Do you fear death?

by onacruse 122 Replies latest jw friends

  • Markfromcali
    Had you not mentioned that Mark's comment was Calvinistic

    Is that what he was saying?

    Of course, I'm not even sure what being Calvinistic mean - the extent of my education on Christian teachings is just from the JW period, I just don't hold that information in the same way anymore.

    Edited to add: And I was not a research kinda guy, (still not really) pretty much your rank and file. I haven't found that much need to assimilate a lot of information.

  • onacruse

    Mark, just saw your last, but I must really be getting off to bed.

    Does your brain ever rest??? LOL

    Craig (of the somlonescent" [sp LOL] class)

  • Markfromcali

    That's the thing Craig, I'm not figuring anything out so it doesn't take a lot of brainpower, the extent of my mental effort is only in trying to describe.

  • codeblue

    I don't want to go there

    My Mom died when I was 14.......very sad...

    My Dad died in my twenties.......

    I don't want to think about it...............but when I die...please make it in my sleep...I have been thru so much in my life.....

  • onacruse


    I'm not figuring anything out so it doesn't take a lot of brainpower, the extent of my mental effort is only in trying to describe.

    The "ease" with which you say that...

    "describe" what you are describing.

    If you can't paint the picture, then the picture you're presenting for sale is valueless!



  • Markfromcali

    The picture is valueless anyway, I'm just presenting it so anyone who sees it recognizes what it is when they do. There are a lot of other people that have painted better pictures than I have, I think it just helps to have slightly different versions so that when you see it it's like "oh, so they're all talking about this" kind of thing. In other words, it's just for identification, and not for sale. Recognition is the goal, so having seen a picture is enough.

  • LyinEyes

    I don't fear death at all,,,,, but I do fear a painful death, as we all do. I only fear death in that I don't want my loved ones to feel so sad when I am gone. I know what it feels like to lose your mother too soon,,,,out of the blue and how it affects every aspect of your life for years after.

    My youngest son went thru a stage of worrying that I was going to die and it was so hard to listen to him grieve over something he just imagined. I tried to comfort him with words of things I wish were true,,,,like the concept of Heaven and what I would do when I got there, etc. I just had to set his mind at ease and since I am not sure what is out there, I feel I just gave him another view on what could happen after I die. When he is older I hope , as for all of my children, they will search out what they know to be true.

    But for the time being it seemed the best way to handle his fear , after just coming out of the JW's and getting over his Armeggedon nightmares.

  • LittleToe


    You seem to be quick to take comments and classify them into certain specific areas. Had you not mentioned that Mark's comment was Calvinistic, I would have just thought that it just made good sense.

    I'm not following you, sorry. How am I classifying comments?
    Further, as Mark rightly commented, I wasn't declaring his comments to be "Calvinistic" either.
    I was merely commenting that, in my experience, "connected" Calvinists have a propensity towards keeping it to themselves (HyperCalvinism).

    It's hard enough trying to paint our worthless comparative pictures, without folks not actually getting beyond the picture frame before making exclamations about what is presented

    Still agreeing with ya

    Craig:Is it all illusion?
    Or does our "connectedness" affect an "afterlife"?

    Meanwhile I recommend to you that which was recommmended to me "The Way to Love" - Anthony de Mello.

  • onacruse

    Mark, I feel I owe you an apology.

    The stridency of my last post to you was not directed at you; I'm frustrated with myself that I can't seem to get what you are's like you're talking to a fence post, and I'm that fence post! LOL

    Ross, thanks; I'll check that link.



  • Markfromcali

    Craig, no worries - I think I did jump the gun a little bit with the details before, but not too much. You'll get it, but because it isn't intellectual in nature how hard you work in that way doesn't matter. Like I said, just think of it as a little preview, it'll make more sense when you recall it later.

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