen Minimus..........

  • upside/down
    all death is torture.

    Not really...the threat of death maybe...but not death itself.

    Being a that's torture!

    u/d (of the many marriages are cruel and unusual punishment too class)

  • trevor


    How very true. How can the state sanction marriage and not the death penalty. It’s all the same thing really!

  • tetrapod.sapien
    Tetra, you seem to think that if we disagree with you, we are just cave people.

    no minimus, i am still an ape just as much as anyone else. i am just doing my small part to try to help us move away and forward from our cruel evolutionary past. once we have the ability to stop thinking like apes, then we could also stop behaving like them.

    and for the record, if anyone murdered a family member of mine, i would want to kill them. i am an ape after all. i would want them dead. but that is not a rational place to make such a decision from, is it? even if i succeeded in killing a murderer for killing my child, would it make it right? obviously not! by killing him, i put myself at his level. he wins. if my government kills him for me, and i cheer them on, then both my government and i are now both on his level.

  • upside/down
    by killing him, i put myself at his level.

    THAT is as illogical as hell...

    Why do people say things like this...?

    Propaganda does work...

    u/d (of the I guess I'd "stoop" class)

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