What do you collect?

by FlyingHighNow 118 Replies latest jw friends

  • galaxy7

    I collect birds I cant seem to pass a pet shop without bringing home a feathered friend

    Lovebirds,cockatiels,budgies.Its like living in a rain forest around here with all the singing and squacking.

    I especially love when I have my weekly bible study and all 32 birds decide they want to answer the question at the same time..Much to the displeasure of the sisters trying to conduct the study.

    I am adding to my collection an amazon parrot that will be ready to bring home in Feb

    That is my collection,its a paradise on earth in my living room

  • Valis

    Old cameras..

  • Sassy

    hmmmm... how about friends.. I love collecting friends..

    if you need something tangible... little umbrellas from those pretty drinks.. SimpleSally and I used to have a contest..

    the one with the most drink umbrellas wins!

  • Sargon

    Empty beer cans. Every once in a while I get off my butt and pick them all up.

  • stillajwexelder

    boarding passes from all the flights I have ever made

  • mineralogist

    minerals (?)

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    Since I have left the teaching of JWs, I have developed an interest in religious art. Purely artistic.

    Having studied in Rome, Italy, I developed a passion for all the religious art of Churches. ( I cannot imagine why, because the older I am getting the more I am DETESTING religion) But the art from these Churches is something else, entirely different to me than the teachings.

    I collect sterling silver Russian religious icons, all intricately hand worked and mounted. I also have a ceramic "copy" (circa 1600s) of a Della Robbia "mother and child". My wife does not share my passion for this art and does not let me display it.

  • Mulan

    shot glasses from all over the world, whether I've been there or not. People give them to me from their trips. I have lots.

    We also have way too many books for the bookcases, but we can't stop buying. I just love owning books.

    I was collecting Starbucks mugs too, from the different cities, buy the mugs are too large, so after getting about 6 of them, I stopped. They are good for soup, but way too big for coffee.

  • xjw_b12

    Debt .

  • xjw_b12

    Honestly, I collect: telephones.

    Uh huh, I have quite a few. I have a few different coloured ones.

    I have some old dial phones: standard desk phone, contempra phones, some other interesting ones as well. I get most of them off of ebay

    Umh. Rayzorblade. Did it ever occur to you, to plug one of those oldies in during the power failure?

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