Apostates commit the unforgivable sin and will NOT be resurrected.

by gumby 66 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EvilForce

    Good point Gumby!!!

    My folks feel that WTBS is God's communication channel. So if you "change" the channel you turn your back on God. Mind control.....sad, so sad :(

  • Sunspot
    They feel Jehovah is more concerned over doctrine than ones love for him.


    Yeah, I know. They've appointed themselves judge, jury, chief cook and bottlewashers all in one package.

    In ALL the times we went through the bible in meetings or personal studies-----did I fail to notice the meaning of Romans 8:38-39. I sure would like to discuss THAT with an elder or any JW now and get their "take" on it!

    Splain DAT Lucy!!!!!!!


  • tetrapod.sapien

    i guess i will die, along with other animals, perminently at the war of the great day. which is fine with me. even if jehovah came down and proved to me that he existed, i would still really have a hard time worshiping such a cranky child again. so, gehenna (sp), here i come! i fully intened to die an aposta-sapien.

  • gumby

    Nark made a very good point earlier in his post.

    All of this apostate hate talk, came shortly after Ray Franz ....and others decided they'd had enough and exited. The Bethelites were also conducting private studies among themselves at the beggining of the 1980's and apostasy as we know it was beggining to show it's ugly head within the organisation. This was primetime for Freddy....the spiritual oracle guru, to give everyone an asskickin and a wake-up call to any who would try and leave. Freddy could pretty much call the shots for Jehovah with no rebuttles from others.


  • freedom96

    My in-laws who are still quite active feel that all three of their children will not make it through armegeddon, and then it will be just the two of them.

    My wife and her siblings found an anniversary card from one parent to the other, and in it was written how they feel. Though they love their children dearly, the card states something to the effect of "at least we'll have each other in the new order."

    And this comes from two college educated people who got sucked into the WTS.

  • Flash
    Some apostates profess to know and serve God, but they reject (OUR)teachings or (OUR) requirements (WE DECIDED WERE) set out in his Word. Others claim to believe the Bible, but they reject Jehovah’s (INFFALIBLE, ALL-KNOWING AND FLAWLESS) organization


  • gumby

    ....well inserted Flash. It's easy to fill in between the lines......once your out eh?

    Freedom......it's sad one man started a group that became the cause of attitudes such as your in-laws isn't it?


  • FlyingHighNow

    Yep, and this is the exact reason I told Andy not to tell my JW relatives if I am sick, dying or dead. They have decided that I am as good as dead now anyway.

  • Rabbit

    I've just been ajudged 'apostate' by some family for saying something 'blasphemous'. I don't even know what it was I said.

  • JW83

    ((hugs)) for Freedom 96

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