I've been found out!

by pale.emperor 135 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Pistoff

    Unless you have admitted this was you, you must threaten a lawsuit against your inlaw, and the congregation, if they proceed against you using stolen information.

    Your inlaw hacked you unlawfully; this is invasion of privacy.

    Get the elders to agree to back off, or you will pursue charges against them and your inlaw.

    See an attorney asap.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    They will be brainwashing your wife into a separation and divorce so be ready for that too.

  • ToesUp

    "Unless you have admitted this was you, you must threaten a lawsuit against your inlaw, and the congregation, if they proceed against you using stolen information.

    Your inlaw hacked you unlawfully; this is invasion of privacy.

    Get the elders to agree to back off, or you will pursue charges against them and your inlaw.

    See an attorney asap."

    I like this suggestion.

  • 2badsosad

    Haven't read all the posts, but have a couple thoughts for you:

    1) Take this as a blessing. You've got a ticket out of the cult. You don't have to keep one foot in and one foot out anymore. You can get both feet out completely. Trying to fade is tough and frankly can play havoc on your mental health. Getting shunned sucks. Loosing family connections sucks. But they're clamping down on it anyway. Hiding your true self can be extremely damaging as well. Maybe not for everyone, but for people like me, it has been devastating.

    2) Save your kid. Put your foot down on meeting attendance and indoctrination. Stop it. Use their rules against them. They have to respect you as head of the family, even if you're DA'd or DF'd. So you can prevent your child from being indoctrinated.

    3) If you have access and/or can afford it, seek some counselling or therapy. Just having an outlet to talk to will be helpful. This is a dramatic and serious life changing event in your life. A therapist can help you process some of the batshit crazy stuff that's being thrust on you.

    Really sorry to hear what's happened. Remember that the elders have no real authority over you. Your only responsibility is to live a happy and healthy life that you deserve. A life that this religious is trying to usurp and steal from you to serve it's own end.

  • Simon

    I think if you have children, especially young children, that it's more potentially more damaging to try to slowly fade because while you are leaving they may be getting pulled in and you ultimately lose them and pass on the problem to them of having to leave.

    If you love your kids, make a break as soon as you can. Seeing them grow up normal without all the JW shit in their lives is a real joy, trust me.

    It doesn't matter what I had to go through, it was worth it for them.

  • out4good4

    As for my wifes family... well coincidentally they've invited my wife round. She's told me she's staying there tonight with my daughter. To be honest i could do with the head space. I know what comes next, daddy elder will fill her head with bullshit.

    You are being far more forgiving than I. If my wife tried that shit with me she'd be told to not bother coming back.

  • out4good4
    PASSWORD protect your devices! No one can snoop if they can't get past the password.

    I guess so, if you feel that you have to.

    However, why should you. These idiots should be told up front and center to "Mind their own Fu#$ing business".

  • Vidiot

    GrreatTeacher - "...Would you ever, in a million years, ever go over to someone else's house, get on their personal computer, pull up their history and then proceed to snoop through the websites and take pictures? And, then, as an elder, would you accept evidence gained in such an underhanded manner?..."

    Once again, for the newbies, lurkers, and trolls...

    ...if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don't deserve to be defended.

  • slimboyfat

    I kind of figured out that you were not too bothered about getting caught and it was a relief in a way.

    I'm getting a similar vibe in relation to your marriage though?

  • WingCommander

    I would have told my wife she's welcome to do what she likes, but your daughter stays at HOME, with YOU. That shit would NOT have flown with me. Fug that! So now your daughter gets to hear you slandered and maligned and vilified from your d-bag Elder father-in-law? Uhh....no! I'm guessing your wife isn't the supportive, "stand by your man", type? Well, if she isn't up for supporting you as your spouse, she might as well hand in the keys to the house with the cheque book, and move back in with "daddy". No way would I tolerate that crap....no freakin' way. She wants to choose a CULT out over your marriage? No problem; let the cult take care of her.

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