Guns: Opinions?

by RichieRich 138 Replies latest jw friends

  • EvilForce

    Governments trample on people by having the people want it themselves in the name of "feeling" safe. Ie, Patriot Act....Homeland Security....

  • RichieRich

    EscapedLifer1: Those KelTecs are nice... Somewhere I saw a laser configuration that attatched to the gun and gave it the appearance of a wallet in a pocket- Ill dig up the link and PM you with it if you're interested.

    Liberty- You make perfect sense. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it....

    When Guns are Outlawed- only outlaws will own guns....

    Edited to tell EvilForce that there is no need to fight against a tank with a Beretta, I would choose a larger caliber!

  • hillbilly

    Check back over recent posts on Amendment 2, Gun rights etc on this board and you will get a clear vision of my opinion of guns.

    Your mom needs to ask her masters if its more moral to shoot your rapist..making him stop, or to die...strangled with your own pantie hose after violation.

    If she wants to carry a gun it's her own damned business... Kingdom halls and gun ethics are very very regional. Midwest and South, especially rural... be discrete but own guns and hunt. East, Far West and Urban... well, sorry..but those halls reflect the knee-jerk liberal agenda popular in the region.... and on issues above and beyond the topics of guns. "opinon" but I have had to defend my gun ownership in all those markets... this is one I can paint with a pretty broad brush..been there done it.


  • Liberty

    Thanks Brandon,

    Our European friends on this board frequently amaze me with their anti-gun rhetoric ( not all and some Americans too) since they have seen first hand what governments do on a regular basis right in their own back yards. How can they ignor so easily the governments of Nazis, Fascists, and Communists who have murdered millions upon millions while at the same time being afraid of a few "red necks with assault rifles"? I'll take my chances with my fellow armed citizens any day over brainwashed hoards of 18 year olds given complete authority by governments over my life and property. If I can trust a Dr. to prescribe drugs or cut me open or my day care operator to keep my baby then I am perfectly comfortable with trusting them with weapons. Individual criminals and wackos are the least of our worries since statistically our chances of dying are far greater at the hands of a government.

  • Liberty

    Hi Evilforce,

    I'm actually much better armed than with just a pistol but thats beside the point. Any weapon is better than no weapon. It doesn't matter if we are up against tanks ,bombs, or even nukes, just ask the Viet Cong. An enemy's will to fight is greatly affected by the casualties they are willing to take. Bullies and paid killers have a low tolerance for pain and death so governments rely on sending their armies against helpless victims who cannot fight back effectively rather than against anyone who can offer resistance even if it is only pistol or rifle fire. Also it takes small arms to capture larger weapons. That is why we dropped thousands of pistols to the various resistance fighters behind Nazi lines in WWII so that they could harass the enemy, break their will to fight, and capture larger weapons.

    Also think about it, if my measley guns are no match for the power of big government then why are they so eager to take them? Small scale rebellions against local police are much easier with my weapons than without. If my friends and family are jailed and tortured without just cause I am much better preparred to assemble an assault team to break in and free them than if I am armed only with butter knives. Police do not want to face angry well armed citizens, hence there are few cases of abuse in the US compared to countries which keep their civilians disarmed. Local police will not be as well armed as a military force and this is where it starts. I am out of time but at least think about it.

  • EvilForce


    So how do you explain the Velvet Revolution? The Solidarity of the Poles? The recent Ukraine election? The fall of the Berlin Wall?

    Unarmed civilians.... the TV camera and internet are the new "weapons" my friend. This isn't Nazi Germany...nor did Nazi Germany roll over their own citizens they voted Hitler in, and then trampled the rest of the world.

    Eager to take your guns? Conspiracy theorist eh?

    Maybe they want less guns for safer streets...novel concept. Just admit that the gun violence is an acceptable price for you to have your guns.

  • RichieRich

    I wasn't talking only about self defense weapons- but thats ok.

    As for Liberty wanting to overthrow the police- I'll leave that to him...

    I've got the meeting to study for...

  • RichieRich

    Now EvilForce,

    Lets say- God forbid- someone wanted to beat up on you/ hurt you because you are gay (which I'm not trying offend here).

    I would assume you would be damn quick to call the cops.

    Why would you call the cops? Because they have guns. But until the cops get there...

    a pistol would hold them off.

    ITs not about the government- its about you and your *cough* husband's safety....

  • RichieRich

    BTTT - i dont if evilforce has read this yet...

  • EvilForce

    That's assuming I don't have a gun on myself :)

    But you would have to be carrying a concealed weapon at all times....a bit Wild Wild West no?

    I may be gay but I can hold my own in a fight.... a few scars are my badge of honor....and well my hubby....he's small but he's mean....he'd kick my ass.

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