What 'exactly' changed in Adam when he sinned?

by gumby 297 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Schizm
    Schizm never addresed a long-ass list of questions I asked him to answer....--Gumby

    Show me that "long-ass list" of questions that you've asked that I never answered. Aren't you resorting to stretching the truth AGAIN, Gumby. You know you've been caught having done that already in this thread. I don't remember the actual "Gumby" ever having to tell a lie. Perhaps you should find yourself another avatar, eh?

    There are no scriptures that say they ate from the Tree of life.....only that god had given them permission to eat from ALL trees except for the Tree of Good and Bad.--Gumby

    But AlanF said that God never gave Adam permission to eat from the tree of life. I'm glad to see that you finally agree with ME.

  • gumby

    How is it your posts get in between spaces where they weren't before?


  • gumby
  • Schizm

    I don't remember you replying to these.



    I had replied to you as follows:

    Hi Gumby,

    Before I deal with the fresh questions that you've asked, I'd like to know why it is that you refuse to acknowledge the fact that AlanF had no comeback to what I'd said to him.

    This is the part that I'm talking about:

    :All that we're told is that Adam and Eve themselves were allowed to do so.--Schizm

    No, Genesis doesn't say that. You're jumping to a conclusion.--AlanF

    According to Genesis 2:16, 17 Adam had permission to eat from "every" tree of the garden, except for ONE particular tree. So, how can you say that Genesis doesn't say that Adam had permission to eat from the tree of life?--Schizm

    I'm still waiting for you to acknowledge the fact that AlanF had no comeback to what I'd said to him. Although you finally did come around to actually disagreeing with AlanF in a round-about-way (by means of your agreeing with me) you have carefully avoided taking note of his having been wrong, as well as his refusal to acknowlege being wrong. But at the same time you're very eager to focus attention on some perceived fault that I have. Like I asked already, "Why are you biased against me, Gumby?" This thread IS a group discussion, is it not? AlanF had a share in it, did he not? There's nothing that says that you must focus your attention upon Schizm's comments and ignore AlanF's comments, is there?

    Let's face it, Gumby, you're guilty of being prejudiced. You should know that prejudice blinds people to the truth of a matter. Not only that, prejudice can prevent a person from admitting when he is proven wrong about a matter ... which is likely the reason why AlanF can't bring himself to admitting that he was proven wrong in what he had earlier claimed.

    Now, can you supply me one good reason why I should be answering those particular questions that you call attention to? Sorry to have to say so, but I feel that you're more concerned about your peers and what they might be thinking of you than you are about really getting to the bottom of the question you posed by the title of this thread you started.

    Another thing that disappoints me about you, Gumby, is the fact that my comment here http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/71192/1150454/post.ashx#1150454 provided you with a concise answer to the very question posed by this topic of yours ... but you didn't even acknowledge my having posted it. Can you really say that you've overseen this thread of your's in a responsible manner? I don't think so. I have serious doubts that you started this thread with serious intentions of finding the answer to the question that you posed. And, for a fact, you did own up to not having kept abreast of other's comments. Should you really have started this thread, Gumby?


  • Schizm
    You might as well hang it up too Fark.....he never addresed a long-ass list of questions I asked him to answer....--Gumby

    I answered the very question that you posed by the title of your thread here, "What 'exactly' changed in Adam when he sinned?"

    Here's where I answered that question: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/71192/1150454/post.ashx#1150454

    Did YOU care about the answer to the question you posed, Gumby? Why hell no, not really ... you big clown! Now watch your blood pressure there, Gumbish, you know how you get when you become pissed.


  • Schizm

    How is it your posts get in between spaces where they weren't before?


    You ain't been hittin' the bottle again, have you Gumbish? *LOL*

  • LittleToe


    Once the sacrifice is offered and accepted.....the deal is done! No waiting.

    That's my understanding, too. However in connection with the we recently considered a scripture which stated that the lamb was slain at the founding of the world. Although (biblically) the event occured in time at Calvary, I believe it had also occured in eternity - eternally. Hence Abraham could lay hold of it, by faith, exactly the same way that we do.

    Why are we still waiting? What's the biblical reason for the wait?

    We aren't. If we have "connected to the divine" (however we interpret the mumbo-jumbo), then we are already alive in spirit. IMHO the Adam and Eve tale puts a physical face on what occured spiritually, in the disconnection of man[kind] from the divine. I suspect that as physical beings our bodies were naturally going to die anyway. Otherwise, if it were all to be interpreted physically, how did Adam know what death was?

    Does anyone know?

    I have to confess that I don't "know". I look forward to "knowing" in the future. Meanwhile I offer my idle speculations.

    I also never understood why the remnant dies from sin. There were said to have ...."a token" in the kingdom. In other words....their sins were even more forgiven than our because they were as good as in the kingdom......just not there yet.

    More of the JW erroneous doctrine. Folks are never more-saved than others. It's a yes or no thing. The idea that there are two classes is ridiculous since the little flock (physical Israelites) and the other sheep (gentiles) were to become one flock (spiritual Israel, all grafted in together into the rootstock).

    In connection with this try reading Revelation 7 in this way - John "hears" a number, and it is 144,000. He then lifts up his eyes to "see" that the ones spoken of are a great multitude that cannot be numbered. Hence the number heard is symbolic, along with most of this book of visions.

    If their sins were "blotted out" against them.......how do they die?

    Are you asking about physical or spiritual death?
    The body dies (and is recycled) the spirit lives forever.

    (Again, all of this is IMHO, and my current waystop of ever-evolving understanding of mumbo-jumbo)

  • Golf
  • gumby
    Now, can you supply me one good reason why I should be answering those particular questions that you call attention to?

    No I can't Schizm, not anymore.....in fact, I wished the hell you would get off this thread and never return to it agin. I think your goofy and I'm actually sorry I allowed myself to engage in conversation with you......now go away......shooosh!!!!!


  • ozziepost

    Now Gumby, you're not shunning him, are you?

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