Sudden General Election in UK to be held June 8th 2017

by freddo 167 Replies latest social current

  • LoveUniHateExams

    So, it seems as if May's calling of this election seriously backfired.

    Just a few notes ...

    In the days and weeks leading up to yesterday, I saw Labour supporters and activists several times in my town centre, handing out leaflets. I didn't see any Tory activists once. Not once.

    The Tory campaign was woeful, one of the worst I've seen (although I haven't seen loads and loads of campaigns).

    All politicians have a tendency to say what the voter wants to hear but I think the Tories are the worst at this. May and her colleagues have learnt to say what most people think most of the time.

    Corbyn, despite what I've said about him, at least has convictions and sincerely-held beliefs. I think a lot of his beliefs are deluded and dangerous but at least he sticks to them. I have to, if not respect, then acknowledge that. He also made an effort to reach out to the youth vote. It's always hilarious watching politicians press the flesh and reach out - and Corbyn hugging and fist-bumping grime rappers was no exception.

    "My name's Jezza. Just wanna big up the Brixton Massive. So, I can count on your vote, yeah? Cool - respec' bruv ... innit"

    But he gets top marks for trying and going out of his comfort zone. Theresa May scores nothing here - no marks, 0%, nada, nichts.

    I still think the prospect of Corbyn as PM is a genuine concern - most of his fans are either too young to remember the IRA and Falklands, or are of the hard left. The hard left excuses the worst possible behaviour and attitudes, as long as their cause is advanced.

    It'll be interesting to see what happens from here ...

  • Simon

    At least UKIP and the SNP got a clobbering.

  • cofty

    Naive kids and urban hipsters adore Corbyn.

    Those of us old enough to remember labour governments of days of yore know how this always ends.

    On the other hand Theresa May was dreadful. She has two secret advisers who are obviously useless. She doesn't trust her cabinet enough to take their advice. The way she bodged the social care policy was shambolic and then pretending it wasn't a u-turn was insulting. Avoiding live debates was cowardice.

    Now she has to depend on 10 Protestant fundies in the DUP which raises a problem for Northern Irish politics. How can the government moderate even-handedly between the DUP and Sinn Fein if they depend on one of them for political survival?

  • slimboyfat


    Imagine an election with these results:

    Party A 35

    Party B 13

    Party C 7

    Party D 4

    Party E 0

    Party F 0

    Which party Simon, did you describe as getting a "clobbering"?

    That's some hefty bias at work right there.

  • GrreatTeacher

    Not really expert on UK politics, but I have to report that this made the news in the US. I heard it while driving to work.

    May seems to have seriously miscalculated.

    Not sure, but I'm just figuring that she was trying to pre-empt any complaints about Brexit in advance by making sure she had a mandate.

    But, other than that, I don't really understand why she called an election.

    *dumb American scratches head*

  • Simon
    Which party Simon, did you describe as getting a "clobbering"?

    UKIP and the SNP ... both harshly rejected at the polls. They offered what they thought people would find appealing, but they chose other things in preference.

    You random number generator doesn't alter that fact - they went backwards.

  • slimboyfat

    Party A with 35 seats is a party you describe as getting a "clobbering", for the avoidance of doubt. Strange day when a landslide victory (winning 59% of Scottish seats) is described as a "clobbering". If that's a "clobbering" they'll take it every day of the week. And if a handful seats each is the height of unionist ambition these days, then changed times indeed.

  • cofty

    SNP lost 21 seats. The people of Scotland have given them a clear message that they are fed up with Sturgeon's divisive ideology. Indy2 isn't going to happen any time soon.

    35 seats is a clear win but the direction of travel is rapid decline. SNP have had their day. Small-minded nationalism has lost it's appeal.

  • cofty

    Alex Salmond before and after...

  • snugglebunny

    Corbyn played it well. He made some incredible promises which got him an increased share of the vote from gullible kids but doesn't have to fulfill any of them because he's not going to be in power. Nice one El Corbo.

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