Do you fear death?

by onacruse 122 Replies latest jw friends

  • sandy

    I don't want to die but I am mnot afraid of dying either.

    I just explained this to my mom a couple weeks ago before my surgery.

    I told her that it is sad to me when I think about my siblings being so afraid that I could die while not going to meetings.

    My sisters and brothers actually let these thoughts scare and depress them.

    I told my mom "Though I am not ready to die, I am not afraid of death. If there is a Loving God and some kind of life after death for good people then I have nothing to fear."

  • LittleToe

    Darn, sorry to hear that (on one level) but (on another) I'm glad work is good.

    As for the other, I used to but now I'm separated, remember?

  • onacruse


    If there is a Loving God and some kind of life after death for good people then I have nothing to fear.

    If you will allow me, I'd like to ask you specifically about the "IF."

    Are you not sure? If not, why not?

    ohiocowboy, as I posted earlier, in response to other posts (and this is just a "feeling" I have, right or wrong): I sense a "fatalism" in your post. For myself, "fear of death" is rather more like "fear of life."

    Ross, my friend. Please resend me your phone number (I didn't write it down LOL ), and we'll call ya tomorrow.

  • bikerchic

    I don't fear death, living however isn't for the faint of heart. That said my only fear is in dying I want to go out quick, painlessly and no bloody mess, I faint at the sight of blood!

    Ross, my friend. Please resend me your phone number (I didn't write it down LOL ), and we'll call ya tomorrow.

    Ross now you know why he's working so much, that damn phone bill! LOL



  • mrpositive

    I no longer believe that there is any life after death...

    The whole idea of immortal life for humans seems to be based on this arrogant idea that we are special & chosen. As far as I can tell, we are just a life form that has advanced slightly more than the rest

    The Earth has been around a long time & had many different periods of life & species. Humans came along pretty late.

    Here is the argument I gave to a student recently: If we are merely advanced animals, yet we go to heaven - Shouldn't other semi-advanced species such as apes also go to a heaven.

    If animals such as apes are immortal, it is logical to think that all animals are immortal and go to a heaven.

    If all animals are immortal & go to heaven then logically there must be a heaven made up of immortal bacteria & microbes, aren?t these also god?s creations who deserve his love & tender kindness. Crazy eh?

  • onacruse

    mrpositive, so let's try this:


    The Greeks are accustomed to speak of "coming into being" and "passing away"--but mistakenly; for nothing comes to be or passes away. There is only a mingling and separation of what is. It would be more correct, therefore, to call coming into being "mingling" and passing away "separation."

    If this is true, then nothing (microbes, bacteria, animals, humans, angels, Jesus, God) "cease to exist."

    Or, perhaps: The self-consistency of the Prime Cause requires that nothing the Prime Cause caused can cease to be caused (exist), as an effect of that Cause.

  • mrpositive

    Everything & everybody in the universe exists, & will continue to exist in some state of another, long after we've ceased being aware.

    As for Jesus, God, angels etc.. You cannot convince me that these exist in any form apart from the imagination of insecure humans.

  • LittleToe


    Ross now you know why he's working so much, that damn phone bill! LOL

    I know the feeling - LOL.

    Nothing material ceases to exist, as it merely transforms into another form of energy.
    As for anything that might be deemed as "spirit" in man, why does it have to go anywhere?

    Surely that which is spirit already inhabits the spirit realm...

  • mrpositive

    Am I unique?

    Are there other ex JWs that have broken away to the extent that they have no religious/spiritual beliefs whatsoever.

    I now count myself as a Humanist & believe that people are #1.

    I guess my views aren't million mile away from those of Christians:

    • Show kindness & understanding to your fellow man
    • Help people in any way you can
    • Don't do anything that will hurt or cause emotional pain to others
    • Look for opportunities to make others feel happy & good about themselves

    The difference to me is that my personal belief no longer has the trappings associated with religion (i.e.: a creator, spirit creatures, prayer etc..)

    Does that make me a freak?

  • LittleToe


    Does that make me a freak?

    Nawww. You're in good company with many on this board.

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