Is the Bible Just B.S.?

by shamus 125 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Abaddon


    Ross, I agree that some books are very different, like James, for example.

    BUT, if J.K Rowling would take action to prevent me passing off 'Harry Potter and the Dildo of Doom' as her work... why doesn't god defend his name from all the terrible things people have said he says?

    If Microsoft willl prevent a GUI'd version of Linux being sold as Lindows because they don't like 'their name being taken in vain', why doesn't god have the same level of concern about damage done to his 'brand'?

    If someone sells a Cola that is packaged like Coca-Cola, they'll get sued. 'Coke' is almost the generic name for the drink, yet other makes can only use the term 'Cola', or they get their asses sued.

    'Message delivery' is very very inconsistant and slap-dash, there's no quality control, the beand is diminished and =under attack... what god needs is an international company providing a portfolio of services - a call centre, logistics, marketing, a legal department. Without it he's never going to break out of the dead-end centuries of mismanagement have landed Christianity in.

    Think about it; If Chritianity were a soft drink, which would it be? Tizer? Irnbrew?

    I think the Bible is a work of literature stemming from a historical account of a people. It has all the flaws one would expect of such a work. It contains some very wise words. But, so does Shakespeare.

    Putting 'Holy' before 'Bible' no more makes the Bible divinely inspired than would sticking 'Holy' in front of Shakespeare. The claims of Holiness are what is BS though; taken as a secular document it has its place.

    El blanko:

    "IMO" should not really be applied to archeology, as many here appear to consider that area of exploration and knowledge as absolute evidence that the word contained within the Bible is either correct or incorrect.

    No, 'exploration and knowledge' in any subject area do not provide 'absolute evidence'. Colombus found Haiti; he knew the world wasn't flat, he went exploring BUT he thought he was in CHINA! We can have a discussion about what can and cannot be considered 'absolute proof', but your definiton is not one I accept, and I feel other would agree.

    But, in reality, you are right. IMO is the essence of many of the archeological findings. The record in many instances stand incomplete.

    Yup, very incomplete... like evidence for the Flood for example... there isn't any and you can't get more incomplete than that. Like the utter and total lack of evidence of a moving camp of thousands of people spending 40 years moving around 'the Wilderness'? Of course, the Bible is an old book recounting the story of the people, it's not a work of pure fiction, so the fact that some of the story is attested to is not surprising. But that is different from assuming that all those areas of the Bible that are not backed up by such evidence are merely awaiting the discovery of something.

    Of course, if you're not a literalist who believes in the inspired and infallaible nature of the Bible, this won;t worry you.

    The greatest victory over the material universe, is that Jesus Christ does exist in the hearts of many individuals across the globe and proves to be true in the spirit of love that is generated there within.

    If they have free will and it makes them happy, hoo-ray for them. Doesn't mean Jesus actually exists. Santa Claus also exists in the hearts of many individuals (just because they are short doesn't mean they aren't individuals) across the globe and proves to be true in the spirit of love that is generated there within.

    The "New Testament" is a historical record unto itself.

    One could say that about Lord of the Rings; maybe I misunderstand you... and is it really neccesary to use unto; it makes my wrath wax

    The spread of Christianity can be traced back to ancient Rome. Plenty of evidence there then!

    Yup, just like there's plenty evidence for the spread of Islam and Mormonism. Not proof that either is 'true' though.

  • True North
    True North


    When did God get a say as to which books made up the tome?

    I guess no one actually did ever write something called "The Bible"; different persons just wrote things that later got "anthologized" by some "editors" as it were.

    Personally I prefer to consider them on a book by book basis, rather than slamming the whole body of works.

    So, you've put together your own anthology that differs from the official canon? Do you also consider the individual books themselves on a chapter by chapter or even verse by verse basis? Do you include any non-Biblical writings in your own personal canon?

  • metatron

    Any judgement of the Bible should be done realistically and in full view of the whole picture.

    Current problems in the Arab world are an excellent example of how difficult it is to uplift people ethically and get them

    to build a just, prosperous society. Give them money, they buy weapons and waste it on extravagance. Take away their

    dictators and watch chaos ensue. Encourage democracy and watch them elect ayatollahs - and so it goes.

    I continue to believe that Christianity and Judaism are the product of an intervention by some superior intelligence(s).

    They saw a hopeless bunch of violent barbarians and decided to inject a 'mind virus' that would gradually change things

    on earth. While Jesus' message of loving your enemies might seem wildly idealistic, that vision has influenced history

    favorably to where we are today. Eventually, this message may create a human millenium, despite doomsayers

    and uneven progress. Technically, much of the Bible is B.S., but I say that it's useful and good B.S. !!


  • XQsThaiPoes

    Metatron you said what I was trying to say in more eloquent and less draconian terms. The bible is someone elses "triumph of the will" given to mankind to boost there own ego and yeah make what THEY think is a better human race.

  • itsallgoodnow


    Objectively who knows how much of it was made up. Also to "cover up" the fact that there was no proof faith was invented.

    Yes, I'm thinking along those lines, too.

    There should be more people that want to take over the world nonviolently by using auto indoctrination. Entire governments should pick this stuff up. It is a ready-made template for social reform.

    I think governments have used religion in this way all along and will wish they could continue to. It's easier to get people to agree to keep themselves within the law, and can be used to get people to agree with more difficult policies, etc.


  • OICU8it2

    Absolutely, Shamus. How did it get the accredation? I have a vague idea how the canon was established but that doesn't give me much faith in it. It was a real stretch to say it didn't contradict itself as I tried to purvay when I was a Witness. I believe in a God who created things because of the absolute odds against so much in this universe having just happenned as in some gigantic quantum vacuum fluctuation. Even that requires a preexisting wave function to occur. It is very upsetting not to know about God and his purposes. It is so hard to "know one's place" and humbly realize we will never know the truth about the substance and form of God and the fundamental answers about his creation.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    The bible is a 2,000 page sleeping pill!

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    Shepherds are predators who fool sheep into a false sense of security and then fleece and slaughter the sheep for their own benefit. the bible is an instruction manual for shepherds and sheep, tells each one how to play their roles and exposes those who can think for themselves and rock the boat as enemies to be shunned and murdered...its not that complicated, its all about CONtrol by CONfident people who are very CONvincing to those who desire to be CONviNcED.

    Hypnosis is not like you see on stage shows, its really just about allowing others to do your thinking for you....if they are CONvincing enough, they can even cause you to hallucinate and distort your perceptions of reality... People wonder how the great pyramids were built, what sort of technology was used... if the skeptics are correct, there was nothing fabulously high tech about it...just a lot of man power with a common cause.... but if that is so, the greatest secret in the world was founded at that time, mental techniques for getting that man power to act in unison...that is where all secret societies and mysteries get their "magick" some of these mental techniques may be very carefully guarded secrets, but I suspect that it has always been hiding in plain sight.

  • gumby

    According to many......the bible is inspired of god.......all of it. To them, it was Gods purpose to have these men write down the words or (ideas) of god very carefully, and provide it for all of mankind to live by.

    IF this was truely Gods purpose for mankind to live by this book and it's words, then would'nt he have done a better job at preserving it? He didn't. The original writing are gone. Others copied them, the corrupt church edited all of it, and the majority of mankind has never seen a bible.

    Is this REALLY a book for all of mankind to live by and signed by god himself? Did he intend for all of mankind to read it......or just 'SOME OF US"


  • Valis

    Is the Gumbible Just GumBS?

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