Morning worship comment from Bethel

by Smoky 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • wheres caleb?
    wheres caleb?

    SNG -- that was awesome!

    AK - Jeff -- thanks for that post.

    JWs do not preach, they count time!

  • Mary
    Still waiting for Mary's version

    OK, here it is:

    'Comments made by Brother Lett at morning worship today.

    The comments were about the embarassing, never-ending work we have of bugging the living shit out of people, even though we know they're not interested in converting. He went on to say that we should not be discouraged by not at homes or non-interested people, but rather we should find new and inventive ways to track them down and harass the holy hell out of them in brand new places! He mentioned that even if 80% of the people are not at homes and 20% are not interested, we still have to drag our sorry asses out in Service, just so we can get the required 10 hours in every month. Mainly, we are pleasing the Governing Body, who are getting more senile with each passing day. Also, we don't want to get used to sleeping in on Saturday mornings, because that might lead to a form of happiness---something that we are NOT to pursue in this wicket ol' System of Things.

    Brother Lett then gave a very encouraging example/illustration of a typical day in service.

    At the first door we knock at, a woman peeks through the window, sees it's us and doesn't open the door. We mark it as a not at home, but the angels mark it as something else---they write down "NIIBS" (Not interested in bullshit) in their invisible House-to-House Record that was given to them invisibly in 1914.

    The second door we knock at, no one is home since the husband and wife are both at work, but we leave a tract. At night, when the couple gets home and sees the track, a conversation begins. "Those witnesses were at our house today. I think I'll invite them in next time to ask them about all their changing doctrines and how they screwed an entire generation of Witnesses out of a decent life." The angels are watching and make note of it---they write down: OSP (One Smart Person) in their invisible House to House Record.

    The third door we knock at, no one answers. This is because the woman at the first house called her friend at the third house and warned her that we were coming. She says, "Those idiots are on their way down to your house." We mark it as not at home, but the angels mark it as something else. They write down LMAO.

    We knock at the fourth house and no one is home. But the lady across the street sees us. The witnesses had knocked at her door last week, but she didn't listen. She says, "I saw that one Witness on Dateline a couple of years ago. He's a pedophile. He's got a hell of a lot of nerve preaching to ME. Dumb asshole......Smithers, release the hounds." Again, the angels make note of it. They write down OSP

    We knock at the fifth house and again no one is home. But a garbage truck passes by. The driver tells his co-worker, "There go those witnesses again. The co-worker asks, "Aren't they the ones that let their kids die rather than take a blood transfusion?" "Yes", the driver replies. "But that's not all. They won't let their kids play sports, get a good education, celebrate birthdays, Christmas, Mothers Day, Father's Day or anything else. Thank god my kids aren't like that!" The angels make note of it.

    So on just these 5 houses, there may have been 5 not at homes, but look how many conditions/reactions of the heart the angels were able to observe. Now imagine how many conditions/reactions of the heart the angels observe all around the world. This teaches us that Field Service is a complete waste of time and that you'd be far better off sticking firecrackers up your nose Saturday mornings, than participate in this never-ending cycle of harassing people.

  • jeanniebeanz
    Some of the paint we throw on people is a little strong at times, don't you think? Not defending the WTS at all - they cost me 4 decades of my life - but Mark and Steve did try to do what they thought was right - many of us were right alongside them for decades.


    I can appreciate your ties to this person. Remember that song that Glynis Johns sang in Mary Poppins the one where she was a suffragette? It was about men and their abysmal suppression of women of the day, and the only line I remember from that song was, "Though we adore them individually, we agree that as a group they're rather stupid."

    Problem is, get a group of these individuals together, and they do damage.


  • stevenyc

    Seems to me the Angels are getting a little bit of a bashing here.

    COME ON PEOPLE, the Angels need to get their hours in too.


  • xjw_b12

    Mary. Thanks. Your version has a lot more ring of truth to it than Bro Lett's

  • tijkmo

    just wondering when was the last time bro letts spent a day in the ministry

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Problem is, get a group of these individuals together, and they do damage.

    Jeannie - dead on - no disagreement here. Just that sometimes these threads turn into name calling. I certainly understand from where it springs - I continue to deal with much anger too - having given up most of my productive life to the cult. I like the Mary Poppins quote - on spot for sure. But Steve was a very nice guy when I knew him - but he is a major player now, and for that he will be held to the fire, no doubt.

    Mary - loved your rendition!!! ROFLMAO!!!!


  • Joyzabel

    Steve Lett is 56. He began partaking? back in the late 60's while he was at Bethel the first time.

    Mark & Jean Lett were very humble, true believers. Never let on they had lots of $$$$.

  • tijkmo

    are you saying he is 56 now cos he must have started taking emblems when he was about 20...that must have caused a stir...and was he married when he started partaking and is wife anointed or did he marry an earthbound....see thread from y/day..will marraige partners reunite page 1

  • Joyzabel


    there were several young 20 year old bethelites that began to partake in the late 60s.

    Steve Lett was single at the time. Left bethel to marry and special pioneer, then circuit work until he and his wife were called back to mother?

    As far as the marriage thing, he married someone not "professing to be of the annointed". As far as your thread, Jesus said the next existence will not include marriage.


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