So, the Womens March ... What Is It For?

by Simon 401 Replies latest social current

  • Simon
    The president of the USA is calling the free press liars

    It's very very easy to show the press up as liars. That's not really an argument you want to be making.

    Also, please keep on topic.

  • slimboyfat

    bohm it's almost comical if it weren't so frightening. To lie about how many were at the inauguration when eveyone can see the pictures. This is pathological behaviour.

    Surely no one will be laughing, neither his defenders nor opponents, when he starts lying about stuff like: detaining opponents he calls "security threats", claiming other nations have committed hostile acts needing retaliation, who is behind terror attacks, intelligence he has received.

  • bohm
    So, you are one that thinks violence is justified against "nazis" ... but then the left is quick to label everyone a nazi. No way that can go wrong and get out of hand ...

    Yes, I sometimes think violence is justified against nazis, but not in this instance.

    Let us see what happens, but I am quite sure that Sargon of Akkad (and similar supposed "the real left"-wing "intellectuals") are now going to make videos where they will focus very heavily on the few negative stories surrounding the protests against trump.

    They will focus on two things: (1) paint the protests as being ridiculous and self-defeating by pointing out stupid signs or stupid things that were said (2) paint the protests as violent and thereby hypocritical by pointing to the few episodes of smashed car windows etc.

    Wait for the next installment of "this week in stupid" by sargon of akkad and let's see if I am right.

    These are standard propaganda strategies.

  • Simon

    Arguing about who's "event" had the most people is as unimportant as who won the popular vote. It doesn't change anything.

    But yes, his credibility can be impacted, what little he has. Hopefully the press will pursue actual important issues like sbf lists with the same vigour that they chase after celebrity opinions.

  • bohm
    It's very very easy to show the press up as liars. That's not really an argument you want to be making.

    Step 1: Erode confidence in the free press by painting them as liars and hypocrites

    Step 2: Give people news sources free of lies, or at least present the view of the government as a balance

    Step 3: Should it really be legal to lie that much? A free press is okay, but spreading lies is bad. Let's get the legal system involved

    Step 4: Done!

  • bohm
    Arguing about who's "event" had the most people is as unimportant as who won the popular vote. It doesn't change anything.

  • Simon
    Step 1: Erode confidence in the free press by painting them as liars and hypocrites

    The main-stream corporate liberal media eroded trust in themselves a long time ago.

    The collusion between them and Clinton was shown up.

    They continually demonstrate horrendous bias and loaded language on all manner of topics.

    What exactly did the Million Man March achieve? What were the aims? Has the black experience gotten better or worse since 1995?

    Will the Women's March be more or less successful than that one?

  • DesirousOfChange

    Its a liberal hissy fit over a woman losing the election.

    And there it is folks -- We have a winner!

    Just a bunch of poor losers who should go away and cry in their beer elsewhere.

  • azor

    DOC how sad. You truly believe that is what today is about. The bumper sticker mentality on full display by you. One of the many things wrong with my American culture that got this clown into office.

  • DesirousOfChange
    1) The country is now run by a sexist pig who bragged about grabbing women by their genitals

    Unimportant. Clinton was just as bad. No one cares.

    Just the same as most powerful men in history. Kennedy had his scandals. Clarence Thomas is another example. Trump defended it well when he said it was just "locker room talk". Dozens of politicians on both sides of the aisle came out as "politically correct" and denied that they'd EVER heard such talk in the locker room, etc. I remember it in the locker rooms even before High School. And it continues on in later life on the golf course and in the Club House locker room.The men who claimed they never heard such talk are either liars or deaf.

    Nobody gives a shit about who is getting/giving BJs in the Oval Office. It's all about the economy, stupid.

    Image result for i did not have sexual relations with that woman

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