It?s official!!! The Olson Twins are Legal!!!

by Elsewhere 152 Replies latest social entertainment

  • funkyderek
    They dont have boobs, they have a pair of nipples

    Actually they have two pairs of nipples. (I think that's part of the attraction)

  • truthseeker1


    And crank addicts have missing teeth, stay up all night, steal stuff from you and sleep on the couch all day during down time. Don't contribute to rent or bills, buy a new car under your sister's name, play darts all day in the garage after laying carpet in there....

    Oh, sorry....

  • avishai
    I'm sorry... I take back everything I have ever said that you don't like... you are, of course, always right. Everyone that you disagree with are moronic buffoons and should be chained up and muzzled before they cause any more damage


  • tink

    I'll echo xena's sentiments.

    my initial reaction to reading this was very much in line with abaddon's.

  • Abaddon


    I think the funniest thing is that as there is no real way that you can really defend making comments about young women like that, no real attempt has been made to defend it.

    If you do have a logical, reasoned defence, by all means, lay it on me.

    The only response thus far has been risable comparisons, petulant childish ridicule and allegations that I'd actually resort to violence. As I said Elsewhere, you are a remarkable piece of shit to stoop that low. Anyone can say something stupid from time to time. Not backing off when you've done so is indicative of more than just being human and sometimes putting your mouth in drive before your brain is engaged.

    People are not stupid enough to fall for your evasions and attempts at rolling on your back like a naughty puppy-dog using his playful behaviour to get out of trouble for crapping on the carpet. Well, most aren't stupid enough to fall for it.

    You just don't get it, do you? You make a comment about the web count-downs to the Olsen's birthday like it's FUNNY; and those web counters have been running since the Olsens were how old? 14, 15, 16? Which part of that isn't sick Elsewhere?

    Everyone knows you'd not say that to any man's face about their daughters or sit idly by whilst it was said about yours. I can't imagine one man or woman on this board who'd either say it or let it be said - even those who think I'm making a fuss about nothing. Your lack of honesty in admitting to this simple fact makes your defence of your actions increasingly pathetic. But admitting that would really make defending your initial post impossible, wouldn't it?


    You're welcome to disagree with my opinion, but to mock me for having one? IF that's what you're doing it is kinda whack as you're as opinionated as me (different opinions at times, but just as strong)! I also think you'd probably present any man who talked about your daughter in that way with his testicles, so can't see why you find my opinion laughable. You've always struck me as someone who would treat women with respect because such behaviour is a part of who you are. Please let me know where I am wrong in this assesment of you or in my understanding of your post.

  • Elsewhere
    I'll echo xena's sentiments.

    my initial reaction to reading this was very much in line with abaddon's.

    Tink, I don't give a hoot what Abaddon says... but I do care about your thoughts. I never entended for my comment to be taken seriously. It all stems from a joke that has been floating around the internet for a few years about how everyone was waiting for the Olson twins to turn 18.

  • Abaddon


    It all stems from a joke that has been floating around the internet for a few years about how everyone was waiting for the Olson twins to turn 18.

    Oh, it's a joke... pfff...

    Like I said, when does it become sick Elsewhere? Is it funny to start the count down timers when they're 16? Or sick? How about 12? Is that sick or funny?!! By laughing WITH such people you show you think it's okay to make jokes like that and that such jokes are harmless.

    Which shows how much you know...

    The saddest thing is you can't even see it.

  • Special K
    Special K

    All, I can say is that I must be very old.

    But with the way some younger ladies are talked to and spoken about, it just makes me glad I have 3 sons and not a daughter.

    I know myself and how I feel about my kids and if some guy spoke about my daughter like this..I would be livid.


    a 55 year old father in my community went down this "livid" road this past month. His teenager daughter was sexually harassed continually by some guys.. so much so that she ended up in the hospital under mental distress. She was afraid and would not press charges against these guys and when she finally confided the whole story to her Dad, he took the law into his own hands.

    He went and found these young fellows and beat the heck out of one. Left one with a concussion and 10 stitches and one in the hospital.

    My husband and I had a long talk about the case and what had happened and discussed what if we had a daughter and this was happening to her. His comments were that a $595 fine and 2 years probation would be worth it to protect any daughter of his.

    We never experienced the joy of coming home from the hospital with a pink blanketed bundle of joy..but I have seen the love and protection that 99 percent of fathers feel for their daughters. Very protective.


    Special K

  • tink
    Tink, I don't give a hoot what Abaddon says... but I do care about your thoughts. I never entended for my comment to be taken seriously. It all stems from a joke that has been floating around the internet for a few years about how everyone was waiting for the Olson twins to turn 18.

    i'm aware of the joke. i, for one, was never much amused by it, but to each his own, i guess.

    i just think the sexualization of young women is sadly becoming an integral part of our culture. i hate that. i guess i'm particularly sensitive to it because, among MANY other deleterious effects, i sincerely believe it contributes to the growing number of young girls and women who develop eating disorders, which as you know is something close to home for me.

    i'm sure you had no ill intentions. i just think it was in poor taste, and i'm sure you see that now as well.

  • truthseeker1

    Please see the Barbra Bush thread. That shouldn't offend anyone.

    So, is it OK to be attracted to the Olsen twins (not that I am) now that they are 18? At what point is it OK for me to be attracted to them? Should we move the age of consent to 21? Then if people think of a 20 year old that way, should they be called 'sick'? I believe 18 is a good cut-off age. Any younger is too young. From what I learned in biology, 18 is considered physical adulthood. If someone can decide to put their life on the line for their country, then they should be able to put their reputation on the line for money (porn).

    Of course, a countdown is distasteful, but its actually a joke. The twins are celebrities. Celebrities have a certain status where they are more open to these kind of things because to most people, they are icons and not 'real people'. Thats why people find it intersting to read about all the dirt on them, its front page news when one gets a DUI. But when its our neighbor or family, its more real. Thats why a countdown of the 17 y/old neighbor girl would be a little sick. She is a 'real' person. Celebrities are glossed over and from our viewpoint, are 2D.

    IMO, thats my take on society....

    So...Now that they are 18, is it OK for me to find them attractive? Since I didn't count down, but now that I know they are of age, does that make me a bad person?

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