How did you get over your silly fear of demons?

by embeth2525 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • embeth2525

    Even now, I still battle with a silly fear of if something might have demons or not...I know it is silly, really, I do, but I haven't been able to get over it completely yet. does anyone have any suggetions for me? Thanks Beth

  • bikerchic

    Once I dropped the Bible as being an inspired book and began to see it as just another guide book of good verses evil or a fairytale those bad demons or thoughts of demons don't bother me anymore neither does displeasing doG.

    Do some research on the Bible and the spirit world it might settle your fears. Worked for me!


  • GetBusyLiving

    Read 'The Demon Haunted World' by Carl Sagon. Doing research into the origins of the Bible helps too. Also read 'Who Wrote the Bible?' by Richard Friedman. It's all a bunch of shit.


  • Sunspot

    Out of sight-out of mind.

    When you are constantly bombarded with thoughts about demons invading everything from your umbrella to your underwear, you are bound to see evil where it doesn't exist.

    When you get away from the source of all this "demonized" thinking, you realize it was coming from the imagination of the WTS.


  • garybuss

    Fear of ghosts and goblins and deemins and gods is all part of phobia indoctrination. It's a part of a scam. Here's how it goes . . . . Introduce a problem and introduce the exclusive access to the solution. Then make people work and donate and constantly reapply for access to the solution. Don't screw up or you'll lose access to the solution and the deemins will getcha.

  • ezekiel3

    Good question.

    So how many have gone as far as playing a ouija board or participating in a seance? I have. Defintely cured my silly fears.

  • EvilForce

    I always thought it was a bunch of hooey. I mean really now!!! So, if I have a demonic experience as a Jo Ho, wouldn't that make me run like mad to the KH and NEVER EVER slip up again. It would make me want to be the best Dub there was since it would prove Satan's existence no?

  • MegaDude
    Do some research on the Bible and the spirit world it might settle your fears. Worked for me!

    This worked for me too. The nights I lost sleep over this fantasy ...sheesh.

    Have you ever noticed that in the Bible that the Christians weren't in dread or fear of the demons? In fact, they cast them out. They were nothing like the JWs are.

    The Watchtower goes out of its way to implant a phobia of these unseen monsters who can possess you and hurt you. They recount supposed true stories of demon attacks in their literature and make their followers fearfully obsessed with them. The fear of the demons is a JW created fantasy designed to scare the poop out of you and make you more submissive and controllable.

    Even their trademark sure-fire demon remover phrase is a clever piece of marketing. "Jehovah!!!!" Who uses "Jehovah" except .... Jehovah's Witnesses!!!!! I can't recall anybody in the Bible suggesting yelling "Jehovah!!!!!!(tm)" to get rid of demons.

    Fear of the demons is just another psychological tool the WT uses to keep you down. It isn't even a Bible based fear. Only a WT based fear. Deeply ingrained fear can really heal over time with the right information. But I can really relate to what you're going through.

  • fairchild

    Embeth, it is with fear of demons as with any other fear. As long as you can convince yourself that demons won't hurt you, you will be able to get over your fear completely (I think). Look back and notice that demons have not hurt you up to this time. Why would they start now? You know what I mean?

  • garybuss

    Jehoober is the BIG deemin in the sky. He's watching you and sending Jezzus to kill yer kids. That's Watch Tower intimidation at it's best.

    Whoa! We gotta keep selling Magazines so Jezzus won't kill our kids.

    Send the donations to Brooklyn. We are not a business. We are not crooked.

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