McVeigh vs Death Penalty

by Amazing 272 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH


    Where could I get some good, pharmeceutical grade Zyklon B? I have a lot of work to do and I'd like to get started!


  • JustAThought
    Having the government kill those who disagree with its rules just encourages more violence.

    Is this an accurate reflection of the McVeigh situation? Or was it the government killing one who had personally killed 168 of it's innocent citizens? I know we believe in freedom of expression in this country, but is this JUST an example of expressing disagreement with a government's rules?


  • bigboi

    Hey Everyone:

    Man this thread just keeps going and going. Well I've been reading this inroduction to sociology book I got a few yrs back at this college I used to attend here in the N. O. The book refers to something called social control when discussing deviance. There are two types of scial control one called informal the other formal. Informal control involves less serious punishments for deviance like scolding or even a simple facial expression of disapproval. It can also include serious punishments like capital punishment etc... Formal control includes systems like we see in the West for the most part like courts, police, judges, prisons etc...

    The text points out when speaking of informal control societies that " Violence in these societies is nonetheless quite rare -as are adultery and other deviances-apparantly a testament to the effectivness of informal control. The deterrent effect of informal control in traditional societies is greater than that of formal control in modern societies." This is why I think linking the violence in the U.S. with it's policy of capital punishment lacks merit. Often times when there is a clear and inevitable consequence for deviant behavior, ppl are less likely to commit deviant acts. However in the U.S. criminals are given many many chances more often than not to reform themselves. In the process they become caught up in the system and this leads them to a life of crime that continually escalates to more serious levels of crime.



    "it ain't what ya do. it's how you do it" quote from the song "True Honeybunz" by Bahamadia

  • crossroads

    Seeker BRAVO----My feelings exactly
    Said government sends soldier over to foreign land
    and tells soldier it is OK even heroic to take lives so
    our country can have affordable gas.(our country never
    was in any danger of being taken over by other country)
    On returning same soldier who gave an oath to up
    hold constitution finds said goverment tearing it apart.
    Also saw said government take INNOCENT lives of it
    citizens for citizens exercising their constitutional rights.

    Now I no longer bow down to the Almighty tower but
    what if the government tourched it some day.
    Now there is an old saying I know I don't have it correct
    but it goes something like this.
    They came for the red man and I did nothing
    They came for the black man and I did nothing
    They came for the jew and I did nothing
    They came for the christain and I still did nothing
    Then they came for ME and there was no one left
    to do anything

    The recent election shows WE the people have very
    little if anything to say about our goverment. McVeigh
    was saying something; he went about it in the wrong
    way. But he didn't have BOBBY'S money or MARTIN'S
    oracle abilities. BTW if you haven't noticed TWO of our
    great PEACFUL revolutionaries were but to sleep also.
    Now I leave that up to you to decide if the said government
    had anything to do with those killings.
    I do know this the left ones think I'm right and the right ones
    think I'm wrong. Three lefts make a right. But I've yet to see
    two wrongs make a right. And what our country did yesterday
    and will continue to do(like Tine said there are many more

  • bigboi

    Hey All:

    I read online yesterday that before he was executed at the last minute Timothy Mcveigh requested that the last rites be administered to him. He recieved a sacrament for the sick or something of that nature. I'm not sure what it was called exactly. I know that it implied that he was possibly suffering from some type of sickness, mental sickness perhaps. That's one of the readon's why i feel they shouldn't have put him to death. Think of how alienated a person must feel to do something like that. I heard he got the idea to do what he did from some popular militia-cult book. This is a sad situation for evrybody involved, there are no winners in situations like this. One can argue also that justice in situations like this can never be truly served. I think some things are just out of our reach, just too far above our capacity to deal with adequately. However I still feel that the death penalty was warranted in this case. Ppl simply cannot be allowed to inflct such harm on their fellow citizens without the prospect of retribution. Especially in a country that already affords it's ppl many avenues to vent their frustration seek changes for the betterment of their lot in life.



    "it ain't what ya do. it's how you do it" quote from the song "True Honeybunz" by Bahamadia

  • SlayerLayer

    My my, I love you guys but I think you're all a bunch of tree hugging hippies. Death=death. And if it were my decision, it wouldn't be a needle injection, it would be slow and painful.

    Venice and I were discussing this last night. She's a smart gal.


    You're an insensitive prick. You're musical taste has also turned you into a cliche. Buy some Abba records and quit with the sinister crap, it only works on 14 years-old-girls.

    Yes I am an insensitve prick when it comes to the slaughterer of babies. I personally believe that the FBI agents that killed at Waco should also endure the same puninshment. (However i wasn't there, and only know what the media has covered.)

    As for my musical taste. HUH? What the heck are you talking about? I assume you are referring to the 80's thrash metal band "Slayer". Personally I have never listened to the stuff. As many here (BUGEYE )know, my nick name refers to a sexual inuindo made towards Buffy The Vampire Slayer. I think she's hot.

  • freddi

    hi all,
    it is a damn shame that this whole issue seems to be making the timmy creep into a maytr. i am 50/50 when it comes to the death penalty. if you are actually caught in the act then fine. however, what about the many people who are death row and are innocent?
    everyone seems to not realize how the entire govt should be put on death role. it has been kept out of history about the bombings that was done in oklahoma in 1921 of a complete town. this was done by the govt. why? because at the time the u.s. was and still is a racist country. a complete town of african-americans was bombed back then and we are not even taught about this in school. why were these innocent men, women and children slaughterd? and by the govt no less. we know why but we are ashamed to even discuss it. in 1921 this town in oklahoma was known as the "black wall street". society couldn't deal with an entire town run by african-americans. how were the ones who bombed this city dealt with? not at all. at that time it was justifiable to kill any black person who controlled his or her own fate finacially. heaven forbid an entire city. all one needs to do is look up "black wall street" and you will see. or buy the book. it is not as though this is the first time that something like this has occured
    so was it right for the govt to kill tim mcveigh? i wonder?

  • Gianluca

    Hello all,

    The best way is the Chinese way: A bullet in the backof the neck and send the bill to the parents or the surviving relatives.


  • crossroads

    The FBI agents could be considered soldiers and we
    rarely if ever hold a soldier accountable for actions
    he was commanded to perform. We do hold war crime
    trials that make leaders accountable. Clinton and Reno
    should get the justice all you blood thristy people are
    in want for. Maybe just maybe that would shake this
    almighty government to it's knees and have them in
    fear of the citizens just the way Jefferson wanted the
    government to be.

    Ah but "I am just a dreamin' man"

    One more thing:Reno or Bush to be the next Governor of
    FLA. my my what a choice 1 a murderer the second someone
    who helped fix a presidential election. No neither one is
    doing any jail time. BTW if our president didn't have such
    great connections when he was young. Had the same laws
    in Texas then as he got through as when he was Governor.
    He'd still be in jail now a convicted felon never to reach the
    hieghts he's reached. To bad McVeigh's name wasn't Bush
    or Kennedy. Might and power make right, wake up all.
    P.S. Teddy was still senator last time I looked(murderer)
    See I'm not a political fan of either side I'm for people who
    want to make a difference. People who will stop and challenge
    your way of thinking people who care about other people.
    Martin and Bobby's spirit lives on and so does mine.
    The 168 are dead the families still grieve their loss.
    McVeigh is dead and some applaud others shake their
    head. Today is a new day many people are starving and
    dieing of aides in Africa and even here in the good ol' U.S.A.
    "Come on everybody now smile on your brother everybody
    get togther lets love one another right now"

    Make a Difference no longer lend your spirit, time or money
    to be a part of "The Killing Fields"

  • freddi

    say it loud!!!!!!!!!! we all need to take off the blindfolds.

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