Men who lie with men.....

by cindykp 188 Replies latest jw friends

  • funkyderek
    In the OT it was clear that if caught homosexuals were put to death.

    And a man who raped a virgin had to marry her. It's clear this old book is not very useful as a moral guide.

  • Pole

    The only problem with homosexuals is that there are still a lot of people who have problems with them.

    The procreational criterion for "morally-acceptable" sex is one of the biggest hypocrisies uttered by fundamentalists you'll find in the modern world. If they wanted to live up to their own views, they would have to limit having sex only to occasions when they're sure to conceive a child. That means no sex during pregnancy, no sex during certain periods of the month and absolutely no sex for infertile heterosexuals. That no contraception can be used goes without saying. Breaching this rule is tantamount to cynically using sex to satisfy your sexual desires with no intention of having children (the horror!!). Of course no fundamental heterosexual bothers to think of it. Rather they use a lot of hit-and-run pseudo arguments.

    I used to be pretty narrow-minded on those issues until my best friend came out as a gay. Time and time again he proved me miserably wrong in my views. We're still best friends.

  • stillajwexelder

    The prohibition on Men who lie with men..... was written by Paul - I have said in earlier posts - christianity should be renamed PAULIANITY -because this sentiment was not written/spoken by Jesus Christ or the Gospel writers

  • doogie
    If the Christian faith was like some kind of club, society or union, which had rules for its members. Before joinig would you not check its rules out. To use a simple illustration, if you joined a golf club and ones of the rules was "no brown trousers allowed" or you will be thrown out the club. If you persistently turned up in brown trousers don't you thinnk that the club has the right to say that you are no longer a member.

    that about sums it up.

  • avishai
    The prohibition on Men who lie with men..... was written by Paul - I have said in earlier posts - christianity should be renamed PAULIANITY -because this sentiment was not written/spoken by Jesus Christ or the Gospel writers

    Yep. Paul was a dick. And likely a closet case.

  • Sunspot
    If the Christian faith was like some kind of club, society or union, which had rules for its members. Before joinig would you not check its rules out. To use a simple illustration, if you joined a golf club and ones of the rules was "no brown trousers allowed" or you will be thrown out the club. If you persistently turned up in brown trousers don't you thinnk that the club has the right to say that you are no longer a member.

    "IF" the Christian faith were a club, etc (which it is not) it would be viewed as a place to socialize with others. The Christian faith is supposed to teach others how to be kind, compassionate, forgiving and doing for others in need.

    Now, the Watchtower Society is an altogether different thing. One MUST have full knowledge of what they expect if you care to join them---AND only hope that they don't change the rules after you are "in".

    I don't see that your "example" applies. People who decide to wear the brown pants are doing just that---DECIDING! If you had done even the tiniest bit of research about gays, you would undoubtedly know that their "leanings" are not something they decided one morning.

    To brand an entire group of people "unworthy for your friendship" (if they live in the way that is comfortable for them) then YOU are the loser. It's called discrimination, but then I'm sure you knew that.


  • BrendaCloutier


    On some level I agree with you (I despair at the sexualised nature of advertising) but forms of gay culture that are more "in your face" have to be seen in response to decades/centuries of oppression. It's a reaction, a bit like some feminism or black empowerment movements were, and are.

    Point taken. As my personal experience being a fat, white girl in a mostly black gradeschool during the late 60's and early 70's black revolution, I can appreciate this. I understand how the pendulum swings until it ultimately finds center. I still don't like the chip on the shoulder attitudes tho. In anyone.

  • Rabbit
    If the Christian faith was like some kind of club, society or union, which had rules for its members. Before joinig would you not check its rules out. To use a simple illustration, if you joined a golf club and ones of the rules was "no brown trousers allowed" or you will be thrown out the club. If you persistently turned up in brown trousers don't you thinnk that the club has the right to say that you are no longer a member.


    "IF" the Christian faith were a club, etc (which it is not) it would be viewed as a place to socialize with others. The Christian faith is supposed to teach others how to be kind, compassionate, forgiving and doing for others in need.

    Doogie, ya' gotta have a better analogy that that...'The color of someone's CLOTHES, the fancyness...or lack of has nothing to do with the way Heterosexual, Bi-sexual, Homosexual or Intersexed persons bodies and minds are wired differently from one another. I say again, "We are all natural born children of God".

    Aren't we...? If you have trouble with that, try the old sage. " in mysterious ways..." or "We simply pale in understanding his purposes..." or the infamous WT sage, "Wait on Jah...!

    None of the groups above solicit members into their 'movement'. If a person IS wired a certain way...WHY THE HELL...CAN"T OTHERS LEAVE THEM ALONE ? Sex... is NOT a religion ! It is biology.

    In our little time left on earth, do we really need to spend all this time tearing down people...just because we might not like what they do in bed ?? Even if there is something 'disgusting' about what another likes sexually --- as long as they are not HURTING someone -- they do not affect me in ANY WAY !

    Get over yourselves!


  • cindykp


    I made out with a girl before! Is that wrong?

    The only thing wrong with that, is you didnt do a little more!!!!!!!!!! LOL


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