a friend in need

by OldSoul 604 Replies latest members private

  • jgnat
    Jehovah has always had representatives on the earth. Ask the person you study with .. she will provide evidence.

    I asked this, too, and received no answer. Any tough question that was not addressed in the "Reasoning from the Scriptures" book was put off, to answer "later". I assume that such "representatives" would necessarily be Anointed? For this theory to hold water, the JW's claim a lineage from the past two thousand years. The anabaptists and others. Tiny pockets of heretics who snubbed Rome and interpreted the bible themselves. There are several problems with this theory. First of all, these groups would be condemned by modern "Anointed". They were not good JW's. Second, these splinter groups did not pass on a great heritage of "pure" thought from generation to generation, they did not share or agree with each other. Third, if all these groups are part of the 144,000, the complete number was well-used up before 1914. The complete number of 144,000 was well-used up in the first two hundred years.

    To get around THAT problem, the JW's claim that the first-century Christians were not such "pure" martyrs after all. Perhaps they ate some sacrificed meat, or forgot their training and mumbled a pagan prayer over their meals. Such excuses spit on the graves of these early martyrs.


    No JW has followed up on any of my questions, not one. Except to besmirch the memory of Constantine, in a direct quote from the "Reasoning from the Scriptures" book. I was not impressed with that so-called "balanced" scholarship. My best research on the character and motives of Constantine was that he was a good soldier. He would have no reason to meddle in church affairs, other than to order them to stop fighting amongst themselves.

  • jst2laws

    My dear AFIN.

    Chris has poured his heart out to you and all readers of this thread about the terrible experience he had as a JW, concluding:

    Jehovah's Witnesses rule people through fear; fear of death, fear of shunning, fear of peer pressure and on and on. Rather like your post to me (come back or else), eh?

    Chris latter said:

    I long ago came to the conclusion I would rather be murdered by that God than live in a world ruled by an organization that condones pedophilia, punishes children who seek help and cares more for money and image than people.

    Chris is one of the most genuine people you have ever met and has articulated well to you the problems with the concepts he once subscribed to that you still live by and judge other by.

    I must say I am disappointed in your response to him. I really hope to see from you a REAL DISCUSSION of these matters instead of evasive answers and religious platitudes you rely on.

    As to the Watchtower Official web site or "go to your elders" do you care to respond to my comments page 26:

    OS went to an elder with questions like these several years ago, ME. I was unable to answer the questions. After 10 years in the full time work, 6 at Bethel, 29 years as an elder and 17 years as a presiding overseer, serving on special commitees and with regular circuit and district responsibilities I finally admitted to myself, just three years ago, that I could not answer these type questions because they are not supported by the scriptures. So please consider growing a little spiritually from this experience and YOU go ask an elder for the answers. Then muster up the courage to face what comes afterward. It will be good for you. Jst2laws

    Have YOU answered the question Oldsoul asked on page one? Are you not required by God to "make sure of all things". Have you YOURSELF gone to an elder for the answers?

    Will you at least answer the two above questions?


  • a friend in need
    a friend in need

    Just Two Laws .. you have a pm.

  • AlanF

    We note that the troll is too cowardly to post a public response.


  • a friend in need
    a friend in need

    Alan F .. down, down .. little man.

  • AlanF

    Ah, the troll knows when it is being addressed! It know it's a troll!


  • a friend in need
    a friend in need

    Ah .. he knows he's a little man ..

  • RebelliousSpirit

    AFIN ... back off of Alan.

    Alan has more heart and soul in his pinky finger than you do in your entire body. And for that matter, from what you've shown of yourself here ... he is a far bigger person than you could ever hope to be.

    Now take your ball (and your petty insults ... such a good little WTS slave Christian you are) and GO HOME - you serve no purpose here with your hypocrisy, your arrogance, and your insults.

  • gumby

    If AFIN is truely a troll.....it's one chickenshit way to act when you play with peoples emotions and time.....truely chickenshit!


  • Poztate

    I think too much time and effort have been wasted on afin once brain dead...always brain dead

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