What do you collect?

by scootergirl 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • xenawarrior

    Frogs, stoneware crocks and jugs, butterflies, paperweights, glass and other types of spheres, old rolling pins, boxes, beads, cool watches, cool writing pens, old stoneware cheese crocks and rocks.


  • seeitallclearlynow

    I used to collect owls, but I seem to be content with the few that I now have, though I still look, but nothing ever moves me to add another one these days. And I still collect British movies, sit coms, and mini-series - always looking for those.

  • Celtic

    Peace and quiet and happy reflections from gardens, also russian cameras.

  • scootergirl

    Mulan, isn't ebay great? I love being able to 'browse' in my robe and slippers and hunt for things I don' thave. I completely understand about getting carried away though. There have been many times when I have had to slowly walk away! hehe

  • eyegirl

    oh god, nathan is so damn cute i guess he does love auntie.

    hmmm......i collect shot glasses and cool barware.

  • bem

    John Deere everything from pictures to lamps & on dishes.Anything with a humming bird on it or the shape of one of the tiny cuteys. And fabric I'm a quilt-a-holic helps me survive.

    Arrow LOL I'm gonna save that phrase "dumbass removal systems"for future use, loved that one.

  • SuperMommy

    As a child I collected match books. I had some from the 20's and 30's...I had ones from toyko, holland,..all over the place. They were very interesting to look at. Then, I married a smoker...the colleciton dissappeared. Now, I collect hugs and kisses...they store easily.

  • Sassy
    I collect shot glasses from every place I go

    me too!!

    I also have began a collection of plates...

    that is one of the two plates I have picked up already off ebay... it is from a set of 8... can't wait until I can complete the set!!!

  • Dan-O

    I have a fine collection of adipose tissue. I keep it with me at all times.

  • Sassy

    actually everytime I see this question my smart ass answer is friends.. I replied that to this very same question on a Pro JW board about a year ago.. I remember all the nice comments behind me about how of course I am so sweet.. I must have a lot of friends.. and I did.. but who would have known they were conditional friends.. on being a JW..

    so.. I have also restarted my friendship collection.. anyone want to join?

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