USA Election 2004

by Simon 242 Replies latest social current

  • Love_Truth

    I think Bush will win in a landslide, and that's a good thing.

    Bush- lowering taxes

    Bush- Takin' the war to the Middle East, instead of on our shores

    Bush- the lesser evil.

  • waiting

    Ah well. Just entering here to say:

    Howdy grows1. Good post - particularily in view that it's your first on our forum. Welcome - stick around for the fireworks.

    Just some friendly bantering so far.


  • SixofNine
    I think the REAL story here is that General Clark, lap dog of the Clintons, said in front of 12 reporters "off the record" that Kerry would implode due to an intern scandal before Drudge broke the story. I think this is the Clintons trying to hamstring Kerry so Hillary can run in 2008.

    lol. In about, what, 20? years , there are going to be alot of guys sitting around in nursing homes, smacking their gums together and grumbling about how "that Hillary ruined everything! *grumble grumble*, eh, did I ever tell you the time Hillary got Clark to mention something negative about Kerry? eh? eh??? ... it wassh back in 2 oh oh 4, and the demmies were in trouble..." Guess the latest on Clark is really gonna twist Hillary's knickers! But don't forget, it all comes back to Hillary. Everything. In fact, people should pray to Hillary thru Bill.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    Allegations against Vietnam war hero John Kerry today threatened his runaway presidential campaign.

    Can we say that those that pass this information on is being Un-American?


  • czarofmischief
    also agree that France is progressive....much as I hate to give kudos to France.....

    Yep. Banning the chador and the yamalka and even extra-large crucifixes is a definite progressive move. It's brilliant. Let's take two thousand year old traditions and just ban them. They'll go away and we'll all go to Eurodisney. We should also ban all political discussion, because it just causes problems when we notice our differences.

    Have you ever heard of Le Pen? He's a french politician, roughly the equivalent of a Jorg Haider (Austria). He periodically scores big successes with an anti-immigrant campaign, depending on the economy. Progressiveness is only as successful as the economy.

    It will be a tough campaign, but I think a few things are coming down the pike that'll help shake things up a bit.

    The international banker theory isn't even worth discussion again.


  • Yerusalyim


    Only if we can say that those spreading the unfounded allegation that Bush was AWOL are UnAmerican. Will, remember, the sources for this are all Democrats...we DON'T know if the story is true, and some people just won't care.

    Folks like myself will care, marriage is sacred, if a person will cheat on their spouse, what will they do to me and you? For me adultery is an issue of character.

    I hope it's not true. Kerry is for the most part a good guy with rotten politics.

  • Badger

    If It's Bush, then the Democrats care about service...If Clinton, it's the Republicans

    If It's Limbaugh, then the Democrats care about drugs...If Clinton, it's the Republicans

    If it's Reagan, then the Democrats care about spending...if Johnson, It's the Republicans.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell


    You are missing the point I was making. If one criticizes President Bush for his lies of WMD he is being Un- American but on the other hand its OK to trash President Clinton!!! Of course there is mud slinging going on on both sides. We DON'T know if the story is true and both sides are guilty of character assassination . What I understand about Bush's military record is there is still some months of military service unaccounted for but I know you will buy anything the Republicans tell you. Seems like it is going to be a dirty election but whats new.


  • Aztec

    Michael Badnarik in 2004!


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    What I understand about Bush's military record is there is still some months of military service unaccounted

    If there was anything really to that, don't you think it would have come out just before the Election of 2000 just like Bush's 20 year old DUI ticket? Talk about 'much ado about nothing'.

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