This is about out beloved Dansk

by mouthy 606 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Alleymom
    "Whatever you do don't let Sally lick you. She's just been sick!"

    Ewwww! <s>

  • Billygoat

    Dearest Ian,

    Please check your email and PM. I'm a delinquent over the weekend I know!

    Why oh why can't doctors be more upbeat? I was told bluntly about my condition (fine, I don't have a problem with that), Claire was as devastated as I was and then we were sent on our way. No offer of counselling, no reference to anyone who had lived more than three years. Nothing really encouraging.

    Hematologists and oncologists are known to be fatalistic. I feel they may have to be - they hate to disappoint their patients with a good outlook, only for it to be dashed by reality. It's better the other way around. Keep your chin up! Your personal attitude is what's going to keep you going through all this. Don't let 'em get you down -you are NOT a statistic!!!



  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Ian

    I haven't checked in here for awhile mainly because I just thought that someone as nice as you would have a totally positive result to your tests.

    After reading the past several pages I am floored at the results of your test. I'm really sorry for those results.

    My neighbour, a wonderful man, was diagnosed with brain cancer this past fall and it has been one hell of a ride. I spend my days checking up on him and his wife and I'm there for them day and night. I also help them by keeping their dogs and feeding their cats when they are away at their many doctors, chemo, treatments etc. I have also ran over many a meal these past months when things have seemed so bleak...

    His wife who is one of my dearest friends and I have been reading the book, "When bad things happen to Good People". It really helped me not to understand the unfairness of why bad things happen to good people but more the randomness of it all. It's a good book and certainly suggest when you are ready or even Claire to have a look at it.

    I'm certainly glad to hear that you are taking all the steps necessary to heal your body through proper food and nutrition. That probably is a good start to try and put the brakes on this thing.

    The same thing has happened with my neighbour as far as councilling. The doctors never did suggest or encourage counselling.. What's with that? His wife has gone into councilling on her own to help her cope with the day to day struggles of what they are going through. The other day she and I were discussing her husband and how he seems even more depressed and a strange thought came to us both, "Well, why in the heck haven't the doctors sent him for counselling. I'm sure he has a kazillion fears and hopes and scenarios going through his head and he has had no one to unload on. He's just isn't going to tell all his thoughts to his wife because he wants to, in his own way, shield her.

    As I sit here typing and thinking of you, Dansk I am also thinking about Claire and your sons and wonder if there is any type of support for them as well. Best and dear friends are good, and people you just know you can really unload all the feelings and fears on.

    Now that I have read all this, I will be checking in on this topic on a more regular basis..

    ((( Dansk )))


    Special K

  • shotgun

    Ian, Clair and the boys, Love and caring thoughts from Shotgun

    Sir Ian

    You sure have had more than your share of hard knocks over the past few years. Unlike many you have turned these situations into something that molded you into an even better man than you were before, a man who inspires many.

    Your words and sentiments reach out across the oceans in all directions and touch us deep within our hearts and now we feel for you my friend.

    I know this may sound stupid at first but maybe you have been given a gift or a wake up call that many of us never receive, so we go through life always putting off till tomorrow what we should be doing today.

    With the news you have been given it makes time and life precious, you can live in the now and for the moment, enjoying both the things and people whom you love.

    I know you will beat this and this will indeed be just a memory of some other giant that came face to face with Sir Ian and succumbed to defeat.

    You have the prayers of those who still pray and you have the warm and caring thoughts of those of us who simply care about you and your family.

    BTW?I loved you in LOTR, look at the odds that were against you then. I bet this has really thrown a wrench in that acting carreer of yours.

  • ChristianObserver

    Thoughts and prayers with you Ian.

    Check your inbox.

  • Country_Woman


  • gumby


    A good attitude can prove the victor of many things.........please keep your good attitude.



  • desib77


    Wishing you and your wife the very best....

  • frenchbabyface

    (((Dansk and Familly))) ...

  • ISP

    Hi Ian,

    It was great to talk to you tonight. You have a great attitude and you have taken a very courageous step in not taking chemotherapy. If anyone can come out on top of this is you.

    Keep us posted.



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