My last post will be on 4/22/04

by Brownboy 144 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Brownboy

    Such a big font Flash.......too bold

  • Brownboy
    I never hardly ever post here anymore. But I feel for you. I got out of the organization a few years back. I still feel Gods love. If you do, great, leave. If you believe in him he is there. I hope you well on your journey. And the 22nd is what to you?

    All I am asking is why a date? [notperfectyet]

    Hello, and thank you for your encouragement.

    As far as the date, everything has been happening in reference to dates related to me and my son.......very odd. Last year I was 42 and my son was 24. These are the only dates that have not brought about something related to current events in the Middle East. Our birth dates and all the numbers in the years have been significant. We both dream them, see them, and can anticipate them sometimes. We both wake up in the middle of the night and see them flashing on our clocks. I know it has to do with the end times, but I don't know why. There are some other things that I cannot discuss openly, but they might come to light soon.................that is all I can say.


  • nilfun

    Tatiana, amazing eh? Meet my new crush. The ending RAWKS!!!


  • nilfun

    ...I just hope that baby won't be needing therapy later on, LoL.

  • Tatiana
    I just hope that baby won't be needing therapy later on, LoL.


    I was holding my breath at the end...."what's going to happen?" Didn't expect it.

  • dh
    Sorry, Brownboy. I won't ridicule you,
    Personally, I don't know you well enough to ridicule, scorn, or whatever you're expecting. However, this post almost sounds like a feeble attempt to get some attention.
    God, I can't abide drama-queens
    Anyway. Whatever.
    Bye bye.
    don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
    Oh and ya...what shamu said about the door and yer arse too!


  • Corvin

    Brown, how in the HELL did you write sooooooo much, but didn't actually say anything?

    Skipping med-time is dangerous will put you right back into the hospital.

    Thanks for coming by and warning us about the EXACT SAME BULLSHITE we were warned about while in the organization.

    Come back when you have like a date or something.


  • Corvin
    As far as the date, everything has been happening in reference to dates related to me and my son.......very odd. Last year I was 42 and my son was 24. These are the only dates that have not brought about something related to current events in the Middle East. Our birth dates and all the numbers in the years have been significant. We both dream them, see them, and can anticipate them sometimes. We both wake up in the middle of the night and see them flashing on our clocks. I know it has to do with the end times, but I don't know why. There are some other things that I cannot discuss openly, but they might come to light soon.................that is all I can say.

    I can help you, Brown.

    Try this: measure your member and devide it by 42. Then add it to your son's age, 24. Then ask your son to measure his at precisely the moment he returns from his middle eastern dreams and mulitply it by the time the clock says. Add all those figures together and you will find that they add up to ZEROOOOO. uh huh, that's right, ZER0.

    Are you saying that you are prophet? Is Jehovah now sending you dreams and numerology riddles to decipher so that you can deliver us from destruction?

    OK, I will listen to you now. How do I sign up?


  • wednesday


    I say this with all due respect, the things u are saying are nonsenical and symptoms of mental inbalance. Go to a doctor and tell him these things and try and get some help. U will be amazed after u take medication that all those numbers and things will suddenly mean nothing and u will feel so much better.


  • Brownboy
    Are you saying that you are prophet? Is Jehovah now sending you dreams and numerology riddles to decipher so that you can deliver us from destruction? [Corvin]


    When I find out, I might tell you............but I am chosen. For what purpose? I am not 100% sure. I have already given witness for Jehovah to the wild beast. They know that He is sovereign of the universe. How was this accomplished? Hmmmmm, you may never who you insult, everyone will reap what they sow. Always treat people according to how you wish to be treated................"The Golden Rule".


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