Is it time to demollish the welfare state in the UK

by Gill 136 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ellie

    Evilforce - Actually, it wasn't me who reported her, it was probably some other chav out for their reward money.

  • avishai
    I like it!

    We could open a hunting season on "Feral Youths", charge a hefty license fee and kill many birds with one bullet stone

    Not so funny. I 've heard they actually do that in some areas of brazil..

  • willy_think

    There are many countries around the world without a social infrastructure unfortunately non-of them are better places to live then the nations with social services. If you would like to make an industrial nation a dollar a day 3rd world state just remove the protections and financial safety nets that exist for its people.

  • Englishman
    Jeepers creepers - have you lot been reading the Daily Mail again??? It's not serious you know, try to treat it like the beano.


    Oh yes..brilliant!

    God I loathe that newspaper.


  • goldfish

    I saw this thread and read it with interest. In todays climate, it's very apt. So many people are laughing at those of us who work, and take the benefits we have worked for. Yeah, the healthy and unemployed should have to work for their social security. As for youngsters getting pregnant to avoid work and get a council home....Well, I am a housing officer for the local council and we see this all the time. What I can tell you is, from personal experience....the ones in our society who have the most be be grateful for, thanks to the welfare state, are in fact amongst the most ungrateful, rude and belligerant. Give someone free money, a free home, and free healthcare, along with all the customer care and politness they can grab, and you have a recipe for selfishness. On the other hand, if people didn't see a free handout, and had to do something to earn what they get, I believe that they would actually appreciate it more. We have had the welfare state for long enough to see that it does, indeed, help to breed a selfish society, with a "Screw you" mentality. Just my thoughts!

  • Sirona

    This topic is my PET HATE

    Prepare for my rant:

    I've worked from leaving college at 18. I've never claimed any benefit. In the early years of my marriage, we had very little money because having been JWs we didn't get sufficient skills to get good jobs. So we lived in a council house. Now get this: the council house I lived in 5 years ago is still NICER than the property I managed to buy 2 years ago. Honestly. That council house, despite the area it was in, was fully double glazed, brand new central heating, all rooms nicely decorated, massive gardens front and back. Now because I decided to get on the property ladder and make better of myself, I'm living in a terraced house which needs lots of work...with a front and back YARD. We recently paid £1400 for a new central heating boiler.

    Now this wouldn't be so bad if I didn't see ALL OVER TOWN girls getting pregnant and getting council houses, but oh no...not just council houses, they're getting the really nice privately owned rented properties and the government is paying ALL of their rent. This town is known for it. I go into town and I see 15 year olds pushing prams.

    When I split up from my hub back in 2000 and I was still in the council house, I couldn't afford to stay there despite having a full time job because my wage was low. But they told me that because I earned more than £70 per week (I was actually on about £130 per week at the time) then I couldn't have ANY help. If I'd have been pregnant and NOT WORKING I'd have had the rent paid for ....everything paid for, plus a bit of cash left on the side. GRRRRRRRRRRRR

    All this said, I'd rather work and have my self respect. Next year, we hope to buy a nicer house too.

    I just think it is way too easy for these people to milk the system. They simply have kids and bob's yer uncle! You get f**kin everything on a plate!!!!

    Just recently when I left my job of 9 years and was waiting to start my new one (starts next week) I asked about any financial help and they said I wasn't even entitled to £50 per week, because my husband works.


  • Gill

    goldfish and sirona, hi! I agree with you both entirely. As much as both of you and myself would NOT want to see these young girls out on the streets with their babies, there has to be a better alternative that involves them working, either for furthur education, or out at work and having to live at home with their parents unless abuse is taking place.

    As for young men not at work, they should have to work for unemployment benefits and not live off their forever pregnant girlfriends.

    All joking aside, and taking the comments of 'chuck 'em off the cliff', melt 'em down, and hunt 'em, in the spirit in which intended, there's something going seriously wrong in this country, and it's not the fault of the poor. It's the fault of the rich who feel uncomfortable when they see the poor and throw money at the problem instead of real workable solutions to help the poor.

  • LittleToe

    Do ya mean the self-same rich who want tax-cuts, invest heavily in private pensions, and occasionally give a bob or two to charity?

  • Gill

    LT - I mean the rich that are in power, feel the pressure from their relatively rich friends and the pressure from the electorate who don't want to see 'unpleasantness' in their country. Yet, the real answer is more complicated than social security hand outs. I don't include pensions in social security hand outs, or sickness benefit.

    As a mum, if there had been NO child benefits or government support at all for children I would have NEVER have considered having more than one child. They are TOO expensive. If the race dies out, so be it.

    However, the poor need education, health benefits and more importantly WORK, but we all need bin men, cleaners etc. They're essential to our way of life yet they are kept poor and not appreciated for how essential their work is.

    It's a complicated situation all round!

  • LittleToe

    Gill:S'ok, you've got me wrong. I was in a terse mood and should have elaboarated.
    The rich/poor divide is widening again in Britain.

    I would warrant to say that those who invest heavily in private pensions are out of touch with the majority of the populace. That isn't a slam against people taking out pensions (even though I've never been able to afford one myself), it's just an observation on those who have more money than they know what to do with.

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