Torture to find WMD?

by Greenpalmtreestillmine 91 Replies latest social current

  • Yerusalyim

    See there Six, that's why no one takes the left serious actually BELIEVE that Bush ordered the humiliation of the Iraqi prisoners?, really, what issues is it again Kerry was running on? The humiliation was terrible...from what I've seen of it, I went through worse at Survival School...the guy in the Hood who PFC England is pointing at...he said in and interview on New Zealand television that he wasn't treated all that bad all things considered, and that he would consider moving to the US. Hang England and the other six out to dry...and make the Iraqi guy stay in Iraq...he's a bad guy.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Do you think those Iraqi's were tortured to find WMD?

    I think they were.

    Yeah, let's just make some more stuff up. Oh, and as several of the more rational media people have said the last few days, no torture has been demonstrated to be involved. Humiliation and intimidation yes, but not torture. Of course why worry about the facts because you're going to bring all your creative potential to bear fabricating.

  • patio34

    Yeru, you said:

    But, trying to put this post back on track...if someone WAS trying to use abuse (this was not's called humiliation what these Iraqi prisoners went through...not any's one of the WORST ways to get reliable information.
    The humiliation was terrible...from what I've seen of it, I went through worse at Survival School...the guy in the Hood who PFC England is pointing at...he said in and interview on New Zealand television that he wasn't treated all that bad all things considered, and that he would consider moving to the US. Hang England and the other six out to dry...and make the Iraqi guy stay in Iraq...he's a bad guy.

    Sorry, but we must not read the same reports at all. One: the deaths that are being investigated. Two: allegations of objects being inserted in body orifices. And Secretary Rumsfield said there were worse photos that may still be released that he had seen and a video. There were reports on CBS or NBC that these included sodomy rape by the US soldiers. I'd say that we just have to wait and see and let the investigative members and others do their job. You accuse the left of "glee," but that's just insulting. Imo, you also need to quit rushing to the conclusion that there's no more. The investigation is ongoing right now. How can you say it's isolated and just abuse, when you cannot possibly have access to more information than the Secretary of Defense. Pat

  • patio34

    And,, really, what issues is it again Kerry was running on? (Yeru)

    What does John Kerry have to do with this issue and why do you keep trying to make it a partisan issue? It seems to me that the issue is what happens in the Iraqi prisons, not Republicans vs. Democrats. Don't you think this is separate and above partisan politics? I do.


  • Yerusalyim

    Actually, what I'm hearing is sex between the guards...but who knows. If worse happened...they'll get that much more time in prison...and a few other people will be relieved of command. FOCUS...this is NOT the majority...this is a small minority. Like I said, I would pull their eyes out and piss in the sockets if I could for how they've dishonored themselves...but try to find something good that the US has done over there...there's lots of just isn't reported.

  • patio34


    make the Iraqi guy stay in Iraq...he's a bad guy. (Yeru)

    How do you know that? Or is that a racist remark because he's an Iraqi, he's bad? If he was set free, then it would seem he is not "a bad guy."


  • Yerusalyim
    What does John Kerry have to do with this issue and why do you keep trying to make it a partisan issue? It seems to me that the issue is what happens in the Iraqi prisons, not Republicans vs. Democrats. Don't you think this is separate and above partisan politics? I do.


    Pat, I think it's been made a partisan issue by the Democrats who keep shouting for "Bush to apologize," he did. And for Rumsfeld to resign...he won't...and Kerry himself getting involved..."The chain of command goes all the way to the oval office" yeah, we know...go throw some medals and disrespect soldiers someplace else. THAT is why it's a partisan issue...the Democrats are desperate...and jump on anything. No, it wasn't a racist statement...the particular guy I'm talking about...he's a thug....joined one of the local militias that's been shooting at the coaltion...he said so in his interview...THAT is how I know he's a bad guy. Go ahead...accuse me of being a racist...that word has no meaning anymore because it's thrown around like rice at a wedding.

  • SixofNine
    I went through worse at Survival School...

    No you didn't. Don't lie to us.

  • SixofNine
    you actually BELIEVE that Bush ordered the humiliation of the Iraqi prisoners?

    No, I believe that a fish rots from the head. I believe that bad leadership, bad planning, bad thinking, result in exactly what we are seeing.

    This filthy little war is guaranteed to make America stink.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    John Podhoretz nailed it, "Yes, they hate Bush with a consuming passion. But the truth is that they hate the United States of America more. They find the war in Iraq loathsome not because they are pacifists, but because the idea that America is a liberator nation sickens and enrages them."

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