Say Something Jehovah's Witnessy........

by minimus 160 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wild_Thing
    Wait on Jehovah.

    Oooh! That is the one I hate most! Makes my blood boil!

    Others ...

    "Let's send our love back to the friends at ___________ congregation." (said often after a public talk)

    "Brother/sister _________ has been irregular in meeting attendance and field service lately." (Honestly, it makes it sound like you have a colon problem!)

    "We must remember to keep a simple eye."

    "It's 10:30! Time for break at Dairy Queen!" (Or is this only in Texas?)

    "We need to make sure of the more important things."

    "It's a conscience decision."

    "When considering things that are a matter of conscience, it is also important to consider if it will stumble our brother or not." (In other words ... don't do it anyway.)

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    Most kind and loving heavenly father Jehovah.

    Good morning, I'm making brief calls on you and your neighbors.

    Did you hear that sister slutly was taken off the pioneer list.


    What makes you think this is an Apostate site? (edited to add this question)

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Say Something Jehovah's Witnessy........

    something Jehovah's Witnessy........

  • Kenneson

    "We're JWs and we don't celebrate Christmas, birthdays, holidays, etc."

  • hillbilly

    " Brother, I really enjoy Marvin the Martian too......... Do you really think your (Marvin the Martian) tie sets the tone you want, considering Talk 4 is a privilege?"........said to me around 1984

    "Beards and facial hair indicate a leaning to homosexuality..... it's a know fact." ......... heard first at a bookstudy about 1977 and several other times in West Tennesee thereafter.

    "Money...... the more you make the more you spend............"

    " Education is a waste of time...... most college folks end up atheists"

    "Hey Mike..... did you see that girl from Brownsville.....Shelly whatshername........ yea, that chick in the green dress over there by the door... what a rack........"

    "well , after Saturday I see you really have a way with house holders and can preach at the door........ we could use you .....but the beard sends a message to the 'freinds'.


  • Brummie

    lol @ BTex.

    "Exhert yourself to get in through da narrow door! Even the anointed will only get through by the skin of their teeth"

    "da great crowd of other sheep"

    "da debil is like a roaring lion"

  • duckie
  • duckie

    " we're waiting for the new system to have kids...."

    " put the kindom first "

    " how are your hours going?"

    " ... oh no, they're bad association"

    ..... the truth is not a cult.......

  • prophecor

    Prince got baptized and is a Jehovah's Witness now? Boy, I wonder how much longer Jehovahs going to wait before he brings in the New System ?

  • TresHappy

    As one witness said to me after a particularly bad door...

    Well we're doing the sorting work, looking for the sheep...he was obviously a goat...but I want his nice big house in Jehovah's new system.

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