Possible Apostates here on JWD

by FlyingHighNow 106 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    This morning sadly enough our attention was again directed to a possible apostate within our midst.

    Dub words in red.

    It's intresting how dubs begin to talk just like an article in the watchtower. Everytime I start to use a dub phrase....I change the words on purpose so I don't feel like a nutsack.


    ...........Hey Min......you apostate bastard you!

  • simplesally

    You mean they spotted a red M&M in their midst?

  • Rabbit

    Aw'right guys and gals: This may be real funny to some of you, but look over below my moniker. It says: Newbie ! This turn of events is scary to many people, I think especially for new people who are checking out things here. You guys that are really OK (here) and are admitting -- even as a joke, that they are JW spys --even 'old timers' will run off people like me, that want to learn about the 'other side of the coin.'

    JW's that ARE here, may or may not be vascillating. Maybe they are given permission to be deceptive by the GB. Hell if I know. I guess they will do their 'thing.' Maybe they, too will learn something.

    As my Momma said, Qwit it...!! Behave yourself...please??

    ~ Lee ~

  • Sassy

    Rabitt, that is why you want to be careful when you post if you are still an active JW and only here to read to be enlightened.. Yes it is true some might be reading to 'capture' those here for discipline. Sometimes there are risks worth taking..

    just do not reveal yourself in your comments if you have anything to lose by being here..

  • FlyingHighNow
    Aw'right guys and gals: This may be real funny to some of you, but look over below my moniker. It says: Newbie

    While I appreciate what you are saying here, you needn't begrudge us some humor.Most of us have been extremely hurt by the WTBTS. Some have even lost loved ones to death. My own two children have been permanently damaged by lack of blood transfusions. The sins of the WTBTS, as well as their horrible consequences, are piled higher than the heavens. I know there is some higher being that isn't too happy about it either.

    Humor is something that keeps a lot of us coping with the left over effects of the WTBTS in our lives. I started this thread and I am kidding about there being what the faithful call apostates here on JWD. According to their definition almost everyone of us here is an apostate. Why? Because we choose to be like the Bereans, pardon my spelling. We choose to examine things just as they did. Edited to add: Let me make this clear. I am not talking about faithful JWs that are here as spies to "out" exjws. Witness World deleted possible "apostates". My joke is that there may be those very same kind of "apostates" here. Of course there are. This is the joke. They mean those of who do not believe the Governing Body is God's sole channel here on earth.

    You are right, Rabbit. There are spies here and everyone should be informed about this. It's just an unpleasant fact. Anyone is taking a risk by posting here. That is also a fact we have to live with.

    There are going to be a lot of posts and threads here that faithful or waivering dubs may find offensive or worriesome. If we are to worry about this too much, we might as well go back to the organization and let them control our every thought and word.


  • gumby
    JW's that ARE here, may or may not be vascillating

    Well I hope if they are......they do it in the bathroom with the door locked like the rest of us do!

    Hey....seriously rabbit........welcome! I haven't met you yet. Personally.....I welcome spies here.......maybe they will learn the truth about the truth themselves and be freed from religious bondage as many here have.

    Take care, and we look forward to more from you.


  • cruzanheart

    Rabbit, welcome to the board! You have a PM from me -- Big Tex and I are from the DFW area of Texas.


  • Rabbit

    Heather said:

    While I appreciate what you are saying here, you needn't begrudge us some humor.Most of us have been extremely hurt by the WTBTS. Some have even lost loved ones to death. The sins of the WTBTS, as well as their horrible consequences, are piled higher than the heavens. I know there is some higher being that isn't too happy about it either.

    Ok, Ok...I may have over-reacted. It was just that you and others that I've come to enjoy reading their posts and learning a lot...I started hearing these same people start accusing others of being spys, then some of them were giving 'heart-felt confessions'. I guess I don't know your personalities yet, otherwise I would have seen the humor -- as I do now.

    I too, have been extremely hurt by stuff I've experienced as a JW. I've told some about my immediate situation, but, like many others...there's a lot more...maybe some day I'll share it like some of you that have already -- bared your souls. To do that I'll have to be purdy comfortable here...with time.

    Humor is something that keeps a lot of us coping with the left over effects of the WTBTS in our lives. I started this thread and I am kidding about there being what the faithful call apostates here on JWD.

    Humor is a healer...I know that. My new non-JW wife has really helped me out of that straight-jacket I've been in for most of my life - she is my touch-stone, a free-spirit.


    Thanks for that advice, I will be careful. You are one of the ones who seems to have a kind, calm and pensive way about them. If you (or others) think I'm saying TOO much, I'm not too proud to take constructive advice.


    I needed that laugh...I guess I set myself up purdy well on that one, thanks!

    A-n-d -- don't scare me again like you did in your post, about you NOT being a REAL X-JW. I have enjoyed reading your stuff.


    ~ Lee ~

  • FlyingHighNow
    Ok, Ok...I may have over-reacted. It was just that you and others that I've come to enjoy reading their posts and learning a lot...I started hearing these same people start accusing others of being spys, then some of them were giving 'heart-felt confessions'.

    Dear Rabbit and anyone else who was scared by this thread,

    I just figured out that, though I was laughing very hard when I started this thread, you couldn't see or hear me. Some of you didn't realize this thread was not to be taken seriously. It was meant as humorous sarcasm. I am not a good leg puller in person because I start smiling or laughing and give myself away. Or in this case you would know I was kidding by the exaggerated sarcasm in my voice if I would have spoken those words to you.

    I am very sorry for scaring anyone. I was really just trying to make everyone smile and to take the sting out of us knowing that faithful JWs are still under such extreme WT control. I would have put a disclaimer up but then the thread would not have the same humorous impact that I intended for it to. I guess that in my fatigue and resulting giddiness, I didn't put enough thought into how the thread would be interpreted. Hey, we learn something new everyday.

    Rabbit, it's cool. Thank you for letting me and every other comedian on this thread know that we caused you worry and that we are maybe too good at leg pulling....at least here on line. I know what you mean about not feeling comfortable enough to share all of your experiences with everyone. I haven't really told my story either, though I mention bits and pieces here and there. Mine is long and complicated. It is very painful to think about. I was not listened to or cared about by our brothers and sisters. I watched as my family was nearly destroyed while no one really cared. Some people were even smug and arrogant about our extreme misfortunes. And the ones who did care were kept so busy they couldn't really help or were made to feel they couldn't or shouldn't help. They were browbeat into thinking Jehovah wouldn't want them to help us.

    Take care and please don't be embarrassed or anything like that. I didn't even really understand what you meant at first and had to go back and edit my reply to you.

    Sassy gave you some excellent advice. Just think about what you share publicly...whether or not it can be traced to you. I hope all will go well for you. Welcome to the forum. I am pretty new here as well, relatively speaking. Congratulations on your new marriage. I am happy for you that you have found such a wonderful friend and kindred spirit to share your life with. You and I have that in common: bad JW marriage and good relationship now.


  • Rabbit

    FlyingHighNow said:

    Dear Rabbit and anyone else who was scared by this thread,

    I just figured out that, though I was laughing very hard when I started this thread, you couldn't see or hear me. Some of you didn't realize this thread was not to be taken seriously. It was meant as humorous sarcasm. I am not a good leg puller in person because I start smiling or laughing and give myself away. Or in this case you would know I was kidding by the exaggerated sarcasm in my voice if I would have spoken those words to you.

    I am very sorry for scaring anyone. I was really just trying to make everyone smile and to take the sting out of us knowing that faithful JWs are still under such extreme WT control.

    Rabbit, it's cool. Thank you for letting me and every other comedian on this thread know that we caused you worry and that we are maybe too good at leg pulling....at least here on line

    Well, it was v-e-ww-y, s-c-a-ww-y... But, I feel a little red-faced now. I will get to know y'all better!

    I've mis-spoke or did not word some posts right already, I knew what I was tryng to say, but when I wrote it out -- it did not convey what I meant, go figure...just check out my post about "WHY are there no Mentally Challenged new JW's". I had a serious question, but between my head and my fingers, the computer messed up my meaning.

    Enjoyed your posts,

    ~ Lee ~

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