How did you get over your silly fear of demons?

by embeth2525 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    Evilforce the best way to clarify this would be to study people that go into satanism, if they were perfectly normal before getting into it and then their minds/personalities got horribly messed up then we can be sure that there is an unseen occult power operating in them, beyond any brain or mental diseases that can and do at times cause such effects.

    As for this guy I never met him before so I don't know. We just asked him to tell us how he got into satanism but unfortunately it never occured to us to ask him if his severe mental problems started after he got in and because of it. I suppose we took it for granted that they came because of it.

  • googlemagoogle

    I met a person a couple of years ago someone who was a satanist and actually perfomed a marriage ceremony with satan involving blood, as they all do, marrying to satan much as the christians are mystically married to Christ.

    either this person was telling you a joke, or didn't know anything about satanism. real satanists don't even believe in satan, the story above is pretty much a made up misconception by prejudiced christians.

  • greendawn

    Google as I said that person I had met for the first time, and I don't know what satanists are really up to with ceremonies and beliefs, however he didn't come across to me as someone telling lies or put up to it by someone else. Was he acting all this out? He really seemed to be perfectly honest and serious about what he was saying and to have regreted getting involved in satanism.

    It may also be that they have different rituals in different countries.

    Once more I say the best way to clarify things is to carefully and objectively study them, gather info from a lot of them to see what's really going on.

  • googlemagoogle

    you may want to read

    most if not all rumours spread about satanisms are made up. i feel pretty atracted by satanism, as its ethics are very high and logical, but i don't want to be the follower of any philosophy.

    the negation of christian rites by satanists is either made up or practiced for fun by some teenage metal-fans.

  • blondie

    I never could understand some JWs obsession with demons in their lives. In the congregations I have been in it has been one maybe 2 people who were like this and they came from a culture that was obsessed with it. I used to see it as some poor sisters way of getting attention from the elders and others in the congregation in an organization that basically devalued women.

    I guess too it was that I lived with evil, my abusive father. I didn't need an unconfirmed, unseen entity to scare me.


  • greendawn

    Google when I get some free time I will check things out to see what's really going on.

    However I don't think the claim that most satanists and demonists suffer severe mental problems, can be so easily dismissed as Christian propaganda.

  • garybuss

    I think the deemin fear and experience is the placebo effect. The placebo effect is SO effective it's the standard to beat in testing a new drug.

    Placebo Effects Prove the Value of Suggestion

    There is LOTS written about the power of belief and the power of the mind.

  • Hecklerboy

    Demon fear was big in the congregation I grew up in. My mother made me throw away a Duran Durna cassette (Rio) because it had some phrase in a song about demons dancing around a fire. I remember praying every night up till I was around 16 years old that I wouldn't see a demon at night. They really pounded it into you. According to them the demons were everywhere just waiting to pounce on you of you did anything that Jehovah didn't approve of. Now I see it's just another aspect of their mind control.

  • LouBelle

    Well I can honestly say that I believe that demons / satan exists. " The greatest trick satan came up with was to make ppl believe he doesn't exist" From som movie - thought it was good.

    Why do I know they exist - I've had experiences. I was 17 when I first had an experience. I was dead asleep when I literally bolted up and put my hands to my face, the one side of my face was coved in blood. Now I'm not talking a popped pimple, a scratch - I'm talking congealed blood. So I get up and go to the bathroom - so I'm pretty much wide awake, wash the blood off & look for marks or something to explain where this blood came from. Nothing. At the time there was a guy that my father (not ever a witness) allowed to stay at the home was into demonology and that....

    A few other experiences, I've been awake and paralysed, I've been awake and spoken out loud but it wasn't my voice than came out of my mouth, I've been awake and seen a spirit in the form of a wild looking dog pounce upon me, I've even known when I was going to get 'attacked'. My last 'attack' came before I left the organisation. On most occassions I couldn't speak because of the pressure & even when I could and called on Jehovah, it would continue. Merely saying Gods' name doesn't make a difference. On each occassion I've never been afraid - demons don't scare me as I knew I believed in something stronger.

    They no longer bother me as 1. I'm not longer in the organisation 2. I'm filled with Christ & we know where Christ dwells there is no darkness and nothing has power there.

    But that is just me.

  • dh

    when they talked to me and told me not to be afraid anymore.

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