Sudden General Election in UK to be held June 8th 2017

by freddo 167 Replies latest social current

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I intend to hold my nose and vote Tory.

    Corbyn as PM would be disastrous for Britain.

    We're talking about a guy who refused to support the UK government sending troops down to the Falklands. He didn't give a crap about the Falkland Islanders (who are UK citizens).

    We're talking about a guy who didn't give a crap about ordinary Northern Irish citizens (the majority of whom consider themselves UK citizens and wish to remain so) when he cosied up to Martin McGuinness, Gerry Adams and other terrorists.

    Maybe, despite the obvious terror threat, he doesn't give a crap about UK citizens today.

    If Corbyn does become PM, I wonder what Falklanders and N. Irish citizens with family members murdered by the IRA make of it?

    The guy's a complete fruitloop ...

  • Phizzy

    Do you get your ideas from the Murdoch Press/Media by any chance LUHE ?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    No, I get my ideas from investigating Corbyn's background, plus not allowing him to whitewash his own history by him claiming to be a man of peace.

    If he was truly a man of peace, he would have pleaded with Galtieri to withdraw his troops from the Falklands.

    If he was truly a man of peace, he would have protested against IRA bombings.

    If he was truly a man of peace, he would get in touch with Hamas and tell them in no uncertain terms to stop firing rockets.

    If he was a man of peace, he'd tell Iran in no uncertain terms to stop killing gays and apostates.

  • Phizzy

    Of course, I forgot, Theresa May did all of the above.

  • cofty

    However attractive their vision for a fairer society I cannot trust Corbyn, McDonnell and Abbott.

    It is shocking that the Labour Party has put forward such a dreadful alternative to the Tories.

  • Simon

    Corbyn would be dreadful as a "leader" (we'd need a new expression for a start).

    I don't trust him or the Labour party. Britain needs a strong leader right now with the EU negotiations starting. He's simply unfit to hold any position of power.

  • cofty

    McDonnell is a self-confessed Marxist.

    Abbott stated that Mao did more good than harm (45 million civilian deaths in four years) and stated that a victory for the IRA would be a victory for everybody - a statement she still refuses to disavow.

    Corbyn sees a moral equivalence between IRA murderers and the British peace-keeping soldiers in Northern Ireland.

    The level of stupidity, twisted ideology &/or ignorance required to take these positions disqualifies them all from public office.

  • hothabanero

    I hope for the UKs sake Corbyn loose big. May is the only person looking out for the interests of the UK working class, including getting quickly out of the EU shithole and doing something about Muslims. It reminds me of Trump vs. Clinton, an imperfect candidate vs. a deeply disturbing one.

  • hothabanero

    Re. Scotland, they had their vote, which was pretty stupid to begin with, now they should shut up and accept the outcome!

    The idea of voting to leave a country is silly and stupid. Imagine Kansas seriously having a vote to leave the US lol

  • freddo


    Being English I do not have a strong view about what the Scots do in Scotland - but whereas Kansas is intrinsically part of the USA, Scotland is a country in its own right.

    Perhaps Alaska voting to leave the U.S. would be a more appropriate analogy?

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