Great Experiences- I was serfing the net ad came across APOSTATES

by You People Are All Idiots 110 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Legolas

    "You People Are All Idiots" ...... You know the old saying.." It takes one to know one"!!!!

  • itsallgoodnow
    I mean even though the society request kindly that no one operates under names such as the one these people were under dosen't mean they should listen. Hey lets all join a site filled of retarded apostates! Sounds fun! When your done, tell me how gehena is!

    Funny you should mention the Theocratic Ministry School, too bad they don't include grammar and spelling lessons in their curriculum. I can't make sense of this.

    But hey! I'm glad you decided to join our site, don't worry about going to Gehenna!

    I couldn't help but laugh at his choice of a name. Wouldn't it be funny if "You People Are All Idiots" decided he had seen enough, wanted to leave the Witnesses and became a regular poster on this board?

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Oh my God!!! This is an apostate site?????

    Please, say it ain't so!!

    I Repent....I repent.....Lawgivers......Landru....Landru......
    (watching too much Star-Trek)

  • luna2

    hehehe, it's all good....then it would have to change it's s/n to "I'm the real idiot" ...or for brevity just "idiot".

    midwich, I don't think you were harsh at all...just tellin' it like it is. LOL

  • Abaddon

    Has anyone pointed out they typed 'serfing' instead of 'surfing'.

    I suppose that's natural for a slave of the Borg... LOL

    (Abaddon of the can't be arsed to read 4 pages of same old)

  • carla

    Never being a jw, only studying about them, can you answer this for me? You imply those of us here should let you know about 'gehenna'. It is my understanding that jw's do no believe in a soul or anything that continues on after death, and that at the Big A, all of us who are not jw's will be exterminated, again no further consciousness. So how then could anyone tell you about gehenna? Is that like a jw way of saying 'go to hell'? carla

  • luna2

    Abaddon, most of it was just funny jibes at you people. Rather enjoyable in a slightly mean sort of way.

    It is true that these folks would do better to use a dictionary before submitting their tirades, 'specially if they're gonna call other people "idiots". LOL It would give us one less thing to make fun of them about.

  • mouthy

    I was a devote JW for 25 years .....BUT! I think you are not listening to the Elders.!!!!
    This is a disfellowship offense speaking to disfellowshipped people. I would NEVER!!!! Never have disobeyed the Elders NEVER!!!!!But you see there is a GOD !! & he felt so sorry for me- that he allowed the Elders to get angry at me cos I said I could not believe Jesus came invisably in 1914-OH But listen after being given that left foot of fellowship in 1987 they came & asked me to come back into the Truth( excuse me the LIE) I told them I would if I could THINK indepentently ( which you must not do) Also I can mention the Organization joined the U.N. After telling me for 25 years it was of the devil( you didnt know that now did you?)Also that I could tell all the congregation WHO I LOVE!!! that hundreds died not having organ transplants -before Jehovah changed his mind. ..Come on love ....Stop judging us- cos the way your judging is the way you will be judged. & your question about hell???? I am a remnant I am NOT going there I am going to Heaven ....Your invited by Jesus the WAY! TRUTH! Life (((HUG)))) Grace

  • NeonMadman
    where using it to blasphem the jehovah's true organization in order to help people break away.

    blas·pheme (bls-fm, blsfm) KEY

    blas·phemed , blas·phem·ing , blas·phemes
    1. To speak of (God or a sacred entity) in an irreverent, impious manner.
    Guess it's pretty easy to see who Jehovah's Witnesses really worship, isn't it?

  • kittyeatzjdubs
    The site was and was JUST FILL of retarded apostates!

    just fill???

    i thought the theocrapic ministry drool was supposed to make you smart.....

    retarded????? homey, i'm probably making more money right now at the age of 20 than you'll ever hope to see in your pitiful sucky lifetime!!!! get a life dude and leave us apostates to burn in gehenna in peace!

    no luv, jojo (of the shake dem haters off class)

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