McVeigh vs Death Penalty

by Amazing 272 Replies latest jw friends

  • VeniceIT



  • digderidoo

    Jan H,

    You were making some strong valid points throughout this thread, I happen to agreee with just about everything you said. However, do not turn this into a personal issue by insulting Lisa!!!

    Yours dig

    Think not about trying to add days to your life, but instead think about adding life to your days.

  • digderidoo
    on the contrary, i think you would be viewing it more objectively

    How so?????

    It is not a cold dispassionate issue, and it never should be
    When did i say that????

    Yours dig

    Think not about trying to add days to your life, but instead think about adding life to your days.

  • mommy

    I gotta say,
    After I heard of his death the last thing I wanted to do was to have sex!

    One day sweetie! You will wake up, and realize what a self rightous fool you are! And you will apologize to all you have hurt by your innsensitive comments.

    Until that day, I love you still! I just hope you pick up on it...still.

  • Faraon

    Hello Englishman,
    Don't forget.
    Pancho Villa invaded the USA too.

    If I wanted your opinion, I would beat it out of you (seen in a bumper sticker)

  • Amazing

    HI Skimmer: You make some very good points. Just so you know, I am 50 years old. I have always advocated the death penalty, but I have narrowed the scope of its application.

    The founding fathers of the USA said it was better to let ten guilty men go free, than to punish one innocent man. I also agree with this concept.

    My entire post focused on and centered arunf one man, McVeigh. Even if he only took one life, in his wanton and arrogant disregard for others, he deserved to die. The only two alternatives to the death penalty in my mind are to either declare him insane and keep him in a jail cell, or forgive him and let him roam the streets.

    In times of war, such as WWII, fighting the wicked Nazi regime, we asked millions of young men to kill in the name of self defense, freedom, democracy, and justice. Why can we, as civilians, show some raw guts and stand up to these criminals, and put them out of existance? Are we that spineless that we cannot make a most basic decision for justice, for liberty, for freedom from wicked killers like McVeigh?

    But, I suppose that when we get down to it, nothing is about our nobler reasons for executing or not executing, but survival. We as a civilized society choose to execute because it is either them or us. I perfer it to be them. - Amazing

  • crossroads

    Timothy McVeigh was a human being, someone's son
    who was loved by his family . HE could have been MY son or YOURS and you people talk about sex.
    TIMOTHY McVEIGH is dead HE could have been YOUR SON.
    Yes HE did wrong as Jesus draws circles in the sand
    HE tells all, he without sin please cast the first stone.
    Anyone-----watchout the boy you stone could be your own.

    So with that I'm out of here you disgust me
    Peace and Love

  • ianao

    If I ever do anything like McVeigh I hope my mother doesn't cry over spoiled, spilled milk.

  • LDH


    Don't say 'YOU PEOPLE.' It was *me alone* who made a reference to sex, in an attempt to show how little the news of McVeigh's death affected my next action.

    I HARDLY think for one moment anyone reading this could get the impression that I was sexually stimulated at hearing the news of McVeigh's death.

    The sole emotion that I felt was *relief* for the families of the victims who have waited 6 long years to see justice served.

    And don't get caught up. The woman who those evil men wanted Jesus to judge was guilty of *fornication* in the WBTS' words. I *hardly* think you can equate the premeditated act of pulling a rented truck full of bomb materials in front of a building where you know you are going to blow innocent people to death to someone having consensual sex.

    Or maybe you are a WT stoolie and you think the killer of 168 innocent people should be DF'd just like the man who engaged in premarital sex.

    Give me a break. Just because he was someone's son doesn't mean he doesn't have to pay the price for his actions.

    Which, BTW, is what Jesus that you love to quote so freely, did for humanity. Gave his life. To pay for the actions of Adam. If you want to start quoting the Bible. There is a blood precedent set forth in the Bible.

    Amazing wrote

    In times of war, such as WWII, fighting the wicked Nazi regime, we asked millions of young men to kill in the name of self defense, freedom, democracy, and justice. Why can we, as civilians, show some raw guts and stand up to these criminals, and put them out of existance? Are we that spineless that we cannot make a most basic decision for justice, for liberty, for freedom from wicked killers like McVeigh?
    And as usual he is dead on.
  • Faraon

    How come none of the ATF and FBI agents has been brought to trial and sentenced to death for the murder of those children in Waco?

    What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

    If I wanted your opinion, I would beat it out of you (seen in a bumper sticker)

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